Taxi driver vs passenger

Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

I stay in the West of Singapore and usual taxi fare from airport comes to about $30 and at times $40+ due to all the ^&%^&%&* :shoot:surcharge.

Taking Taxi from or to the airport, you will see most (at least 90%) of them coming out to help passenger to load or unload their luggage. Is it because somebody from their taxi company or airport is monitoring them and will get warning if they bochup?

But when reach home/destination, 90% will sit inside and count their dollar bill over and over again instead of coming out to help unload the luggage.

So my answer to such Taxi driver especially when i have a few or heavy luggages, I'll leave the boot open and go my way with my stuff.
Well, if you can't be bothered to help me with my luggage, why should i close your boot for you?
Usually, they will wait for a few minutes and realize I have left and nobody is going to close his boot.
But those staying landed cannot do this stunt hor..
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

Taxi drivers owe no obligation. Some are so old that the heavy bags might end up hurting them. For me, if it is a bo chap taxi driver, I just pay exact fare. If it is a good one, I just tip him.

Ultimately it is personality driven. How they behave is a reflection of their character or health and not their trade.

To each his own. All entitled to their own views lah.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

I remember a media report stating that taxi drivers are expected to help passengers with their heavy luggage. Passengers must also be courteous. So far, the taxi drivers I met helped with our family travel luggage without any fuss. Only one had asked me to help him carry together so it does not break his back. Fair enough. If in doubt, book a Mercedez cab cos their drivers are supposed to be specially selected.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

T6;983942 said:
Taxi drivers owe no obligation. Some are so old that the heavy bags might end up hurting them. For me, if it is a bo chap taxi driver, I just pay exact fare. If it is a good one, I just tip him.

Ultimately it is personality driven. How they behave is a reflection of their character or health and not their trade.

To each his own. All entitled to their own views lah.

A very fair comment.

Not all taxi drivers are bad. If met a bad one, just take back the changed even it is only 10 cents.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

OT a little. I walked with my little kid after dinner to grab ice cream from a petrol kiosk. 8+ and I saw this old man in a cab chewing on a snicker bar with the green light on as if ready for biz. I remembered this thread and smiled at him. Seeing how he had to makan on junk on a Friday night, I am thankful that I have the opportunity to spend time with kid.
Sure some drivers are sh!t but it is also easy to take the good for granted. They are the quiet backbone of our infrastructure, that keeps this city running and competitive.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

There was time at the airport when I saw taxi driver alight from their taxi wanted to help the passenger to carry their luggage into the boot. However, some passenger upon seeing the taxi driver walking towards them, they just simply get into the back seat of the taxi leaving the driver to load the luggage into the boot by himself.

If the taxi driver would to injured himself when carrying the luggage, can he claim medical bill from the passenger and if you are the passenger, would u pay for his medical bill and loss of income for not able to work for a few days. Don't think anyone will do that. Neither will I. So if u know your luggage or items is heavy, help the taxi driver to carry together if he come out to assist you. If not too heavy, than do it yourself. Don't take things for granted or think that this their job since u pay him the fare.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

Ok all warm and fuzzy now, nice and good. But the taxi driver in that video is still a fvcktard for throwing other people's belongings all over the road.
Taxi driver vs passenger

Oilman;983984 said:
Ok all warm and fuzzy now, nice and good. But the taxi driver in that video is still a fvcktard for throwing other people's belongings all over the road.

gotta agree with you.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

I would say this : It all depends on the taxi company they fall under. Comfort drivers will help most of the time. Thats from my home-airport-home experience.
I have tried others and my comment is training and attitude is different.
So since then, i stick to comfort.
Set your expectation right n u won't be upset over things like
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

Red color taxi is the worst of the lot
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

When I was studying @ JC, and there were a lot of kiasu chow mugger toads who pissed me off by refusing to lend me their precious notes/hid books in the library by messing up the Dewey cataloging system etc, I didn't go about glueing their pants to their chairs, or putting Sodium in their water bottles.

Similarly, even if the taxi unker chiets you at the traffic lights, or chokes you to death with his start/stop/e-brake driving routine, or throws your luggage onto the Changi airport taxi bay floor while being filmed & Stomped & YouTubed, I think we, as civilised, learned human beings, shouldn't do unto the unker what the kids & the drunk angmo did to the taxi drivers.

BMW drivers have class one, OK :lol2:
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

One black sheep does not mean all sheeps are black.

One black swan does not mean all swans are black.

Damn I am trying to write a poem like wobbly but it didn't look very successful.
Taxi driver vs passenger

If taxi driver luggage carrying cmi ..... Then don't go to the airport.

sagetan;983979 said:
There was time at the airport when I saw taxi driver alight from their taxi wanted to help the passenger to carry their luggage into the boot. However, some passenger upon seeing the taxi driver walking towards them, they just simply get into the back seat of the taxi leaving the driver to load the luggage into the boot by himself.

If the taxi driver would to injured himself when carrying the luggage, can he claim medical bill from the passenger and if you are the passenger, would u pay for his medical bill and loss of income for not able to work for a few days. Don't think anyone will do that. Neither will I. So if u know your luggage or items is heavy, help the taxi driver to carry together if he come out to assist you. If not too heavy, than do it yourself. Don't take things for granted or think that this their job since u pay him the fare.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

Red_Bean_Bun;985057 said:
If taxi driver luggage carrying cmi ..... Then don't go to the airport.

if taxi driver thinks all his passengers will go far far away like Tuas and will black face if u say Tampines or Pasir Ris.....Then don't go to the airport.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

cabbies in singapore are all singaporeans, please show some kindness as they are mostly old folks.
if you have balls pick on FT instead.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

Darth Vader;985102 said:
cabbies in singapore are all singaporeans, please show some kindness as they are mostly old folks.
if you have balls pick on FT instead.

I am extremely patient with those driving the old Crown type of taxis cos mostly old men..quite cham one I see them driving. Some of those 70 yr olds obviously losing effective hand-eye co-ordination and can see car slowing down or going into next lane while changing gears.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

I heard this story from a cabbie.... he was afraid of ang mos and non-chinese passengers. He shared how they cursed and scream when his cab arrived late (on called), yelled at him for driving slow and many times refuse to pay the fare accusing him of cheating them.

There are many other stories like that... unhappiness both sides. While i have empathy for the senior citizens still trying to make a living, there must be some way the inconsistencies of service can be improved and cabbies can be more professional.
Re: Taxi driver vs passenger

Meek;985109 said:
.. and non-chinese passengers. ....

Oh I know of WHICH race this particular class of pax are...full of air and think the whole world owes them a living type....
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