School Principal -

Re: School Principal -

Good point. Maybe I should start a church that bans any form of weapons so I can let my kids use that excuse to siam NS.... Oh wait, already have such a church. The worshippers serve out their NS in DB..... You can bend all the rules you want, but NS is the great equalizer....

.... Unless you are a white horse, double white horse or somesay, hearsay, anyhow say, triple princeling white horse..... Then, like that I got nothing to say liao :lol2:
Re: School Principal -

marklee;1020137 said:
Yup I agree..a promise is a promise.

Where we disagree is on the conditions which I deem unfair and inappropriate, especially in light of what the whole "Hair for Hope" campaign is trying to achieve.

Ah...then they shld have kao pehed at that point when the condition was laid down to them.

Going back on your word even though the condition was an unfair one is not right. Two wrongs does not make a right.
Re: School Principal -

wobbles;1020171 said:
Good point. Maybe I should start a church that bans any form of weapons so I can let my kids use that excuse to siam NS.... Oh wait, already have such a church. The worshippers serve out their NS in DB..... You can bend all the rules you want, but NS is the great equalizer....

.... Unless you are a white horse, double white horse or somesay, hearsay, anyhow say, triple princeling white horse..... Then, like that I got nothing to say liao :lol2:

After you start a church... how many CBs

BMWs are you going to buy?
Re: School Principal -

jinooi;1020159 said:
kids nowadays are different from our generation. I've done relief teaching in a secondary school, so I know...

they don't mind chopping off the left hand to spite the right, if just to prove a point. and they know they can get away with murder, cos the teaching staff need permission from the parents before they are allowed to mete out punishment.

again this is a one-sided story, and angled to make it seem like the principal is being unreasonable.

has the media bothered to find out whether the respective students have a disciplinary problem? this is a girls school we are talking about. don't think the boys schools will have an issue of their students going bald.

Just like in army, you can shave you can't go skin head? Not the same thing?
Re: School Principal -

jinooi;1020159 said:
kids nowadays are different from our generation. I've done relief teaching in a secondary school, so I know...

they don't mind chopping off the left hand to spite the right, if just to prove a point. and they know they can get away with murder, cos the teaching staff need permission from the parents before they are allowed to mete out punishment.

again this is a one-sided story, and angled to make it seem like the principal is being unreasonable.

has the media bothered to find out whether the respective students have a disciplinary problem? this is a girls school we are talking about. don't think the boys schools will have an issue of their students going bald.

I don't have to do relief teaching I also know cos I have a pre-teen kid now! :shakehea:
Re: School Principal -

These girls helped raised awareness and resources to help cancer victims. What contributions has the principal done ? Or are we now saying that the parent of these girls and the girls are colluding to spite the principal by going bald and the event is a vehicle to execute the plan ?

It is clear that the spirit of charity is an impediment to her KPIs and is being frowned upon. The promise is an attempt to align to her goals rather than societies' needs.

Think about this - Have you ever tried to save someone's life for another person to say - You could have dressed better ......
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Re: School Principal -

what are the principal's KPIs? ensuring that her girls don't go bald?

surely there are other ways to show support and raise awareness other than go shaving one's head?

is it possible that the girls used Hair for Hope as an excuse, just to prove that they can flout the school rules?

regardless, rules are rules. the principal kept her part of the bargain. the students should keep theirs.
Re: School Principal -

and don't get me wrong - i'm all for charity work and I actively participate.

i just don't go round showing everyone...
Re: School Principal -

jinooi said:
and don't get me wrong - i'm all for charity work and I actively participate.

i just don't go round showing everyone...

I can testify to that, those good works you have done at Changi Village with Camel and Brobot.....
Re: School Principal -

just a thought...

there are some people who think it's 'fashionable' to be philanthropic, and want the whole world to know.

it's important to inculcate the right sense of values, especially amongst the young and impressionable.

like some have said, these girls can still go without their wigs once they are out of the school compounds.

i'm thinking - they might have a schoolmate whom they are doing this for. although shaving their heads is an explicit way of showing their support, there are other ways which will be more meaningful, e.g. sharing notes of the lessons she might have missed, helping with school work, spending time with club rainbow kids, etc.
Re: School Principal -

Conclusion is: we cannot judge if we do not know the full facts. My sart sart laMWyer teach me one.
Re: School Principal -

BlackCookie;1020179 said:
Just like in army, you can shave you can't go skin head? Not the same thing?

In army, you are not allow to shave a skin head. I don't know the rule now though.
My recruit buddy get a skin head, he was given so many extra duties until his mother almost cannot recognize him.

Support of cancer patient can be in many forms... help them physically like cleaning their house, bring them to hospital and back, donate money, etc . Shaving bald doesn't help the cancer patient in any way except looking alike?

Go school learn many things but one of those is to listen and obey the school rule.
Want to shave, wait until graduate can shave until happy.... Can shave anywhere also...

Going against school rules in the name of charity IMO is a bit lame.
Re: School Principal -

The 2 girls are using media to go against school rules, they should abide to school rules which have been there many years ago. It is not easy for a principal to manage these girls, these girls are challenging school rule and expecting community to support, just bulls#it. Rule is rule, and stop complaining, their parents also one of the kind! Promise is meant to kept, now they regret and blow to media, all plainly challenging their principal, they are not good students after all! Only 15 but already know to take advantages! Very bad for our young community, stay school and learn from school not showing off to media, super attention seeking!,
Re: School Principal -

totoseow;1020118 said: ur new principal. Pls shave. Tomr inspection. Landing strips r ok. I test myaeroplane tom

really? the voices in your head decided its a good idea to make jokes hinting at statutory rape? what next, call them nazis?
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Re: School Principal -

manggi12;1020343 said:
The 2 girls are using media to go against school rules, they should abide to school rules which have been there many years ago. It is not easy for a principal to manage these girls, these girls are challenging school rule and expecting community to support, just bulls#it. Rule is rule, and stop complaining, their parents also one of the kind! Promise is meant to kept, now they regret and blow to media, all plainly challenging their principal, they are not good students after all! Only 15 but already know to take advantages! Very bad for our young community, stay school and learn from school not showing off to media, super attention seeking!,

Lost count of assumptions made here
Re: School Principal -

Minister for Education, Heng Swee Keat says that the issue at St Margaret's Secondary School has been resolved.

"I am happy to learn that yesterday, Mrs Tan and her teachers spoke with the students who participated in Hair for Hope. The girls shared with their Principal the learning they have had through this experience. Mrs Tan, on her part, has also reflected on her decision, and understood that the girls wanted to show empathy and solidarity with cancer patients which entail the experience of going bald. With this in mind, she has supported all 5 in their wish not to conceal their shaved heads. I am glad that the Principal, teachers and students of St Margaret’s Secondary School have resolved this and will move on from here."
Some parents have been asking if St Margaret’s Secondary School was harsh in asking some students to wear wigs after they shaved their heads to show support for children with cancer. I would like to share some thoughts on this.

First, the teaching community and I are very proud when our students show great character, such as by showing solidarity with those afflicted with cancer. It is not easy for a teenage girl to shave her head - I fully appreciate and applaud the commitment it shows. I personally support the Hair for Hope campaign and, in fact, was happy to join the organisers last year when they invited me. I remember a 15-year-old cancer survivor who had his head shaved. I thought it was very brave of him to show the operation scar on his head. I could understand how much it meant to know others empathise with him.

We want our schools to nurture young people with a natural empathy for those who have known suffering. I know that Mrs Tan, the Principal of St Margaret’s, feels the same way, which is why she gave her support to the students who first sought the school’s permission to shave their heads, on the condition that the girls would don wigs in school. Many have asked why Mrs Tan did not take into account the fact that in the context of Hair for Hope, going bald is a sign of solidarity and empathy for cancer patients. I know some may say, why is the school so rigid in the first place? Other schools let their students bare their heads for the same cause, don’t they?

I understand that Mrs Tan’s rationale for asking the girls to wear wigs was because she was concerned that students of St Margaret’s should present themselves within the school’s guidelines. However, it is reasonable to ask if and how exceptions could be made, under special circumstances like the Hair for Hope cause. Or, are there other ways of showing support that are compatible with the school’s rules and ethos?

Part and parcel of education are developing character, inculcating a healthy respect for views, and honouring commitments. The school had no issue with students having a heart – but the school was also trying to teach the girls that character is seen in how we honour our commitments, as much as it is seen in our charitable acts.

I am happy to learn that yesterday, Mrs Tan and her teachers spoke with the students who participated in Hair for Hope. The girls shared with their Principal the learning they have had through this experience. Mrs Tan, on her part, has also reflected on her decision, and understood that the girls wanted to show empathy and solidarity with cancer patients which entail the experience of going bald. With this in mind, she has supported all 5 in their wish not to conceal their shaved heads. I am glad that the Principal, teachers and students of St Margaret’s Secondary School have resolved this and will move on from here.

This, then, is the real heart of education, that everyone appreciates there is a learning moment in every situation, in every decision we make, in every promise we pledge. Our Principals and teachers have a huge responsibility to help shape our students’ characters. Of course, parents play a most important role, so I ask parents to work together with our educators to give our children the best experiences and lessons to become outstanding young people of character. Because ultimately that is what is really at stake.

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