RE: Need advice for F10 wiper water 'disappear'


Well-Known Member
Hi ,

Need advice for F10 wiper water disappear after 2-3 days of driving.. Top up again in the night, water is still full the next day and turn on engine for 1/2 hour and water still there ( a bit gone-1/4 of mineral water to top up) but drive 2 days and wow -- 1 big bottle of water ( 1 litres ) of water to top up..

Can advice what happen ? When to workshop.. open up and check .. still got same problem..

Thanks in advance...
Re: Need advice for F10 wiper water 'disappear'

Should be a leak somewhere, unless you are topping up the wrong container.
Re: Need advice for F10 wiper water 'disappear'

Hi pengful,

Thanks for yr reply.. i am sure it is the right container and if it leaks it will but no as i had full up in the night and check in the next morning , water is still there.

Re: Need advice for F10 wiper water 'disappear'

I had the same issue previously.

I had to bring the car in twice - first to "check and they did the usual BS" and another day later when I insisted that PML should change the whole water container .... which they finally did ( reluctantly )

Bring the car in and see if PML can assign you the Service guy Sani - he attended to my car.

Be firm.
Re: Need advice for F10 wiper water 'disappear'

PML is going to give u "explanations like the washer container has a run off valve - should you overfill the container ".....

Don't buy that crap. BTW - claim your taxi vouchers - as this is a service issue - your car is under warranty
Re: Need advice for F10 wiper water 'disappear'

MYSTIC;654880 said:
PML is going to give u "explanations like the washer container has a run off valve - should you overfill the container ".....

Don't buy that crap. BTW - claim your taxi vouchers - as this is a service issue - your car is under warranty

I didn't know we can claim for taxi when car is down :D
Re: Need advice for F10 wiper water 'disappear'

I hv the same problem before and it was resolved after changing the pump due to leakage from a crack.
Re: Need advice for F10 wiper water 'disappear'

Hi guys,

Thank you for yr reply ... Guess I got to try again to change the entire container and pump ,

My guess is the pump crack ....

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