Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

balletbearcindy;301995 said:
Hey Chairman & Secretary, .........
Hm... guys, next time when sharing stories make sure there's someone to send lexibabe home ya..... Dun scare her too much hor... (Send must send till the door step)

Haiya... early no say.... oopppz..:(
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

jawzsg;302034 said:
Haiya... early no say.... oopppz..:(

I thought you know??? Hiaz... standard wan ma... Send gals home must send till doorstep wan, where got half way wan????? :angry:

Btw, in future Mr. Pooh will send lexibabe home (Mr. pooh say wan, he shy so deleted the message)
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

haha.... thanks for coming guys and cindy. had a good time with all of u.
great dinner...
next time we go makan something else
i finally got to come online... something wrong with the forum nowadays, so hard to get in. anyways.... no ghost stories, luckily i was too tired and our beloved chairman tell me other stories if not the one who told the ghost stories will not get any slp.
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

thankyou for the dinner and company guys :)

we should do this more often.
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

Lexi ----------- All so heartless ----- No one sent you home. :furious:
Cindy --------- More prettier in person than photo. Anyway, who sent you home ah....:)
SC ------------- We should do this more often, Ya. next time you pay.... Tsk...tsk...tsk...
Dpointt ------- What is your ghost story, bluff gals want ah ---- nber tell me---- :confused:
Chairman ---- Where is the photos that is swee swee one ? na the ones that can see see one loh.....kekeke.
Butch3r ------- Really live up to his nick. Si Beh Violent during the Makan session.....:lol2:

AND who the hell is MR. Pooh. :evil:

Had great food and fun. Thanks to all,
All HAIL CLUB SANDY. :cloud9:
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

KNN... better upload some pics... wait that butch3r come slaughter me and gib to collin I die... tsk..tsk..tsk..

The ying-yang steam boat... eat liao steamz steamz one....:yummie:

The early birds... eating all the worms at leisure...:laughlik:

The handsome dudes.. pssst.. IMO the one in blue looks damnz metallic.. tsk..tsk..tsk...:nehnehhh:

The fairer guests... like colling say.. definitely lookz good in the flesh.....:drool:

The later crowd that got in... damnz rowdy group.. tell many stories one...:blahblah:

End of part 1... knn.. chuanz sialz
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

Ahemm.. the famous Butch3r + Abel.. brings gluttony up to aggressive level... :D

Err... I myself like this STEAM-boat very much... ahemm....

Dinner is well balancez with meat...

Many other assortments of small dishes...

KNN.. this freaking dish is damnz drooling..

Part 2... *sweat*
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

We drank hell lots of liang teh.. seriously original and authentic type... see...:oops:

Err.. this handphone belongs to who ah... the red finger nails like chilli padi one...:nehnehhh:

Server not bery stable lately so I did not load all the pics lah.. some keep for private viewing nia.. :D

There are others CAT 16 loaded into the ALBUM for your viewing and drooling ...:yummie:

Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

Mocky... should have come.. we stayed there till closing.. like around 10.30pm.. :D
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

we stay there till 11.30 la.... the boss waiting for us to close shop alr....
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

collin;302130 said:
Lexi ----------- All so heartless ----- No one sent you home. :furious:
Cindy --------- More prettier in person than photo. Anyway, who sent you home ah....:)
:cloud9: Thanks for your comment, flattered!!! My piglet was in my office so I somehow got someone to pick me and send me to my office to get my car and went home.
Most of the time I'll not trouble people to fetch me cos I have PIGLET!! Why :confused: you wan volunteer to send me home huh? :lol2:

SC ------------- We should do this more often, Ya. next time you pay.... Tsk...tsk...tsk...
Why we cannot come out more often le? :furious: We can go on dutch wan ma. It's the time spent together and not who paying the food. :nehnehhh:

Dpointt ------- What is your ghost story, bluff gals want ah ---- nber tell me---- :confused:
No la not he say wan but wht was told was true if I am not wrong. You think they nothing better to do ma? Go round bluffing gals? Hiaz.... :lol2:

Chairman ---- Where is the photos that is swee swee one ? na the ones that can see see one loh.....kekeke.

Butch3r ------- Really live up to his nick. Si Beh Violent during the Makan session.....:lol2:
:laughlik: Agree, agree same like the other guy siting beside him. So :yikess:

AND who the hell is MR. Pooh. :evil:
:( Why so unfriendly? Mr. Pooh is Ms. Piglet's ............ (you guess la)

Had great food and fun. Thanks to all,
All HAIL CLUB SANDY. :cloud9:

:cloud9: Nice to meet you Collin, I always go Simon Road wan wor... next time go your stall visit and eat your satay ya. :)
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

collin;302736 said:
MR. POOH = Body - Guard. aka Piglet.
Robot say one. Tsk...Tsk...Tsk...

balletbearcindy;302899 said:
:angry: Hiaz.... Wht Body Guard??? Aka Piglet??? :screwedu:

Since he install the CF roundels, he go cockoo already....
So how bro, swee boh?
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

C3P0;302941 said:
Since he install the CF roundels, he go cockoo already....
So how bro, swee boh?

Satay man so happy with the accuracy of his instrument cluster...... :nehnehhh:
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

cindy got a new profession??
a qualified body guard for TAH POH??
Re: Steam boat dinner 18th feb 2008

who is cindy? lazy to read the thread hahaha... i like the name.

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