Satay outing - Charity Drive - Club Sandy - 12 June 2008

Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

Woa lilew. My name is the last one ley. Sobs.. Btw, is this near to the Punggol Nasi Lemak?

Lexibabe call, I sure support :)
Btw, lexi, feel free to change the time, I put as 9pm first.

Date: 13th June 2008 (Fri)
Time: 9.00pm

Location: Satay Stall at 941 Upper Serangoon Road, Simon Rd Junction, NAM HENG COFFEE SHOP

1) Collin (confirm there cos cannot anyhow zao, wife watching)
2) lexibabe (waiting for phil to fall in love with her new hairdo)
3) sszone (will be there unless got last minute work prob, touch wood ah...choy)
4) C3P0
5) Wrxlady (But I need to hitch a ride from someone...)
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

Lexibabe call, I sure support

Btw, lexi, feel free to change the time, I put as 9pm first.

Date: 13th June 2008 (Fri)
Time: 9.00pm

Location: Satay Stall at 941 Upper Serangoon Road, Simon Rd Junction, NAM HENG COFFEE SHOP

1) Collin (confirm there cos cannot anyhow zao, wife watching)
2) lexibabe (waiting for phil to fall in love with her new hairdo)
3) sszone (will be there unless got last minute work prob, touch wood ah...choy)
4) C3P0
5) hitmee

Calling jawzsg, balletbearcindy, jinooi, gadaffi, gweenray, jinteck, goat, lennon, swt, dppoint, iscoupe, johnhiggin, michelin, weech, milk15, heeraj, bison, Cabdriver, Roasty, Butch3r, sc_is, mockngbrd, haikel, nYteMarE, kelvin, Phil, benjiben, Eric, crazy_, Robert, wrxlady. [Sorry if I miss out anyone. List too long.] __________________

why dun have my name?
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

Lexibabe call, I sure support

Btw, lexi, feel free to change the time, I put as 9pm first.

Date: 13th June 2008 (Fri)
Time: 9.00pm

Location: Satay Stall at 941 Upper Serangoon Road, Simon Rd Junction, NAM HENG COFFEE SHOP

1) Collin (confirm there cos cannot anyhow zao, wife watching)
2) lexibabe (waiting for phil to fall in love with her new hairdo)
3) sszone (will be there unless got last minute work prob, touch wood ah...choy)
4) C3P0
5) hitmee
6) rexlady

go below me

Calling jawzsg, balletbearcindy, jinooi, gadaffi, gweenray, jinteck, goat, lennon, swt, dppoint, iscoupe, johnhiggin, michelin, weech, milk15, heeraj, bison, Cabdriver, Roasty, Butch3r, sc_is, mockngbrd, haikel, nYteMarE, kelvin, Phil, benjiben, Eric, crazy_, Robert, wrxlady. [Sorry if I miss out anyone. List too long.] __________________
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

wrxlady;342957 said:
Btw, is this near to the Punggol Nasi Lemak?
Hi, if you are coming from city direction, it is right after the Kovan MRT station, on the left hand side of the road.
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june


Date: 12th June 2008 (Thu) NOTE CHANGE IN DATE TO 12th JUNE (THURSDAY)
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Satay Stall at 941 Upper Serangoon Road, Simon Rd Junction, NAM HENG COFFEE SHOP (near to Kovan MRT station)

1) Collin (confirm there cos cannot anyhow zao, wife watching)
2) lexibabe (waiting for phil to fall in love with her new hairdo)
3) sszone (will be there unless got last minute work prob, touch wood ah...choy)
4) C3P0
5) hitmee
6) rexlady
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

Robot, your horsin skills drop today, Rexy said she needs a lifth there
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

I know where liao. I've eaten the satay thre before! Nice!! I like! :)

C3P0;342965 said:
Hi, if you are coming from city direction, it is right after the Kovan MRT station, on the left hand side of the road.
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

C3P0;342955 said:
Lexibabe call, I sure support :)
Btw, lexi, feel free to change the time, I put as 9pm first.

Date: 13th June 2008 (Fri)
Time: 9.00pm

Location: Satay Stall at 941 Upper Serangoon Road, Simon Rd Junction, NAM HENG COFFEE SHOP

1) Collin (confirm there cos cannot anyhow zao, wife watching)
2) lexibabe (waiting for phil to fall in love with her new hairdo)
3) sszone (will be there unless got last minute work prob, touch wood ah...choy)
4) C3P0
5)BBC (will come after performance cos Handsome Robot calls...

Calling jawzsg, balletbearcindy, jinooi, gadaffi, gweenray, jinteck, goat, lennon, swt, dppoint, iscoupe, johnhiggin, michelin, weech, milk15, heeraj, bison, Cabdriver, Roasty, Butch3r, sc_is, mockngbrd, haikel, nYteMarE, kelvin, Phil, benjiben, Eric, crazy_, Robert, wrxlady. [Sorry if I miss out anyone. List too long.]

:smack: Robot the best!!!!! :woowooo: Finally someone remember me...... Okie cos Robot so good, I'll rush down after my performance okie!!!! HOpe I'll be in time!!! Wat time you guys finish???
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

Hitmee, how can you go for both events? Same day as KTV leh...
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

phil;342974 said:
Robot, your horsin skills drop today, Rexy said she needs a lifth there
I am no longer the horsin. Hitmee upgraded me to camel.:)

Btw, Rexy, seriously, not horsin ok, I stay near Boon Keng and will pass by Potong Pasir along the way to satay. Convenient for you? Where you stay?

balletbearcindy;342986 said:
:smack: Robot the best!!!!! :woowooo: Finally someone remember me...... Okie cos Robot so good, I'll rush down after my performance okie!!!! HOpe I'll be in time!!! Wat time you guys finish???
Yes, yes, you must come. Robot good memory. Hitmee I forgot, but BBC i remember :lol2:
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

i've signed up for the KTV on tat day and i will be there.
i wanted to go for this satay meet as well, but why are there 2 events on the same day?
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

its for the non ktv'ers Adrian, the ones that cant sing or drink well

Rexy told me she is wearing a very short skirt, so I better go fetch her.
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

C3P0;342989 said:
I am no longer the horsin. Hitmee upgraded me to camel.:)

Btw, Rexy, seriously, not horsin ok, I stay near Boon Keng and will pass by Potong Pasir along the way to satay. Convenient for you? Where you stay?

Yes, yes, you must come. Robot good memory. Hitmee I forgot, but BBC i remember :lol2:

:smack: :smack:
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

adsnx;342990 said:
i've signed up for the KTV on tat day and i will be there.
i wanted to go for this satay meet as well, but why are there 2 events on the same day?

I think too last minute for me to change date... I don't mind going for satay also...
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

C3PO, the nearest train station is Kovan right? If so, no worries, I can take a train down after my work. Cheers

Phil :screwedu:

phil;342991 said:
its for the non ktv'ers Adrian, the ones that cant sing or drink well

Rexy told me she is wearing a very short skirt, so I better go fetch her.
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

phil;342991 said:
its for the non ktv'ers Adrian, the ones that cant sing or drink well
Rexy told me she is wearing a very short skirt, so I better go fetch her.

phil, thnks for the clarification! i thought there could hv been a mistake on the date.
happy sataying guys !
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

Lexi a bit blur, i dun think she realised there was KTV as well

Rexy what? Short shorts also can
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

aiyah, i gonna organise another satay session b4 this club sandy one cos your ktv clash with it plus i think azriel is flying off on that day
Re: Club Sandy meeting : 13th june

Looks like i upset the gals

ok, then i wear short shorts instead. NO YOGA
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