Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

It's my first grooming for my Audi A4 and I would like to share with everyone my unhappy experience at First Auto Zaino Detailing Centre at Toh Guan Centre.

I made appointment and went for car grooming today in the afternoon. I was shocked to see that there were already 3 cars in the shop being worked on and I was told to drive my car to 2nd level.

personally , as long as u are still treated and not rejected it is fine , u dont expect the shop to leave it empty for you right? what if you didnt come? since when a visit to a specialist even in mount E or gleneagles you go in right on the dot ? come on be more flexible , if they reject you and say its full , i think thats a HUGE problem for First auto , else i think its fine. They are running a business afterall.

Apparently, the entire grooming took place just beside the washing bay area. It makes me feel that there was a lack of emphasis and my ride was not given the deserved attention.

this is a valid complaint in my opinion but the question is how far away? is water from the wash splashing or even reach ur car? if yes..... First auto needs to address this... if not i think we should just be more understanding that spaces are limited in certain workshops/grooming centres , at least they wash ur car and have proper washing bay , ever see washing bay in some of those shopping centre grooming shop?

Most of the time, only 1 guy (Wong) was attending to my ride. While the other workers were busy grooming other 3 rides. At this juncture, I have arrived at a conclusion that quality of service is not there when there is a shortage of manpower.

did you request for your car to be done earlier? nor rush the worker and ask how long it will take ? unless you asked for it i would not expect the worker to just focus on ur car , they are just workers you should address the issue to the manager or boss that you are rushing not expecting them to know for you , when you go to a restaurant .... they are lacking of waiters , do you complain and asked 3 waiters to serve you instead of one? or do you just walk off ? i think most will not

I would like raise some issues and feedback for the boss SS Tay to reflect and address to my concerns.

1) There was no toilet paper in the toilet when I had a stomachache. When I enquired with one of the workers downstairs for toilet paper, he simply shook his head and carry on with his work. The workers are indeed hostile and does not seem to go the extra mile to solve customers' concerns. In the end, I have to used my own small packs of tissues, else I will really be in deep shit. :verysad:

not a valid complaint in my honest opinion , this is coming from someone who is coincidentally has a stomachache and urgently need tissue paper , yes having tissue paper is good and going to the extra mile to customers , but they are a grooming shop afterall and toilet paper is the least of their concern . As for the workers , most are foreign workers uneducated ( no offence ) and busy with their job , they are humans too you cant expect them to offer you to go out and buy tissue paper right? hmmm how about using one of their microfibers ?

same theory applies , if you go to a restaurant coincidentally you have a handicapped grandparents and requested for a wheelchair , if they dont have it will you complain ? yes its going the extra mile if they have but thats the least of their concern . To you the glass is half full because you are thirsty , but to they its half empty cos its not their glass.

2) The entire grooming took 5 hours and 30 minutes from 2pm to 7.30pm, as a result I was late for my family dinner appointment! Could this be prevented if there was sufficient workers attending to my ride? In the email/SMS enquiries, I was told that grooming takes only 3.5 hours without paint correction. For my case, there was no paint correction needed, yet it took additional 2 hour to complete the procedures. It's so obvious that a lack of manpower is the cause of this problem. :oooops: (Modified from IP Man: 陪家人吃饭重要,还是car grooming? Sigh...)

this is a valid complaint in my opinion , shop promises customer expect them to deliver . Honestly i wouldnt be happy if i was delayed due to overpromised and underdelivered. But TS could probably raise the issue close to the 3.5hrs mark and gauge how long they will finish and ask them , if i am really in a rush i would probably ask them to do it another day or something , but i can understand TS's complaint on this First auto should look into this matter.

3) At approximately 7.20pm when the grooming is supposingly completed, I inspected the rides and still realise some small "dirts and stains" near the front bumper area. I told Wong about it and he wiped it off easily. Apparently, this shows that they overlook the bumper area and definitely not doing a thorough and proper job according to my inspection. In Chinese, we call it 偷工减料. I wonder did they even wax or polish my bumper?! I wouldn't know at all because I was in the lounge and can't have a visible line of sight to the washing bay area.

To be honest i would be pissed if i were you , but the question is that first layer or top layer ? i would be more concerned if that was the first layer of Zaino and not the last . This one is indeed failure in customer service as a grooming shop meticulousness shall always be on top priority as ' service giver ' is handling customer's goods . Then again back to the same old problem , they are just workers afterall .

I was still checking other areas of the car but Wong told me he was in a hurry to leave and wanted to call it a day. It was very unprofessional and irresponsible for him to tell that to the customer. Did the boss (SS Tay) educate their workers that the customers are also their boss? :wtf:

no comment in this,

Perhaps he was supposed to knock off at 7pm (operating hours) and not being paid overtime. But if I am the customer and I'm still at the shop already late for my appointment, how can he be more urgent than me? Even if he really had an emergency, he could have assigned his colleague to take over his duty.

take the chill pill , give and take . shit happens .... you should raise this issue to the boss though

There was some very minor stone chip and light scratches on the car, but it remains there even when the grooming has completed. Is this suppose to be the way? Since they told me no paintwork correction is required in the first place, I thought this should have been addressed altogether. Otherwise, this procedure only makes the car shine and nothing else.

did you ask before hand ? what did they say and did they promise ? honestly this is absurd . STONE CHIP is not adressed during grooming and its is common sense , they groom the paint , if theres no paint due to chip ? groom what?

Overall, I rate this company 6/10. It was really a disappointment.

I didn't sign up for their VIP membership, is that why I wasn't accorded a VIP treatment? If so, then what treatment was I given? Junk or sub-standard? :huhhuh:

just my honest 2 cents , not affiliated with First auto , heck i have never even been there before . No offence to TS too i am someone who really love my car too... cheers
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

wau so long...apparently..this thread also in vasg..
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

bm323;665976 said:
This post raises questions for me. You had packs of tissue but you asked for tissue. I don't know what happened but sometimes a response is affected by the manner we request for things.

OMG! How can you compare a pocket tissue vs a toilet paper? Are you telling me you don't use toilet paper at home? Or when you visit a public toilet, you opt to use your small pocket tissue instead of the toilet paper? You're really a strange man... :yikess:

bm323;665976 said:
You said you were told in email and smses it would take 3.5 hours. It appears you didn't inform them that you had a dinner and had to leave by 530 pm.

If I was told the grooming will complete in 3.5 hours, why would I need to inform them I have a dinner or a date with gf or I'm rushing for a soccer match? After all, it's my privacy and I don't need to report my schedule to them. I trust them to deliver the promise, unfortunately they misplaced my trust in them.

Scenario A
If you're a supplier and you told your clients that you will deliver the goods tomorrow. But in the end you took your own sweet time and delivered the goods two days later. When the client lodge a complaint to you, you argued with him and said, "Brother, you never tell me you need the goods urgently leh?"

Scenario B
Your contractor told you it takes 2 weeks to complete the renovation. In the end, they took 1 month to finish it. You were very unhappy that they took unusually long, but the contractor told you "Hey you never tell me when you want to move in, so I do it own time own target lor. I assign more workers to another client's house cos he is our VIP, his renovation cost more than yours lor ."

Well bmw323, I can conclude that you're a joker and your business will surely collapse in no time..

bm323;665976 said:
"Small dirt and stains" that were easily wiped off appears overly fussy. Once a car is driven out, there'll be plenty of dirt. Relax, it's a car.

I guess you never read my post properly. I haven't even drove out my car and the stains/marks is already there. It is obvious they never clean it at all.

Your logic doesn't make sense to me at all. So are you saying that since your hair will always grow, you don't bother to go for haircut at all? :lol2:
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Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

Apparently some "kind souls" (bmw323, chriz, iceman77) with less than 30 posts in their records suddenly appear out of nowhere, participate in this topic to speak up for First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre. It really makes me wonder if they are genuine customers or having some form of affiliation to this company. 真真假假,假假真真。

I seriously doubt the credibility of their statement. Especially when I'm the victim, but these "so called regular customers" push all the blame towards me without putting themselves in my shoes.

Anyway I have schedule a "make-up" appointment to meet SS Tay in person next week for an amicable settlement.

I hope they can address to my concerns so that I can be a happy customer when I leave their shop next week. Else, I will have to seek a second opinion from Zaino Asia Pacific.
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Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

andy_sg;666244 said:
Apparently some "kind souls" (bmw323, chriz, iceman77) with less than 30 posts in their records suddenly appear out of nowhere, participate in this topic to speak up for First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre. It really makes me wonder if they are genuine customers or having some form of affiliation to this company. 真真假假,假假真真。

I seriously doubt the credibility of their statement. Especially when I'm the victim, but these "so called regular customers" push all the blame towards me without putting themselves in my shoes.

Anyway I have schedule a "make-up" appointment to meet SS Tay in person next week for an amicable settlement.

I hope they can address to my concerns so that I can be a happy customer when I leave their shop next week. Else, I will have to seek a second opinion from Zaino Asia Pacific.

Why have doubts? I am sharing fm my own experience only.

FYI. I joined this forum in 2008 to know more abt BMWs but just bcos my posts are low doesnt mean i'm not genuine. I'm also a member of many other car forums to know more info & i didnt post much too. I'm also a member at VAGSG when i had a Scirocco & GTI mk6.

If you read my 1st post in this thread, I only started posting a bit more recently as i just bought a pre-loved F10 523 & in fact i'm collecting my car today at 10am then will go to First Auto for grooming.... Still doubt me?? You can see my car there...

IMHO, you shld 1st seek the boss of First Auto to bring up these issues to him/her for service recovery & if he/she bochups then you shld post yr experience here. That wld be my way of doing things but in any case, to each his own....

If yr focus here is to highlight yr experience at First Auto then its fine... But pls dont doubt other members here w/o clarifying. You could PM each of us to clarify our position on this matter before posting openly.

Thank you. Happy Motoring!
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

Oh ya! I didnt push any blame to you in my 1st post. I just shared my good experience at First Auto only....

I think you got some facts and pple mixed up.
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

sszone;665778 said:
I think it's the same problem alot of grooming co, even workshops are facing.
Ever witness for myself shoddy work from the workers from my own fren's grooming co and even our site sponsors, after that see boss come in clear shitz...haizzz

agree - most time i hear the workers are over-worked - either they hire more help or run the risk getting complaints like these...
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

pengful;666114 said:
Well, sounds like "when the cat's away, the mice will play" syndrome.
Not my case cos Tay often not around when I send my car in and job done is great. Tell us which post cause you to think that it "sounds" like that?

And sszone/Bimshop thanked the above post, let everyone do their own judging.
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

andy_sg;666244 said:
Anyway I have schedule a "make-up" appointment to meet SS Tay in person next week for an amicable settlement.

I hope they can address to my concerns so that I can be a happy customer when I leave their shop next week. Else, I will have to seek a second opinion from Zaino Asia Pacific.

Good to hear you are meeting SS Tay next week. Relax la, at least First Auto willing to look into your complaints... Other groomers might just ignore you whatever you said and 'Let's move on'... :)
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

andy_sg;666244 said:
Apparently some "kind souls" (bmw323, chriz, iceman77) with less than 30 posts in their records suddenly appear out of nowhere, participate in this topic to speak up for First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre. It really makes me wonder if they are genuine customers or having some form of affiliation to this company. 真真假假,假假真真。

I seriously doubt the credibility of their statement. Especially when I'm the victim, but these "so called regular customers" push all the blame towards me without putting themselves in my shoes.

Anyway I have schedule a "make-up" appointment to meet SS Tay in person next week for an amicable settlement.

I hope they can address to my concerns so that I can be a happy customer when I leave their shop next week. Else, I will have to seek a second opinion from Zaino Asia Pacific.
Looks like you're the big joker. I've messaged you my phone number and you can call me.

You post such "complaint" in this forum and in vasg VAGSG Community, and further now threaten by making reference to Zaino Asia Pacific. This clearly shows to me much about your nature -not the victim but the bully.

Your replies are not worth responding to. As I've said, call me since you've accused me of being not genuine and being affiliated to Zaino.
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Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

by not delivering the 3.5 hour promise i would be upset too. not having toilet paper... i dunno. i have a roll of toiletpaper behind my car to clean birdshit. all i can say is... a stomachache man is a confused man.

but small dirt at the bumper ayiah... i would close one eye. really, its just a damn car. 1-2 yrs down the road u will have dents from uncle driving toyota / pickup truck and all sorts of stone chips. my friend even kena cat make out on top of his car. he saw the scratches almost cried... i see also feel sorry for him.

i used to groom at those shopping center. their workers always get into the car w dirty hands and my roof lining always kena the black fingerprints. i also didnt bother to complain. seriously i care more about my interior than exterior.

they were damn pushy so i decided to forgo the last grooming session of the package so i wont waste time trying to reject a package renew.

if u can drive an audi/bmw, be more gentleman... don't so kan bu kai :)

disclaimer, i have not been to first auto neither am i affiliated w them
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Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

really hope that Andy-sg can get a satisfactory if not happy outcome from his make up visit. Mistakes do happen and it is important that the merchant does the proper service recovery.
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

andy_sg;666244 said:
Apparently some "kind souls" (bmw323, chriz, iceman77) with less than 30 posts in their records suddenly appear out of nowhere, participate in this topic to speak up for First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre. It really makes me wonder if they are genuine customers or having some form of affiliation to this company. 真真假假,假假真真。

I seriously doubt the credibility of their statement. Especially when I'm the victim, but these "so called regular customers" push all the blame towards me without putting themselves in my shoes.

Anyway I have schedule a "make-up" appointment to meet SS Tay in person next week for an amicable settlement.

I hope they can address to my concerns so that I can be a happy customer when I leave their shop next week. Else, I will have to seek a second opinion from Zaino Asia Pacific.

Aiyoh. I don't think I push blame leh to you leh. Just giving my own experiences. Cannot expect me to say otherwise, if I never had bad experiences with them right?

Anyway, I leave it to you to pass judgement on me. Doesn't impact or disturb me. :) hope u solve your issue soon!
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

whymehor;666195 said:
wau so long...apparently..this thread also in vasg..

It looks like TS is provocative rather than sincere to seek appeasement. If I were you, I would just contact sstay directly rather than making a fuss here.

Since you are meeting sstay, why not let us know when u are going down? Bro bmw323 and co can meet up with you in person for a friendly hand shake to address your concern on the creditability issue on some of the postings here.

Ps: Still water runs deep.
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

detach8;666324 said:
but small dirt at the bumper ayiah... i would close one eye. really, its just a damn car. 1-2 yrs down the road u will have dents from uncle driving toyota / pickup truck and all sorts of stone chips. my friend even kena cat make out on top of his car. he saw the scratches almost cried... i see also feel sorry for him.

Your statement is contradicting. If you can predict that your car will kena dent or scratches or chips in the next 1 year, then what for you do car grooming? Shouldn't you sit back and do nothing?

Car lovers like you and myself will do grooming because they want their cars to look good at least for a few months if not permanent, but in my case, it was not even in the best shape before leaving the workshop. So I find it difficult to justify the amount I paid for the grooming.

detach8;666324 said:
i used to groom at those shopping center. their workers always get into the car w dirty hands and my roof lining always kena the black fingerprints. i also didnt bother to complain. seriously i care more about my interior than exterior.

You can't compare apple and orange.

Grooming at these shopping centre carpark cost at least 50% cheaper than First Auto. You can't have the same expectations between the two entities.

It's just like if you pay $3 for a chicken rice and $10 for a chicken rice at a restaurant, the hygiene, quality and standard is not suppose to be the same.
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Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

Gleamese;666444 said:
It looks like TS is provocative rather than sincere to seek appeasement. If I were you, I would just contact sstay directly rather than making a fuss here.

I did get in touch with SS Tay and intend to post an update next week on the outcome of the appointment.

However, some users have misconceptions and shifted blames towards me. It's not something that I like to hear nor do I like to be accused.

In every business, there are bound to be happy and unhappy customers. It is virtually impossible to make EVERYONE happy. But it is important for the management to rectify and turn those unhappy customers to happy ones. That is why companies have PR and customer relations department because customer retention is crucial nowadays given the intense competition.

So I won't comment further until the next appointment with SS Tay and his team.
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Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

andy_sg;666530 said:
I did get in touch with SS Tay and intend to post an update next week on the outcome of the appointment.

However, some users have misconceptions and shifted blames towards me. It's not something that I like to hear nor do I like to be accused.

In every business, there are bound to be happy and unhappy customers. It is virtually impossible to make EVERYONE happy. But it is important for the management to rectify and turn those unhappy customers to happy ones. That is why companies have PR and customer relations department because customer retention is crucial nowadays given the intense competition.

So I won't comment further until the next appointment with SS Tay and his team.

Cool. Agree that there will be happy and unhappy customers. And no ones loves to be judged.

I'm a happy customer, so I hope u are fine with me explaining that I am a happy customer too. Let's not slam those who highlighted their good experiences as having hidden agendas. :)
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

wa lao wey.... i jus scheduled mine nxt week... like tat i got to prepare some toilet paper 1st incase LS there..... LOL.....
Re: Unpleasant Experience at First Auto - Zaino Detailing Centre

no need buy toilet paper... im sure they sell zaino microfibres.... just use them... go home wash.. then can use to wipe ur interior again

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