*UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

nYteMarE;341305 said:
Can we split into the fast and furious group,

and the furious group (furious from being overtaken all the time)...

Anyone going to get walkies please let me know I need a pair as well.

you shld be the one with the most WT what... if i go buy you want me to help you buy?
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

What do you mean its too long? Isnt that the point of a morning DRIVE? May as well not have the drive and just have a picnic, catch taxi there

Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

fiercepink;342287 said:
you shld be the one with the most WT what... if i go buy you want me to help you buy?

got. not legal for sg use
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

phil;342349 said:
What do you mean its too long? Isnt that the point of a morning DRIVE? May as well not have the drive and just have a picnic, catch taxi there


i organized this drive because i had a good time the last outing, more so during the latter part at the reservoir where i made new friends and enjoyed the company and laughs. during the drive in the car, i was alone, and just trying to keep up with everyone else.

maybe should call this a sunday picnic then, rather than sunday drive.

do choose your words wisely.. as there is no accompanying intonation to words typed on a screen, people may interpret in the wrong context. if you're referring to me as stupid, i take offense.

in any case, the new revised route is just a bit shorter than the previous one.
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

chill guys. you can have your slugfest at the reservoir, soft drink cugging competition.

gav, do you want me to fill the ice box with drinks then? i could buy like a carton of packet drinks and then just put in the car with ice.
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

nYteMarE;342372 said:
you can have your slugfest at the reservoir, soft drink cugging competition.

gav, do you want me to fill the ice box with drinks then? i could buy like a carton, with the ice, and some packet drinks inside

thanks man that would be great :) let u decide what u wanna fill it up with lah
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

gav, since we need to reorganise at some point and like whativan say, at tampines, those who wants the long drive will meet at harbourfront, those wants shorter route will meet tampines, those who wants picnic only, meet at pierce... how???
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

Gav, im not referring to you. Im referring to the fact the drive has been shortened, I think its stupid. The fun part for me is the drive, the picnic for me I dont feel i fit in, so Im not that fond of it. I LOVE driving.

And because you took that tone with me, im out

Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

1. Roasty
2. SC_IS
3. nYteMarE and sweetdreams. (surprise surprise)
7.MockngBrd (if time permits and not too bz)
8. FiercePink (21st may be difficult, but good with 22nd) + mystery photographer
9. jinooi + wifey (if i am not out of town)
10. Herman (must check work schedule)
11. Silver + asther
12. JamesL
13. trilogy (roy)
14. pilotsnoopy + wife if she wake up (if still in Singapore)
15. Azrielsc + wife
16. Azarael (need to check schedule)
17. ACU + LUVs
18. iLLuXiOnB4bY (if there's anyone kind enuff to give mi a ride.. =x)
19. elMariaChi
20. bobbytay27
21. jovibon
22. asther04
23. vngooi
24. Emma & Breyton
25. Terry
26. DarKy (New Here & Who's Going To Be My New Fren?)
27. benji ben (interested but got to confirm schedule.) [i vote for route c and 22nd of june]
28. ///M3
30. Kentonna
31. keith M
32. Cabdriver Capt Cupcake
33. racingaprilia
34. C3PO + sister (maybe)

Need volunteers (preferably fast (but responsible) drivers) to be:
Convoy leader

Sweeper x3
1. Kentonna

Last car
1. Azrielsc

Can some of you help to bring these items?
Disposable plates - Azrielsc
Disposable utensils - Azrielsc
Tissues / serviettes - Azrielsc
Rubbish bags - Azrielsc

Large Colemans (maybe need 2)
1. nytemare
2. Azrielsc

Lots of ICE

Drinks – cola, 7up, root beer, F&N, juice, water, etc etc
Disposable cups
Snacks / crisps / tidbits

Portable stereo
Picnic mats

Games – cards, football, frisbee etc etc
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

fiercepink;342376 said:
gav, since we need to reorganise at some point and like whativan say, at tampines, those who wants the long drive will meet at harbourfront, those wants shorter route will meet tampines, those who wants picnic only, meet at pierce... how???

i'm not too keen on having two convoys.. dont think we need the reorganize point either. as i said, its a straightforward route and almost 90% is on expressway. i think it would be hard to get lost or break up from the main convoy. and in the event it happens, finding your way to pierce reservoir would require you to take an expressway anyways, and it would be hard to miss a large convoy of BMWs.

those who wanna just meet at the picnic site can meet us there.
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

i think a regroup location may be suitable. since this time we're driving eastern end. just please don't end up in T3. i'm going there on 22nd night. :(
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

phil;342379 said:
Gav, im not referring to you. Im referring to the fact the drive has been shortened, I think its stupid. The fun part for me is the drive, the picnic for me I dont feel i fit in, so Im not that fond of it. I LOVE driving.

And because you took that tone with me, im out


ok phil, like i said, stuff written is easy to misinterpret. thats why i said "IF u were referring to me.."

i had a hard time fitting in the last time too. i didnt know anyone there at all! but i do remember having a nice conversation with you on the benches.

i'd say you and I know a lot more people on the forum now so i'm sure we'd have a better time this time round at the picnic.
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

regroup will be at T3... onz

i'd prefer a longer drive as well
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

gav it's not 2 convoys...

for big convoys of more than 10 cars, we would always have indiv leader and sweeper in case it gets broken... it's alright for people who know the way but for newbies, not a very good way. just my personal opinion but i'm fine with the "if you're lost, we'll meet at pierce" plan.

phil, i don't think gav meant it that way. it's tough to organise events and it gets very exasperating but what do i know right? just come along... i miss your antics...
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

i have smsed phil to apologize. hope he turns up too
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

don't worry gav, phil will understand. thanks for organising this, it's not easy to get people together and get same opinions on things. we can't make everyone happy but we'll just do our best... i know cannot hijack thread but who wants to go for my KTV event, please sign up early!!
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

have you? wait i will check

Gav im not mad at you, i consider you a best mate.
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

oh, you call that an apology? thats just dirty. Almost like the ones FP sends me

Anyway, no need to apologise, it was me who lost his lolly.

Im pissed you personally go to so much effort to do this and people pm you complaining, THATS annoying me.
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

Just some suggestion... let gavin decide what he wants since he is the organiser.. once the route is set, don't change it anymore, it will only confuse the members further and some might give up the idea of going after so many changes..

hey gavin.. don't be frustrated k.. there is always first time.... :D try to get those ppl u r close with to help you, instead of asking for help in the thread.. i think its easier and faster that way... if u need anything from me.. let me know k.. *hugs*
Re: *UPDATE* - BMW.sg Sunday Drive and Picnic, June 22nd

phil;342406 said:
have you? wait i will check

Gav im not mad at you, i consider you a best mate.

cheers dude, give u brudder pricing for coilovers too man! :)

phil;342408 said:
oh, you call that an apology? thats just dirty. Almost like the ones FP sends me

Anyway, no need to apologise, it was me who lost his lolly.

Im pissed you personally go to so much effort to do this and people pm you complaining, THATS annoying me.

FP never sends me dirty sms.. :(

ok man, will try to sort this out and find a solution amenable to everyone.
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