Hahah bro u new to forum ? If u new maybe u should delete your account and go back home to sleep . I guess hahah .
I offer u to follow me to go n buy . I did not take away the chance for u to see me buy at that price at any shop fk or even rtec .
Fk means fongkim btw ? Lol haha I may not be fongkim hahah . Don assume hahah .
Like what Kevinbmw said, is ur bargaining skill , n maybe u don possess that skill ?
We are here in this forum just trying to tell u that u are selling way to high for a used exhaust be it new or old or buy Liao Nv use before or 1 / 2 /3 weeks old .
We are not here to argue to u or to prove u wrong .
There is no right or wrong about the price u sell .
If u can find a right buyer who will pay for the price u wan den let it be .
But just a general reminder , depreciation do occur hahah . Too bad yours came too soon . I can swear to u I really can get that price .
If u r not happy about dacing the facts or the through why not pls do not sell ur things online . As u know the internet is global and there is no boundaries to it , and also u cannot control what people say .
We didint try to proof u wrong or something ?
Must u post the conversation between u n the shop owner ? < I don think is require for u to do that >
People do that why ? Only reason is that they wan to proof that they are right and wan to show what they say is true .
For me I bought my bmw performance brakes for $2800 the old one 6 pot . But when I sell , I cannot sell it at $2500 or $2200 . As I use it for less den a year, I sold it for $1600 . I got no choice but must go according the the market demand . Basic economic .
I trust that u are not a young chap who come here and try to sell everyone things at a high price and cannot take critics ? Haha . Or maybe come and *** bang my table** ..
Yea maybe u just bought ur 328i and have some pride for it . But that doesn't mean that when people tell you that ' hey the price for new exhaust is $14** + . Do u want to lower ur price '
Read properly is a goodwill that there are doing hat .
And u go ' who. Who who who , just tell me the name who who '
There are not obliged to tell u who the person is .
And when they try to be forum friendly as all are bmw owner asking 'if u mind to allow me to hear the live exhaust on the car ? ' u ask the person to go YouTube hear -.- ...
If someone were to ask me before ' bro can I hear your bmw performance exhaust ?' I won tell that guy to go YouTube and hear -.- , I will say " hey sure . If u wan just give me a call " u know this is what u call friendly .
I bet with u , u ask any friendly forum mates here if u could understand the mod they did or even anything u wan to know, they will share with u . And would not as u to go to the world wide web to find for information -.-
Pls if u are incompetent den u will post the conversation here . I urge u to be and take it down .
As I do not want to really disgrace u if I really went to buy at the price . It can be done , if not. I would not dare to type it out .
Pls read all the comments the bro and sis gave to you , be nice to people and people will be nice to u , when u are nasty to someone u , the would also be nasty to u .
I really hope u have a good day u know bro .
Pls don try to proof yourself that u r right .
As if someone were to prove that u are wrong , u will look damn funny !!!
Greenie aka bluie aka nokiaop aka b1mm3r5 .
Can't wait to see u during meet up . Lmao .
Good day . Have a great morning !