Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

phil;305334 said:
no comments, her hand isnt where you think it is. Dam satay man close shop, no makan.

:confused: Huh??????? :angry:
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

balletbearcindy;305432 said:
How come have satay, pool and outing session I dun know and not invited??? :furious:
because you get bored easy, play PSP some more. MAybe ask you out, you fall asleep one
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

first time i ever got jio, i think someone accidently sent me the sms, hahaha
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

i sent the sms to everyone on my bmw list in the hp. Dont have you in it la louis. Pm me your number ya? :)

Cindy i got sms u leh, u no reply.
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

SC_IS;305584 said:
i sent the sms to everyone on my bmw list in the hp. Dont have you in it la louis. Pm me your number ya? :)

Cindy i got sms u leh, u no reply.

:confused: :confused: Huh where got??? I never received le.... I only received the milk tea thingy. Where got the pool, satay etc.... :angry:

PIAN XIN!!!! PIAN XIN!!!!:angry: Or maybe too many CIndy in your hp you sms wrong CIndy:nehnehhh:

BTW, PSP only got it recently lor so very excited abt it.... :lol2:
Haiz.... maybe cos chairman & lexibabe never come so no one talk to me ma... luckily have PSP :lol2:
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

Cindy.. no worries.. next time you go I go also and you can passing your PSP to me... :D
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

if Cindy and Lexi go, which one do i sit next to? decisions decisions
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

jawzsg;305711 said:
Cindy.. no worries.. next time you go I go also and you can passing your PSP to me... :D

:) Okie, Lexi also have PSP, so we can connect to Wlan and play together.... Yeah.......:)

Huh??? Cindy and Lexi prefer to sit with chairman so I think you must wait ya..... :nehnehhh:
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

can it be like this

chairman, cindy, lexi, phil??
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

SC_IS;305584 said:
i sent the sms to everyone on my bmw list in the hp. Dont have you in it la louis. Pm me your number ya? :)

Nbz.... No wonder i oso nvr got any sms.... I no drive BMW so not in BMW list... :furious: :furious:

Matakia.... No more coupe accessories for you..............!!!!! :lol2: :lol2:
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

phil;305748 said:
if Cindy and Lexi go, which one do i sit next to? decisions decisions
You sit with me. I give you tips on damalu. :thumbsup:
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

guni, pm me your hp no. i add u in ok? :)
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

SC_IS;306098 said:
guni, pm me your hp no. i add u in ok? :)

huh? better get permission to add him for the rest of us first

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