New here!!!

Re: New here!!!

Yi_Ling;356027 said:
WhY, yOu AsK? :uhhh:

AnYwAy, i KnOw WhY sHe FeEl So SaId..

LoVe HurTs...

only idiot say love hurts... u sound dumb...
Re: New here!!!

Terry;356055 said:
only idiot say love hurts... u sound dumb...

Love can Hurt................ So why bother to Love????? :nehnehhh: :nehnehhh:
Re: New here!!!

j8833t;356007 said:
Hello, why you lurking around waiting to expose people...! First guni, then now jeff. All not brother enough.:naughty:

Anyway, I am a truthful man, hoh? :thumbsup:

phil;356049 said:
Y ling, my friends baby died of cot death
Oh dear, that's very very sad :(

phil;356049 said:
who gives a shit about your friend losing her bf
Don't like that la, be more sensitive :slaphead: . Wait Yiling thought everyone in the forum like you, she won't come meetup.

Yi_Ling;356052 said:
WeLl FiNe, I m JuSt SaYiNg OnLy..
Don't listen to Phil la. He's too old, the rest of us are nicer, sensitive new age guys.
Re: New here!!!

i love to mend broken hearts......
ying ling, ur friend needs my help?

call 1900-hitmee71 today
Re: New here!!!

hitmee;356085 said:
i love to mend broken hearts......
ying ling, ur friend needs my help?

call 1900-hitmee71 today

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Re: New here!!!

hitmee;356085 said:
i love to mend broken hearts......
ying ling, ur friend needs my help?

call 1900-hitmee71 today

Hahahha........ hitmee will make ur friend feel loved again.... :lol2: :lol2:
Re: New here!!!


when i see broken hearts, i "shoot" love at them. like cupid u know?
Re: New here!!!

Yi_Ling;356020 said:
ShE dOeSn'T wAnT tO gO aNy WhErE, fEeL sO sAd For HeR.. :'(

Hmmm... can ask her to speak to Sotong.. Sotong is a good listener.. just tell her and she'll knows...:)
Re: New here!!!

jawzsg;356107 said:
Hmmm... can ask her to speak to Sotong.. Sotong is a good listener.. just tell her and she'll knows...:)

Camel......... wtf is this SOTONG???? Veri chimmmmm ley....
Suddenly pop out 1 sotong...... :confused: :confused: :confused:
Re: New here!!!

milk15;356090 said:
Hahahha........ hitmee will make ur friend feel loved again.... :lol2: :lol2:

Herman;356105 said:
Hitmee can make ANYONE feel loved....

Next time, you exchange me monies more than next door booth...I'll feel THE LOVE
...BMW-SG Brotherly LoVE !!!:cloud9:
Re: New here!!!

j8833t;356284 said:
Next time, you exchange me monies more than next door booth...I'll feel THE LOVE
...BMW-SG Brotherly LoVE !!!:cloud9:

hitmee's rate......... S$100 = rm250 ???? I always get this rate from him........ :nehnehhh:
Re: New here!!!

wow like that i also wanna change money with hitmee. hahaha
Re: New here!!!

Oni hitmee......... he's a 7-11 store........... open 24hrs...

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