Tao Nan or ACS

Tao Nan or ACS

  • ACS

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tao Nan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Re: Tao Nan or ACS

Choose what's best for the kiddo. Is heritage more important than the character building?
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

my son said will go tao nan kick hitmee's kids butt !
i put him pasir ris primary school, P1 carry parang in bag.
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

epong;616097 said:
Choose what's best for the kiddo. Is heritage more important than the character building?

Heritage (tradition) is closer to character building than exam results...............
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

I vote ACS. It's a good school.
Just look at how successful Hitmee is!
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

iScoupe;616102 said:
my son said will go tao nan kick hitmee's kids butt !
i put him pasir ris primary school, P1 carry parang in bag.

李连杰徒弟 better or 翕清海?
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

SmOcKxY;615950 said:
Since we are on this topic..if both parents are from ACJC but neither were from ACS/MGS..stil got pakay for son/daughter to go ACS/MGS?

No only priority is if you were ex- ACSj or ACSp or MGS student. Even sec school not counted.
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

both good schools la...parents play a more impt role in shaping your kid's personality and character...of cos schools frens are an impt part but ultimately, parents are responsible..
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

Up and on!!! I a saints! I voted already !
We use to trash acs at the Padang!
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

hcsiow;616143 said:
No only priority is if you were ex- ACSj or ACSp or MGS student. Even sec school not counted.

Not true
I have friends who were from acs sec, their kids went in to acs thru oba.
no need to be from ps or js.
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

C3P0;616133 said:
I vote ACS. It's a good school.
Just look at how successful Hitmee is!

no wonder i lose out in terms of success to him. :whipper:
i previously from SSS.... sigh.
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

Dont go ACS or ACJC or AC Schitzner, wait you regret becoming AC Beng like me for the rest of your life. Go Tao Nan and then later study architectural engineering to help build more IRs better.
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

boys school later he become gay...

put him in bobbytay fan club school havelock campus
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

Go TN can know and grow up with good, intelligent people
Go ACS can know and grow up with rich, influential people

sadly, how successful you are is not determind by how smart you are
but who you know out there...so my vote goes to ACS.. tio bo?
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

Go TN maybe can learn how to tiao tang for tang kee
Re: Tao Nan or ACS

dash;616164 said:
no wonder i lose out in terms of success to him. :whipper:
i previously from SSS.... sigh.

Secret Society School............. no wonder u looks like lao da..... :D

Simi is ACS???? AC323 i know.......... :boring::boring::boring:

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