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Rival make : worth buying

Re: Rival make : worth buying

heh.. i wouldn't bother. i'd rather go for something brand new. or maybe a used japanese car. don't go for this.
Re: Rival make : worth buying

saifywaify;173214 said:
heh.. i wouldn't bother. i'd rather go for something brand new. or maybe a used japanese car. don't go for this.
I agree with Saify.

Dump the fuel guzzler and go with something else.

What are your prefererences?
Re: Rival make : worth buying

I am not too sure if it is a good decision to buy that car... but i heard mercs are quite reliable. So it really boils down to what u really what. The car looks pretty good to me in the picture.
Re: Rival make : worth buying

unless u gonna pimp it out WALD style....hehe
but seriously, think gotta let us know what u want from the car.. i think the W202s are still pretty well put together.... i might be wrong though

Re: Rival make : worth buying

donno, very fickle-minded, can't decide on the girls err cars I mean hehehee.

Re: Rival make : worth buying

see ryan's msg... what ur perference? then able to narrow down..

else test drive and check then decide later on. I think all ppl in here can give u nice comment on it.
Re: Rival make : worth buying

erm but its white so u might get flagged by taxi waiters... haha.... u know how non drivers aunties are like... white merc = taxi.

yep, it all depends wat u wan frm a car lor... business uncle car or sporty executive car.
Merc C-class have pretty good reliability as compared against E36s. But the looks are more conservative and it shows its age. However the interior looks much better than E36.
Re: Rival make : worth buying

hahaha, IMO it's taxi look alike and 'uncle' within...
Re: Rival make : worth buying

dont waste time with this.. was driving this car years back when it first launch.. seriously underpowered..high fuel consumption. With surcharge on road tax, 3rd party insurance, unforseen repair needs.. what for? go for a newer ride and save the trouble to make more money!
Re: Rival make : worth buying

Thanks all for the feedback. Easy to decide from here.

Bornfree, thanks for sharing your experience. I suppose the same can be said of E36/E30/E34 etc. I own one now but I have gone in with my eyes wide open.:yikess:
Re: Rival make : worth buying

yeah...unless it is the C180 sport edition (current version).... else go BM man :)

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