Re: Suitable grade of Engine Oil
Junior;263106 said:
I just changed my oil to Texas Revolution Super High Performance Engine Oil (Titanium Plus).
This was recommended by a group of friends and now the engine runs a lot smoother and quieter.. Almost like a brand new one; horsepower and torque were noted to be so much better during acceleration and cruising.
This is not imported oil but instead blended by a local firm TEXAS PETROCHEMICAL ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD using space-age nanotechnology which is not cheap. At a retail price of SG$70 per litre, you can run the car for 20,000km before oil change. In fact, in Japan, there's a claim of 40 horsepower increment with the use of this oil (though I'm not quite certain about it.)
Some information on this oil:
1. The grade of oil is 5W-50
2. It is a nano synthetic-based oil
3. It is suitable for all ranges of cars; new, old or vintage
4. The company did a demo in Sentosa. They mixed the oil with litres of water inside the engine. Unbelievably, the engine's still running smoothly with the car moving. The temperature was normal and no vibration.
5. Presently, Porche, Ferrari and many types as small as Getz are using it.
At $70 per litre, you must love your car a lot!
On the other hand, I was previously from Monash, where a lot of car makers in Australia does their testing and demo on the campus facilities. We have facilities for wind tunnel test, crash test and various other facilities that i don't even know what they are for.
I have seen them doing the same test with their Ford XR8 (V8 Engine). ie, they put engine oil (mobile 1 tri synthetic) run it for 30 min. Drain it out, and run the engine for another 30 min. Same results. Engine is still smooth and no other vital points were noticably out.
What the engineer told us is that modern engine are acustom to run with very little engine oil, for a short time, once the engine has be conditioned with enough oil all around previously. The crevice and oil sump will retain just a little bit of oil when you drain it, and those will be enough for a short period of time.
He did say that a brand new engine straight out from the assembly line would not be able to take the same test.
However, these test are done without load and on idle.
I have also seen them do factory run-in, as specified by some car makers. Boy... i would seriously rather run in the engine myself. it is scary
I personally find these test done by such company / distributor a bit skewed. And to be taken with a pinch of salt. But that is my 2 cents worth