starting problem


I experiencing this problem recently. Whenever I stop my car for more than an hour, i will experience difficulty in starting the car. I have to step on the accelarator while cranking before the engine will start. Any bros here had this problem before? and what is the cause? My ride is E46 pre FL. 318i.
Thanks in advance.

fuel pressure regulator was my culprit last year...
CompleteVMS said:
Got it changed today. fuel pressure regulator. So far so good. Thanks for all advices

What were the charges like and where did you got it repaired? I have the same problem.
CompleteVMS, would you mind sharing how much is the damage and where did you fix it, me to have similar problem for the past few days....

Hi to all, After i changed the fuel pressure regulator and clean up the throttle body. few days ok... but the problem surfaced again....Sometimes quite irregular idling for a few sec just after cranking, sometimes wouldnt start. will get my mechanics to check thru the fuel line.

Hi 22 and lefty. Done up by one of the workshop at sin ming. tried one of the specialist but too they cant pin point the problem. so i decided to instruct my mechanics to what to looked into. Not going to blame them for the recurring problems. Will keep you guys updated of my situations and hopefully you guys can save some money on trying to trouble shoot the problem. if you get managed to track down the problem do let me know too.

Hi, having simliar problem lately
cleaned the idle valve ny bvo. but if starting when engine still warm, problem persist. No problem when cold start.

think got to change the idle valve as advised by mechanic
Starting Problem

Hi CompleteVMS, I'm also driving a pre-FL E46 & had exprienced
the same starting problem before.I replaced the Idle Valve
Control & it solved the problem.Maybe u can get yours check too.
Excellent support. Heartwarming.

Cheers to u guys in the topic and forum!
Hi all,
Changed the fuel pressure regulator at BVO 3 days ago, after reading the advice here. So far all OK.
hey.... thanks 88three, i will get my mechanics to check on that.... will keep you guys updated. Lefty good news that your problem solved after the fuel pressure regulator changed. but mine still persists....

CompleteVMS said:
hey.... thanks 88three, i will get my mechanics to check on that.... will keep you guys updated. Lefty good news that your problem solved after the fuel pressure regulator changed. but mine still persists....


haha, I talked too much, problem is back today :silenced:, exactly like what you encounter.
FYI, I changed the idle valve (or some O2 sensor) not long ago, in an effort to solve this problem, it was good for 2 days only.

What should I try next?, really appreciate any advice on this. Thanks.
I have my car checked and they clean up the throtle and the car start well now but occasionally you do experience unstable fuel flow and at time the engine dies off (exactly like complete VMS describe). Dont know what to do now.... change my idle valve few month ago....
To all,
Update my status. Still no luck yet. I will continue to try to hunt down this problem and post it here. Appeal to anyone that have resolve this issue to do the same. Thanks in advance.

Hi Guys

I am getting both the problem recently on my ride. It's also a 318i Pre FL, seems like a common issue with th Pre FL.

My issue is 1. at time not able to start the care unless I pump onto the accelerator 2. idleing running irregularly especially stuck in long jams where you need to move & stop

Through the chain of response, have someone been successful in sorting out the issue ? If yes, pls advice and also would appreciate if you could advic ethe damage. Thanks,

replaced Idle Control Valve, Cam Shaft Pulse Generator on inlet camshaft, Sensor, Disa Flap, Crank case Vent Valve was what was changed to fix my year 2000 318 at PML at one go - solve problem with Idle and dying on the road when not moving. Try one of these.
318s have this problem I believe.
Now on 320 - no such problems now and alot smoother.
I have this damn funny problem.

Morning starts no problems. 1 crank and the trusty engine fires up. Problem comes when I stop the car for around 2-3 hours. It will not fire up on the first crank but need at least 2-3 cranks before it fires up.

A solution would be to park the car sloping down (front facing down) and it will fire up on first crank even I parked it for a few hours.

What can the problem be ? I got my 02 sensor replaced...idle valve changed...anything that you guys can suggest ?
Re: starting problem

sounds like a fueling problem. Usually when you drive the fuel tank gets pressurised by petrol evaporating. When you stop, the pressure drops as the vapour re-condenses again. To diagnose, park on level ground and after your 2-3hr break, open the fuel tank cap and let the pressure vent. Thereafter, try starting the car. If it is ok then you can look for some kind of pressure sensor within the fuel system. Not too sure about the location of the sensor. Another possible problem may be a stuck purge tank or " evporative canister" that is causing the fuel system to go haywire..

Let us know the outcome.... cheers