Re: Opinions Sought: Should we shift?
Guys, thanks for the pointers and feedback.
As it turns out, NEA has rejected my application to stay here in the West. If we were to shift to Toh Guan, the rental would be a killer. If we were to buy, the possibility to pay back additional loan quantums, should the market fail, would make the business unsustainable. So it looks like staying here in the West would not be too safe for us.
So morale of the story, it looks like we are going to be shifting. The good news is that since the place is owned by us, we will be more willing to invest on infrastructure to make the place better and also keep the costs down. So i would like to request if you guys could list down things that you guys like to have. I will start the ball rolling.
1. Lounge
2. Wi-Fi
3. Small work desk w/ power pt.
4. Drop off service to Woodlands MRT
I cannot promise that all suggestions will be implemented but we will surely give it the duw consideration.
thanks for helping us...