Probable Outcome of New M3


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
i think the back takes some time of getting used to. But the front is quite aggressive IMHO.

Share your views guys.

PS: NT, dont spoil this thread. I am serious.
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

Hmmmm... the rear is very diff... hmmm... well.. cept' for the engine, i prefer the E46 shell anytime.. more sportier IMHO.
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

Mockngbrd said:
the rear light and boot treatment is a little bit Alfa-ish... but then, that's not really a bad thing rite?

Agree. Looks like Alfa 156. Hahaha! :screwedu:
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

Boot and rear looks too tame for an M3. Hopefully there will be some more tweaks between now and final version.
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

i kinda like the front, tink the overall look's got some gd potential for some nice kits....

but the back......well, sorry but i kinda tink it's fugly....
maybe it's the angle the photo was taken.....

anyway, the quad exhaust kinda look like they're hanging loose...
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

yeah v different indeed...the above was doctored I am sure.
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

without a doubt it is doctored. But having seen the one in the flesh from my last post, it appears the rear lights are not as elongated as the ones in the official press release images. It looks alot mroe compact. Even more so with a darker color.
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

So have u made up your mind yet?
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

TripleM said:
So have u made up your mind yet?

Depending on how the final design look like, i will settle for it. And see if the ZSG is a reality in time to come. Will give it abt 6months after release to see the feedback. If its as good as it claims to be, it would be reality. At least to me. Based on the track video on Nurbugring, i must say it looks quite promising on the handling and the power. I am sure there would be more test reports along the way. thats why i am pinned oon anything i can find abt the new E90 M3.
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

elmariachi said:
PS: NT, dont spoil this thread. I am serious.

Nic, i think you going get from elma bro liao... hahahahhahaha

go easy on him elma bro.....
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

Hi guys,

Will there be a 4 door version of the M3? I thought I read some speculations.

Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

Looks slick and fierce, but front and rear lips are over-elaborate.
Re: Probable Outcome of New M3

shaaz said:
Hmmmm... the rear is very diff... hmmm... well.. cept' for the engine, i prefer the E46 shell anytime.. more sportier IMHO.

hear!! Hear!!
y cant i jus typ 2 words leh?..hahah..i need to type 20 words to post..haha so there!

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