Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

saifywaify said:
i wanna protect adrian.

Do bring along yr Huge Super Soaker Gun along.......fill it up.....cos i need u to fire a few rounds:yummie:
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

yeah when is this drive gonna be ?
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

either feb25th or 4th march yea...

1) Totoseow
(2) kenntona
(3) Adsnx- adrian
(4) saifywaify
(5) smoobies..(anytime) ;)
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

4th please

1) Totoseow
(2) kenntona
(3) Adsnx- adrian
(4) saifywaify
(5) smoobies..(anytime)
(6) SEI
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

can i come...? :) but i dunno anyone..only rapture and SEI :yummie:
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

1) Totoseow
(2) kenntona
(3) Adsnx- adrian
(4) saifywaify
(5) smoobies..(anytime)
(6) SEI
(7) Orh Lu Lu
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

Hymics said:
1) Totoseow
(2) kenntona
(3) Adsnx- adrian
(4) saifywaify
(5) smoobies..(anytime)
(6) SEI
(7) Orh Lu Lu
Serkali u go and kenna huan tio then u know. Roof top still not enuff, now wan to go cemetary...
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

MW said:
Serkali u go and kenna huan tio then u know. Roof top still not enuff, now wan to go cemetary...

Lee Boh Kong Wei Boh Lang Kong Lee Si Aa KOw.... n u still d Champion Huans-ter..
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

U should go to de-huan................and dont forget to SMS me the 4D number that evening too..
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

Hi all of u,

maybe u all can do a night drive from 2100hrs-0000hrs, have kopi then proceed to

whatever spooky.........hideout! :yikess:

1) Totoseow
(2) kenntona
(3) Adsnx- adrian
(4) saifywaify
(5) smoobies..(anytime)
(6) SEI
(7) Orh Lu Lu
(8) Dennislmh(4th only)
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

1) Totoseow
(2) kenntona
(3) Adsnx- adrian
(4) saifywaify
(5) smoobies..(anytime)
(6) SEI
(7) Orh Lu Lu
(8: Dennislmh(4th only)
(9) MockngBrd (but i scared)
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

HungryM3 said:
jeremy, those friends you can do without!!! hahaha....

u not coming? i kicked t6 out of my cabrio just for u..
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

Toto's exhaust will frighten all the ghosts away!!! Toto, pls don't forget to install extra silencer - just for this trip otherwise we all waste our time.
Mockngbrd said:
1) Totoseow
(2) kenntona
(3) Adsnx- adrian
(4) saifywaify
(5) smoobies..(anytime)
(6) SEI
(7) Orh Lu Lu
(8: Dennislmh(4th only)
(9) MockngBrd (but i scared)
(10) Edleee
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

totoseow said:
u not coming? i kicked t6 out of my cabrio just for u..

I AM coming.. who said i'm not.. haha.. i was responding to you telling xxterxx that he can make friends at OCH
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

Hey, ghost hunting's my favourite past time! but I got no car leh.. Anyone can tompang me or I borrow ur car(hehe)?
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

MW said:
Serkali u go and kenna huan tio then u know. Roof top still not enuff, now wan to go cemetary...

this year. we both didn't huan anything :yummie: roof top no worry :lol2: swimming pool also can

btw, Kenn... Honda can join boh ? heheee
Re: Nite Drive - The Spooky Trail......

calvin said:
btw, Kenn... Honda can join boh ? heheee
Come come. Dun think the spirits could differentiate the makes and models...... muahahahaha

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