Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

Curious... Bak Kut Teh cannot use Chicken?
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

initialM;1014500 said:
Dont mix this issue with politics, race or nationality. This is plain insult to religion and as Muslim i clearly object this action by 2 morons.

Agree with you. Dangerous and unacceptable to insult religion - therefore, the Malay demonstrators waving the severed cow's head should also be punished for insulting Hinduism! That's also an insult to a religion, right?
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

wobbles;1014530 said:
Agree with you. Dangerous and unacceptable to insult religion - therefore, the Malay demonstrators waving the severed cow's head should also be punished for insulting Hinduism! That's also an insult to a religion, right?

Yup couldn't agree more. By the way didn't know bout it. Any link?
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

XXX;1014522 said:
Curious... Bak Kut Teh cannot use Chicken?

Can. That one is called Chick Kut Teh. Come on, let's face it, this Alvivi couple is not out to wish their Muslim friends a selamat breaking fast. It's a damn insult and an unacceptable one. I'm Singaporean, and while I'm not Malaysian or Muslim, I think it's simply UNACCEPTABLE to insult the religious sensitivities of any race.

The Malaysian youth minister said "full brunt of the law" to be applied to the Alvivi morons - I say, GOOD FOR HIM. Now do the same for the rest of the idiots that insult other religions and races, or just fine the couple the RM1000 or give them a discharge not amounting to an acquittal as per the fate of the Malay cow head choppers. Law must be fair - else it can't be called the law anymore.
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

Wobble seebei got ink..
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

wobbles;1014550 said:
Can. That one is called Chick Kut Teh. Come on, let's face it, this Alvivi couple is not out to wish their Muslim friends a selamat breaking fast. It's a damn insult and an unacceptable one. I'm Singaporean, and while I'm not Malaysian or Muslim, I think it's simply UNACCEPTABLE to insult the religious sensitivities of any race.

The Malaysian youth minister said "full brunt of the law" to be applied to the Alvivi morons - I say, GOOD FOR HIM. Now do the same for the rest of the idiots that insult other religions and races, or just fine the couple the RM1000 or give them a discharge not amounting to an acquittal as per the fate of the Malay cow head choppers. Law must be fair - else it can't be called the law anymore.

Fully agree! Lady Justice wears a blindfold so everyone regardless of race, language or religion is equal before the scale and sword. The government can't simply pick and choose who to bear the full grunt if the law...!!!
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

yes, malaysia boleh (can)

even indelible ink for general election is actually food colouring and bo tai chi ... what else cannot? btw, the food colouring costs RM$7,100,000 ... jin ho jiak

The government can't simply pick and choose who to bear the full grunt if the law...!!!
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Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

Then why the law protects the
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

both kuku in jail liao?
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

did they go too far??
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

I'm glad he didn't finish the law degree in NUS. If not someone will get the blame.
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

sandman369;1014641 said:
I'm glad he didn't finish the law degree in NUS. If not someone will get the blame.

lawyers are all horny ppl
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

sandman369;1014641 said:
I'm glad he didn't finish the law degree in NUS. If not someone will get the blame.

But I like his title..."unemployed former ASEAN scholarship holder of National University of Singapore Law School". Pui
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

initialM;1014571 said:
I think this event related to politic since Selangor is govern by the opposition. The politic is too dirty redy. Cant comment much.

You seem like a bias guy too... it is obviously related to both RELIGION and POLITICS.
Re: Offensive post lands Malaysian sex blog couple in trouble

all lawyers? no name MWentioned ...
surveys mentioned it's the woman who want more sex ... sex no enuff ... that's why kenn business is prospering

ipoh-horfun;1014642 said:
lawyers are all horny ppl

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