This couple could ruin your day!!!

Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

...agree with the sentiment behind removing the tissue packets but as for throwing them on the floor....perhaps handing them to the friendly auntie to resell might be an idea...just my 2 cents
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

perhaps you could park your car somewhere else and then go to the parking lot and stand beside her :nehnehhh: :nehnehhh: :nehnehhh: stating you are also choping the lot for someone else and see how she'll react:) :) :)
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

This woman apparently stood in a public parking lot, refusing to budge, saying that her car was "on the way". The woman refused to move even as a STOMPer was backing her car into the lot.

The STOMPer said: "This evening, I encountered a woman who tried to 'chope' a parking lot at a public carpark by standing in the lot with her mother and refusing to move when I was backing into the lot."

When asked where her car was, her reply was 'on the way'. "Since her car was nowhere in sight and not even in the line of cars being held up behind me because I couldn't back in, I continued backing into the lot.

"Another female driver who witnessed the moronic behaviour and who was just as miffed as I was, intervened by telling her there were empty lots just a few lots away.

"Her mother then at least had the sense to move out of the way but the woman stayed put and started banging hard on my boot.

"Furious and beneath me to deal with the morons of the earth, I called for the police. I was aware that calling on the cops wouldn't result in them penalising people for 'chope-ing' carpark lots but I wanted to file a case if something were to happen to me or my car. Afterall, the woman's car finally came by with the driver staring at me whilst I was sitting in my car waiting for the police to arrive. Though the police couldn't do much, I'm glad they were called and an official complaint filed. Also, I do not want the these people thinking they can get away with ganging up on a lone driver. I bet the woman would have 'choped' the parking lot with a tissue box if this ugly behaviour was in practice."
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

kenntona;446224 said:
This woman apparently stood in a public parking lot, refusing to budge, saying that her car was "on the way". The woman refused to move even as a STOMPer was backing her car into the lot.

The STOMPer said: "This evening, I encountered a woman who tried to 'chope' a parking lot at a public carpark by standing in the lot with her mother and refusing to move when I was backing into the lot."

When asked where her car was, her reply was 'on the way'. "Since her car was nowhere in sight and not even in the line of cars being held up behind me because I couldn't back in, I continued backing into the lot.

"Another female driver who witnessed the moronic behaviour and who was just as miffed as I was, intervened by telling her there were empty lots just a few lots away.

"Her mother then at least had the sense to move out of the way but the woman stayed put and started banging hard on my boot.

"Furious and beneath me to deal with the morons of the earth, I called for the police. I was aware that calling on the cops wouldn't result in them penalising people for 'chope-ing' carpark lots but I wanted to file a case if something were to happen to me or my car. Afterall, the woman's car finally came by with the driver staring at me whilst I was sitting in my car waiting for the police to arrive. Though the police couldn't do much, I'm glad they were called and an official complaint filed. Also, I do not want the these people thinking they can get away with ganging up on a lone driver. I bet the woman would have 'choped' the parking lot with a tissue box if this ugly behaviour was in practice."

Singapore Seen

:goodup: :goodup: :goodup: :goodup: :goodup: :goodup: for the stomper :dance:
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

If I experience this one day, I may just reverse into the lot, then act surprise "oh, this lot is taken? Sorry, I didn't see any car leh...".

But if the char bo is chio, I may just give in. I'm a soft hearted robot. Ken say one.
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

The woman looks kinda hot??

Damn the stomper's sucky hp pic quality!
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

axl;446228 said:
The woman looks kinda hot??

Damn the stomper's sucky hp pic quality!

I think so too. Her shorts is too long though. But again, if it's too short, someone may complain it distracts her husband. sigh...
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

when i see people try to chope tables with tissue paper, i just don't give a sh1t. either throw it away or keep it for myself. but when it comes to parking lots, i no guts liao, cos scared pple come back and scratch my car haha... for one parking lot put my paintwork at risk, a bit bo hua leh...
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

For tissue case, I will collect all the tissues on the table and donate to the Ah Peh so that he could sell them for $$$ the poor.

For car: Let it be, if he/she get into someone like "ah beng ah seng" one of this days, then good luck is short, play hard, dont waste on this....rather go massage centre to enjoy.

My 0.0000000000000000001 cents opinion
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

Golden shoe lunch ai mai? free tissue with empty seats alot there !
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

ya....we should just do that .....see how they react when they are back with food and LL
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

Never mind la don't let it spoiled ur day. But is happy to hear that he is not s'porean.
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

Orh LuLu;408737 said:
2 days ago on AYE (I m on the 1st lane), from my rear mirror i saw an ambulance 6 cars away behind and siren on.. I can see that everyone from the 1st lane trying to move to 2nd lane to let him pass. The traffic was very heavy and making some hving difficulty moving to 2nd lane. When the ambulance was behind me, he poke me damn CB close but i cant move to 2nd lane cos super heavy traffic. This kind of ambulance driver is fark up.

In tis kind of situtaion, i dun care emergency or not emergency, i take care of my life first and ppl in my car. take high risk to let the ambulance pass is NONO basing on those conditions.
wow..- know that this posted a long time ago, but i have to your posts you really reflect the saddest of selfishness. it is this kind of attitude that makes the world worse. Is that really the legacy you want to leave?
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