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New Version 3 CCFL Enhanced version have arrived! Group Buy?

JJ, this happens on my friend's E36' headlights as well. The flickering usually happens before the engine has fully warmed up.

Initially we thought it is the Light Control Module, or the relay. Turned up it is the voltage drop caused by the electric emissions air pump kicking in. At least that was what we learned.
May i know where is the electric emissions air pump located?
Try wire grounding it, it may take off some of the leakage current that triggers the CCFL.

kenntona said:
JJ, this happens on my friend's E36' headlights as well. The flickering usually happens before the engine has fully warmed up.

Initially we thought it is the Light Control Module, or the relay. Turned up it is the voltage drop caused by the electric emissions air pump kicking in. At least that was what we learned.
Bro Super2ndgen the light good tok kong ah!!! i like to get a set for my pre-fl E46 leh... how can i get it? How much?
Wah, the lites damn tua kong and noticeable. Saw Calvin cruising at 1am on Monday along Bukit Timah. He must have loved it so much that he didn't want to go to bed. ;)

Calvin: that was me passing u on the left outside Southhaven II :thumbsup:
Hymics said:
Shedden bro,

any news from yr supplier abt CCFL for E65?

Hi Bro,

Sorry, got news but forgotten to update you. According to the supplier, he said don't have because E65 already got Angel Eyes so if they make them, sure can't sell a lot, so no point making them... Sorry bro!!!

NickyPower said:
Bro Super2ndgen the light good tok kong ah!!! i like to get a set for my pre-fl E46 leh... how can i get it? How much?

Hi bro,

If you wanna get it, I'll try to talk to my supplier to give you group buy price S$330 lor, because there's still 1 more set that's supposed to arrive next week, if you want, have to confirm fast, then I'll tell him to add another set for the same price, shouldn't be a problem! :D

super2ndgen said:
Hymics said:
Shedden bro,

any news from yr supplier abt CCFL for E65?

Hi Bro,

Sorry, got news but forgotten to update you. According to the supplier, he said don't have because E65 already got Angel Eyes so if they make them, sure can't sell a lot, so no point making them... Sorry bro!!!


:verysad: :verysad: Thanks for the effort bro!! Coffee on me nxt time we meet ya! Cheers! :thumbsup:
Is the set of CCFL's still available? My E46 is coming this Fri. 4 dr sedan.
Please sms me at 96265925 or mail me, thanks
yendor said:
Is the set of CCFL's still available? My E46 is coming this Fri. 4 dr sedan.
Please sms me at 96265925 or mail me, thanks

Hi !

I have PMed you :)

Please read !
To ALL Bros with CCCFL from Shedden

Any problems with clips breaking or showing signs of stress crack marks?

Check your rings as well to see if they show similar stress marks.

And on close inspection, does the light sorta flicker very very slightly when rings are on?

Let me know cos I am a little concern with the quality after installing them for a few days and discovering the above.

My biggest concern is whether there any safety issues if the rings break while the light is on like possible "short circuit" leading to fire.

Hi Bros,

The flickering of very very lightly is normal. Other than that, let me know if there's any defects, I'll arrange a replacement set for you guys.

super2ndgen said:
Hi Bros,

The flickering of very very lightly is normal. Other than that, let me know if there's any defects, I'll arrange a replacement set for you guys.


Hey Bro

Thanks for your assurance on after-sales.

I did hear of 1 bro's holder clips break and he had to improvise with super glue.

BTW, replacement is from Kian Teong even if installation is done at BVO?

Hi bro,

Is it? Clip broke? Nobody feedback to me leh..... Let me know if you guys have any problems ok?

Yes, replacement will be at Kian Teong, but you will have to inform me first, so that I can let him know that the set is really purchased from me. Thanks!

To ALL Bros with CCCFL from Shedden

TobyNik said:
To ALL Bros with CCCFL from Shedden

Any problems with clips breaking or showing signs of stress crack marks?

Check your rings as well to see if they show similar stress marks.

And on close inspection, does the light sorta flicker very very slightly when rings are on?

Let me know cos I am a little concern with the quality after installing them for a few days and discovering the above.

My biggest concern is whether there any safety issues if the rings break while the light is on like possible "short circuit" leading to fire.


I've taken a set from Shedden too. Total 4 rings, but 1 of it, the clips seemed to be out of alignment. It is slanting to one side, even after securing with double-sided tape. In general, everything are ok, no other fault.

Yes, the rings do flicker everytime you switch the engine on, but yet to twist further to start the engine. It's a kind of special bonus effect from Shedden. Further to that, it'll flicker when the engine is on, with headlights off.

Trust the above will suffice in your doubts.

Have a nice day.

rex7_vtec said:
Shed................. Can fit Coupe anot......... I see the bros with the lights fitted wah lau make me damn steam leh...........

Can fit coupe, but not facelifted coupe :oops: :oops: :errr: :errr:

Will let you know once they have it for your car ok? No worries!!!
Hi ! Shedden.

After reading from other brothers posting.

Decided to take a closer look at the clip of the CCFL.

One of the clip seemed to be out of alignment and slanted.
It may crack anytime.

Please advise me where to get replacement :(
