Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 millio

Guys, no point arguing Apple or Android phone is better. Argue till cows come home will not have conclusion. Just like BMW vs MB, Lamborghini vs Ferrari, the list goes on. I own both phones, I am a happy man. :D
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

st8800;861727 said:
I would like to hear some personal opinions please from someone who owns both phones.... which one u prefer and why. Comtemplating on Galaxy 3. Pls don't comment on Bobby's Galaxy......

i had iPhones(3G,4S), Androids(Galaxy S, HTC Sensation, Galaxy Note, Galaxy SIII, Galaxy Beam), Windows Mobile (HTC Radar) and Blackberry(9700, 9900).

the Windows phones are really not bad but as of this moment they wont be something i will jump into.

the S III is a great phone for its screen its just a joy to look at without squirming, think the software is great too now, if you know how its even easier transitioning in between phones using Google's cloud services without even needing to connect to a desktop.
I have my photos uploaded to Google Plus without paying a bomb for extra storage with convenience uploading thru WiFi only when you get home? or immediate if you choose to thru mobile data.
Videos can be dragged and dropped into your microsd card if you do not want to complicate your internal storage and almost all formats work without hassle of conversion.
I won't find the Google app store any lesser compared to iOS store now.
you wont find it a poor cousin in terms of accessories now too since it has reached critical mass.

it won't be too late to get the new iPhone in a few months if you don't like the S III.
the new iPhone will probably have a better bigger screen then, 3.5" now really just doesn't cut it.
but one thing i'm sure is iPhones will still retain their superior mp3 quality...ease of use for podcasts.
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

Centurion9990;861758 said:
Guys, no point arguing Apple or Android phone is better. Argue till cows come home will not have conclusion. Just like BMW vs MB, Lamborghini vs Ferrari, the list goes on. I own both phones, I am a happy man. :D

i'm not aruging which phones are better la...there will always be people with different preferences.

just find there is no need 'stamp your superiority' or preferences over others or even find other people's preferences offensive.

some of these fanboys on these Apple vs Android threads is really appalling.
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

VolanteDB9;861756 said:
i said ok if iPhone sales are better...WHY? better specs?? better OS? can you honestly say that? again its preferences... some people find other people's preferences offensive!
I don't know why people buy more iPhones as a model than any other single Android smartphone. It just is. Your original reply just had a "not true. Zzzzz." comment and all I wanted to know was which part wasn't true. There isn't any need to justify your preference because I wasn't asking for it. The thread title was about sales records and I didn't expect a hypocritical barrage about judging others. FWIW several of my family members are on S III and if you think I judge them because of the phone they own, then that reveals more about your own prejudices than you care to admit.
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

Crufty Dusty;861735 said:
I'm at a loss for words if you believe this to be true. In 2010 I distinctly remember Google springing its own Nexus One when Motorola was an independent hardware "partner" and they had to publicly come on stage and claim that Google was not entering the hardware business. Look where we are now.

BTW, I think it's shameful that the original Google reference handset the Nexus One introduced in 2010 is unable to support ICS while my 3GS which was introduced in 2009 is able to run the latest iOS just fine. It will also continue to run upcoming iOS 6 albeit without all the features.

Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

VolanteDB9;861760 said:
i had iPhones(3G,4S), Androids(Galaxy S, HTC Sensation, Galaxy Note, Galaxy SIII, Galaxy Beam), Windows Mobile (HTC Radar) and Blackberry(9700, 9900).

the Windows phones are really not bad but as of this moment they wont be something i will jump into.

the S III is a great phone for its screen its just a joy to look at without squirming, think the software is great too now, if you know how its even easier transitioning in between phones using Google's cloud services without even needing to connect to a desktop.
I have my photos uploaded to Google Plus without paying a bomb for extra storage with convenience uploading thru WiFi only when you get home? or immediate if you choose to thru mobile data.
Videos can be dragged and dropped into your microsd card if you do not want to complicate your internal storage and almost all formats work without hassle of conversion.
I won't find the Google app store any lesser compared to iOS store now.
you wont find it a poor cousin in terms of accessories now too since it has reached critical mass.

it won't be too late to get the new iPhone in a few months if you don't like the S III.
the new iPhone will probably have a better bigger screen then, 3.5" now really just doesn't cut it.
but one thing i'm sure is iPhones will still retain their superior mp3 quality...ease of use for podcasts.

Ok bigger screen will cut it for me.... age catching up... presbyopia setting in. Let's see iphone 5 got something bigger first. it's a pain to keep changing accessories too.
st8800;861805 said:
Ok bigger screen will cut it for me.... age catching up... presbyopia setting in. Let's see iphone 5 got something bigger first. it's a pain to keep changing accessories too.

if the rumour is correct iphone5 comes with only 4" screen (0.5" bigger nia), i jump ship S3 100%. screen size must be at least 4.5" ... S3 is 4.8" and Note is 5.3" ... SIZE DOES MATTER!
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Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

wt_know;861807 said:
if the rumour is correct iphone5 comes with only 4" screen (0.5" bigger nia), i jump ship S3 100%. screen size must be at least 4.5" ... S3 is 4.8" and Note is 5.3" ... SIZE DOES MATTER!

Yea... The screen of S3 is the luring factor for me... S3 4.8" is just right for pocket... Note screen cannot fit most pockets.. I had been getting headache reading emails and surfing on my 4S...
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Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

I use s3 for 3weeks ... Sold and go back to iphone 4. Kies is a rubbish software and not easy to use for me as a mac user. (maybe the window giys had it better).And best part after i update to latest firmware, Te file transfer doesnt work(a couple of guys in HWZ had the same issue). And missing contacts also. I went down to samsung, ask me wait for next firmware update. And i told after each update i either cant backup or i cant do file transfer. It feels more like firmware downgrade to me.

Big screen yes but beyond that everything else to me is terrible. I think the android os is not bad cause friends on HTC,S2 have no complaint. And i believe it is only S3.
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

Puffer;861830 said:
I use s3 for 3weeks ... Sold and go back to iphone 4. Kies is a rubbish software and not easy to use for me as a mac user. (maybe the window giys had it better).And best part after i update to latest firmware, Te file transfer doesnt work(a couple of guys in HWZ had the same issue). And missing contacts also. I went down to samsung, ask me wait for next firmware update. And i told after each update i either cant backup or i cant do file transfer. It feels more like firmware downgrade to me.

Big screen yes but beyond that everything else to me is terrible. I think the android os is not bad cause friends on HTC,S2 have no complaint. And i believe it is only S3.

Kies in pain in the ass to use... You may need to read up a little bit... For backup, I uses this App call Titanium Backup.. Basically it clone the whole phone system into a backup file... The file will be stored either in the external storage card or my clouding account in Dropbox... S3 can auto sync almost everything in the phone to Dropbox and Google account... contacts, calender, pics, video, music, everything... An android answer to Apple iCloud... In case I changes to a new android smartphone... All I need is to sync to Dropbox and Google... Everything will be up in minutes ;)

S3 is fun man! Can ECU remap to perform like ///M3...
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

Crufty Dusty;861792 said:
I don't know why people buy more iPhones as a model than any other single Android smartphone..

For me and also I think this point is missed out on this thread... Apple products compliment each other. They link (iCloud/iTunes) like no other manufacturer has. This is one reason why I HAVE to stick to Apple... I'm happy doing that though :D
I'm just afraid Cook does not have half the vision Jobs had.
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

so in the end long apple or smasung shares?
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

KIES is craps. KIES should never have been release. It is half-cooked.

APPLE and iTunes is still so so stable. KIES IS ONE BIG SHIT.... and this drags Samsung down down down.

Forget about Samsung - I played with Samsung Notes for abt a month and then Samsung Tab 7.7. Abandoned both at high expense. It is just so unreliable.
MapleLeaf;862042 said:
KIES is craps. KIES should never have been release. It is half-cooked.

APPLE and iTunes is still so so stable. KIES IS ONE BIG SHIT.... and this drags Samsung down down down.

Forget about Samsung - I played with Samsung Notes for abt a month and then Samsung Tab 7.7. Abandoned both at high expense. It is just so unreliable.

Kies is shit but Google services are so much better than iCloud so whom needs to connect to desktops?

Happy user of Note for 7th month.
Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

why need kies when you can download via wifi and transfer everything from pc to android tablet via drag/drop once plug into computer usb
i got ipad2 and galaxy tab 10.1 ... for both tablets i dont use itunes or kies
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Re: Samsung might have broken smartphone sales record, outsold Apple iPhones by 20 mi

i'm sold if this is iphone5 - 4.3" screen :thumbsup:


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