Sharing my agony with a PI on 320 Conv

Re: Sharing my agony with a PI on 320 Conv

is the PI lady boss reading this?? hehe
positive or negative publicity?? u decide.
threaten to sue until customer's pants drop...thats a big NO NO for CRM lor
Re: Sharing my agony with a PI on 320 Conv

Roasty;405346 said:
can order cars in matte?

Hi Roasty,

The colour i was refering to was non-metallic 668 Black.
Re: Sharing my agony with a PI on 320 Conv

heach gee;406338 said:
Most importantly, if you write this letter, and then PI does not accept the offer, you can go to the small claims court, and show them that you have acted very fairly and very reasonably, and this evidence that you tried your best to honour your side of the bargain but the PI did not means that you have no choice but to demand your money back and since they don't want to give it to you, you have to go to court. You might be able to demand your court and legal fees as well because you established that the PI was acting unreasonably.

small claims court got limit on claim amount. better check that part out. think the cap is 20K.

anyway, if go small claims court and cannot settle, make sure you document everything. The suggestion to write the letter is v good. make sure you detail the events so far, cos if cannot settle the judge will have to listen to the case and need evidence one. I'd expect that what the contract states will very important.
Re: Sharing my agony with a PI on 320 Conv

Bukit Timah PI selling BMW huh? Orhhhh that one .................kekeke

heh cheer up man, the entire BMW-SG is behind you !
Re: Sharing my agony with a PI on 320 Conv

pilotsnoopy;405302 said:
pretty ignorant point...Malaysia isn't so much of a 'Wild Wild West'..

I completely agree

I have driven to KL many times and Penang once, and have been hassle free

I am not sure why Singaporeans think they will be robbed as soon as they drive into Johor

Caution is needed anywhere in the world, and I am not sure Malaysia is worse than Australia

I concede Singapore is a very safe place, as most of us don't use steering lock which is de rigueur in Malaysia
I have forgotten to lock my car several times with no harm done
Re: Sharing my agony with a PI on 320 Conv

just want to comment that: never buy from PI unless there is ready stock & u can confirm that car's chassis/engine num on the day u sign the SNP.

Now is buyer's market: let these scoundrels burn & bankrupt as its all the better to have less of these gangsters.
Re: Sharing my agony with a PI on 320 Conv

Well, the PI has the car and color you want right? But without the cruise control only.
If I were you, I'll take that. Screw the cruise control and end your worries and potential monetary loss (by engaging a lawyer to fight the case).

As for me, I had cruise control for my previous Merc, Lexus and my current BMW.
But I never did use them at all!

The only time I use that thing is when I am touring in the great Oz and travelling long distances in-between towns.

Cruise control in SG? :lol2: Not even in MY for me please.

But then WAIT!
You can turn this situation in your favor.
Make it so blatant that it is their fault. No full spec = need to sell at a demium.
Ask for a good discount for you to accept a wrongly-spec'd order in the first place.
You'd then not lose your $5K deposit, yet get a cheaper car, near what you had wanted!

But most importantly, the peace of mind and a good night's sleep. And no lawyers and no money drain.

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