PML ...... getting better?

Re: PML ...... getting better?

They are probably trying to improve, how successful i dont know. Last week when I was there, the CSAs were staying back for a customer service test.
Re: PML ...... getting better?

I think PML is already feeling it, slowly but surely. Quite a number of M5 have been sold at VINCAR. I was at Alexandra Road VINCAR (next to my hometown Redhill aka PaiGia town) last weekend and saw a black M5 (sold), waiting for owner to collect. The SE told me sold for $410k(think he bs a bit as I was told previously traded at $380 to 400k,.....vs PML list price of $460k? before discount?

Assuming PML makes profit of $100k per M5 sold, or loses this oppurtunity for every M5 sold by PI. You think abt it...lets say in 1 year 10 M5s were sold at the PI instead of PML, PML is losing $1 million business to the PI. And thats only 1 model. The PIs are very aggressive these days, and claimed they can bring in any HIGH END models, including Z4M, M3, etc....

I predict soon PML will be like C&C and needs a few other brands of cars to survive....good !
Re: PML ...... getting better?

Ferd, Pingman, Martmode8850, Azrielsc ......

Kum siah .... thank you

W'll try to go for the meet-up and hear more from you guys when I'm in Singapore. Chao!
Re: PML ...... getting better?

Ahbengdriver;158610 said:
I predict soon PML will be like C&C and needs a few other brands of cars to survive....good !

Actually, Sime Darby does have other brands to sell ... not only BMW
Re: PML ...... getting better?

Does anyone have Simon Rocks's email address? I tried calling him this morning, but he is away for business.

I had a horrible experience with one of his Customer Service Managers this morning. Absolutely rude and terible attitude.
Re: PML ...... getting better?

sw25;158711 said:
Does anyone have Simon Rocks's email address? I tried calling him this morning, but he is away for business.

I had a horrible experience with one of his Customer Service Managers this morning. Absolutely rude and terible attitude.

tell us what happen, in mean time we will all help u to draft yr letter on this forum.

Template letter for PML complaints

Hoii Rockie,
KNN your stoopeak CSA see pay rude and sub standard man.....


Tulan BMW owner
Re: PML ...... getting better?


I have some issues with my new E60 :

I wasn't satisfied with the response from the various CSAs so I asked to speak with a manager. The CSM who came on the phone basically was rude and sarcastic about my problem. When I asked when I can send my car in, he said in a harsh tone 'Not today, not today! I got stock take. Maybe next week!" I didn't even say I wanted to send the car in today.

Net net, his attitude really added to my fury about the already frustrating problems that I face with a 13 day old car!
Re: PML ...... getting better?

That attitude suxxx...

Time to flood simon rock..
Re: PML ...... getting better?

kenntona;158476 said:
Come on, bro, this is human nature.

When I first attended the meetup with my PFL stock sedan, nobody cares. Only 2 chio bu came to talk to me. I was so sad I left early with them.

When Totoseow went to the meetup with his roaring 530, he was surrounded macham he is Fiona Xie. No justice.

But that's life, is it not?

totoseow;158514 said:
u knn nothing better to do come and loot my backside ah? anyway i rather hv the 2 chiobus u stole justice!

Haha my first meetup I attended nobody cared too and there wasn't any chio bu to talk to me. No justice x2...
Re: PML ...... getting better?

My first meet up - i got ostracised.....

cos mine was a beautiful black coupe with damn a lot of STICKERS!!!

Re: PML ...... getting better?

SMYUEN;158734 said:
My first meet up - i got ostracised.....

cos mine was a beautiful black coupe with damn a lot of STICKERS!!!


till this day you are still remembered as the sticker-man:nehnehhh: :nehnehhh:
Re: PML ...... getting better?

sw25;158711 said:
Does anyone have Simon Rocks's email address? I tried calling him this morning, but he is away for business.

I had a horrible experience with one of his Customer Service Managers this morning. Absolutely rude and terible attitude.

Is his name Christopher Brown???
Re: PML ...... getting better?

No.... Christopher Brown actually called me later on.... offered me a solution to my mould smell problem.

But I told him that I will surely inform Simon Rock about the other CSM who was rude to me.

I wonder why they call themselves CSM when they cannot even observe the basic rule about being polite to their customers!
Re: PML ...... getting better?

sw25;158746 said:
No.... Christopher Brown actually called me later on.... offered me a solution to my mould smell problem.

But I told him that I will surely inform Simon Rock about the other CSM who was rude to me.

I wonder why they call themselves CSM when they cannot even observe the basic rule about being polite to their customers!


cos my old man went to PML Alexandra a few days ago to complain about the last warranty servicing of my little E46 318i...they changed my brake pads and stuff a few months ago and charged me about S$ it all so wrong that I had to spend another S$1.3K outside to rectify and FINALLY KNOW what are the problems...

Don't we as customers owners have the right to know what is the problem even if it isnt chargeable to us under warranty claim? and even when charged we still do not get to know what are the actual problems...instead getting replies with ambiguous the "system"...they behave like we are so dumb as to not be able to understand technical terms...when they are actually running away from accepting responsibility...come on if its a mistake you made...accept it and solve my problems and i'll even be grateful for it...not leave me running around having to look for solutions to my problems elsewhere...which sometimes you really do not have the time for!!!

anyway...I mentioned Mr Christopher Brown...apparently he wasn't very friendly either when my dad met him face to face in PML Alexandra.
Re: PML ...... getting better?

They should probably read this...

Profits earned at customer expense will doom firms .

By Philip Lee - Nov 22, 2006


AN organisation that is wallowing in healthy profits might suggest that it is doing well because it is customer-oriented.

This is not always so.

So says renowned guru on customer loyalty, Mr Fred Reichheld, 54, who has spent years researching the dynamics of this subject. He is widely recognised as one of the world's leading authorities on business loyalty - both that of staff and customers and often speaks on the link between corporate ethics and profits.

In an interview with Karen Christensen published in the fall edition of Rotman, the magazine of the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Mr Reichheld says that in business today, there is only one set of reliable metrics for gauging success and that's the accounting figures.

But he says these figures don't help in distinguishing between "good profits" and "bad profits" .

He defines good profits as the kind earned from delivering great experiences and value to customers turning them into loyal promoters who will tell others about the company.

Bad profits are those earned at the expense of customer relations and customer welfare.

"But good and bad profits are indistinguishable from each other on a spreadsheet," he points out.

Asked for examples of companies earning bad profits, he comes up with quite a number.

Cellular telephone providers in America, and probably those in Canada as well, are examples, he says. Other which came in for criticisms are hotels, car rental firms and airlines.

Cellphone companies tend to charge loyal customers with the highest prices and give the best prices to "switchers" - those who move to another telco. And every opportunity they get, they seem to want to grab an extra dollar from you.
Says Mr Reichheld: "For example, if I dial directory assistance on my cell phone today, my provider will charge me US$3 - for something that costs them 30 cents."

As for hotels, he says they charge outrageous amounts for guests who use the room telephone to dial out. A car rental firm charged him an extra half-day rental for being 40 minutes late in returning the vehicle and when they discovered he had forgotten to fill up the gas tank which was half full, they asked for US$75 to top it up.
And airlines charge US$80 for an extra piece of luggage and US$100 to change a ticket.

"They just forget about the notion of actually being obligated to deliver good value, and earning your trust by treating you right; instead they're looking for ways to nickel and dime you," says Mr Reichheld.

He adds: "Firms like this lose customer trust, and as a brand, they are going to find it very difficult to expand into adjacent businesses."

Obviously alluding to North American companies, he says most of them have become addicted to these "bad profits."

"It's bad for customers, obviously, because they hate being manipulated, abused and disrespected," he says.

"But it's bad for employees too because most employees hate carrying out these policies that have nothing in common with the Golden Rule behaviour." And they also feel embarassed to work there," he says.

"These policies destroy growth, so investors hate them too. And every business person should hate them because they give business a black eye."

Mr Reichheld also feels that 30-question customer satisfaction surveys many US firms carry out are all a hogwash.

Rather than do this, he suggests: "The first thing to do is to talk to your own employees, and figure out what it is that they aren't happy about, and get their input to fix it."

He adds: "I was never a fan of 30-question surveys that waste your time, where response rates are lucky to be 10 per cent; you think to yourself - who are these 10 per cent of people who are so bored or lonely that they take the time to fill them out?

"And let's face it, what can you learn from this group about your profitable customers?"

He said the most meaningful customer survey he found was that of Enterprise-Rent-a-Car, which asked just two questions, the second a follow up on the first.

The key question was: "How likely are you to recommend us to a friend?"

He said a company's true balance sheet is the percentage of customers who are promoters - those who gave 9s or 10s - in the question survey - minus the percentage who are detractors who rate the company from zero to 6. So the "net", or Net Promoter Score (NPS) is really the equivalent of the company's net worth going forward.

"It's a far better predictor of growth than any of the metrics that accountants work so hard to tally up," says Mr Reichheld.

He says the challenge for good companies is getting more promoters (customers who recommend the firm to friends). Most companies have customers who are "passively satisfied".

"But how can you wow or delight these people in an economically rational way. That is the US$64,000 question."

He said from a study of 30 industries, it was discovered that the average NPS leader was growing at 2.5 times the rate of their competition.

"It's so obvious - there's only one way to grow profitably, and that's to treat your customers so that they come back for more - and hopefully bring their friends."

"It's so simple, and yet the accounting conventions completely ignore it."

"Instead, we measure profits and that's how we set our budgets, that's how we pay bonuses, so that everyone in the organisation is wired up to care about profits; but before long, companies fall into the trap of "bad profits", which destroys their growth," says Mr Reichheld.

Asked for the best way to build an effective customer feedback system, he says Step 1 is to remove this job from the marketing department.

He says what is needed is a rigorous, reliable feedback system that is audited and trustworthy - that investors can believe in and that bonuses can be based on.

"My advice is to get the CEO's office to build a process of finding your Net Promoter Score that can be trusted by all stakeholders. Once this is set right, the marketing group will be well positioned to develop tools to enter meaningful dialogues with customers.

"For as long as marketing tries to hold onto to this satisfaction survey stuff, the end results won't change, and bad profits will continue to dominate," Mr Reichheld says.
Re: PML ...... getting better?

unfortunately, thats what happens when a marque like BMW becomes too successful for its own liking.

they sell lots of cars, but their backroom boys cant cope..

thats also why Audi, Porsche, and the italian makes will continue to attract disgruntled BMW customers...
Re: PML ...... getting better?

yea the Maser on your signature is growing on me...argh...
Re: PML ...... getting better?

pilotsnoopy;158758 said:
yea the Maser on your signature is growing on me...argh...


quick quick... last batches of gransport coming in next year 1st quarter.. should be good price.. keke

V8, quad pipes, comfy 4 seater, F1 shift, unique looks, performance... all in one...

Do I sound like a maser salesman?

And for certain hongseh service is way way way better than PML.. no fight lah.. to me, PML should be at that same standard if they want to call themselves a true luxury marque. Every single BMW owner has paid big money to own a piece of the blue and white propellor. and they deserve to be treated better.

Bottom line is - they need more staff.. but more staff means more money... so, the answer is obvious why complains are all over the shop.. you cant expect a harrased and over loaded CSA to keep smiling and saying "how are you sir?"

simple equation, but difficult mathematics..

As long as PML cannot see that, their service will always remain an issue.
Re: PML ...... getting better?

when i went to motor image to buy my cheapo 100k subaru, and it was raining, when i pulled up into the driveway and parked at the lots, the friendly security guard was already standing beside my car with an extra umbrella, and was damn courteous.

he was so friendly after viewing the cars i came back out to the driveway to chat with him. so nice.

alvin, tough luck hehehehe
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