where to do alignment?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, after putting on my eibach pro springs, i need to do an alignment.

where's the best place to do it? there are alot of scary mis-alignment stories out there!

also, anybody got the number for the alignment place 2 doors down from BVO? I heard they're not bad.

Thanks in advance!
Re: where to do alignment?

You could ask BVO or whoever installed the springs. I have used South East in Sin Ming. Not bad. Also used PML but that's without mods.
Re: where to do alignment?

Agree with foxfrc5 that South East at Sin Ming is not bad. If you want the shop that is near BVO, you can call 6454 5690 Mr Toh. The shop is Ricardo
Re: where to do alignment?

Having tried several allignment shops, I have discovered these two are the very best and reasonable price.. Kian Teong at Sin Ming Auto or Riverview Auto at AMK Autopoint. Not only because of their equipment but also the guys knowledge...
Re: where to do alignment?

cool, thanks for the replies.

oh triple M, saw you at BVO the other day when i was getting my springs installed. your rims look even better in real life man! damm shiny!
Re: where to do alignment?

Thanks dude, next time say hi :)
Re: where to do alignment?


AMK autopoint, Riverview is good. Only thing is need to make appointment. lots of cars.

quite impressed with his technical knowledge.
Re: where to do alignment?

I used to go to Ricardo many times before, they seemed ok but later i discovered they f....d my rear up when they forced the bolt in w/out sitting it properly and this created a knocking sound. I have dropped them since ! Crap !!

I would highly recommend to got to AMK Autopoint. To all who havent yet known, Kenny fm Riverview has started up on his own biz now. His shop is basically on the same floor, unit no. #04-15 slighly further down Riverview called Kenny Wheel Alignment. Call him on mob no. 9092 1015 for appt. He does a brilliant job !!

Re: where to do alignment?

kenny told me he cant do for bmws with active steering...:( heard he is darn good..
Re: where to do alignment?

you can try CK Motor Sport in AMK Autopoint. He does High speed balancing as well. :)
Re: where to do alignment?

Rastaman;144277 said:
I would highly recommend to got to AMK Autopoint. To all who havent yet known, Kenny fm Riverview has started up on his own biz now. His shop is basically on the same floor, unit no. #04-15 slighly further down Riverview called Kenny Wheel Alignment. Call him on mob no. 9092 1015 for appt. He does a brilliant job !!

Cool.. Great to see he's started out on his own now. This guy's fantastic. Very detailed in his explanations when he does the alignment for you. No hiding and secrecy.
Re: where to do alignment?

VenomX2;144673 said:
How much is it to do wheel alignment and how long does it take?

Should be $60 there about and completed under 45 minutes.
Re: where to do alignment?

spot on. mine took less than half hr.

the guy at kian teong is quite good.
Re: where to do alignment?

For those with active steering, where would be a good place to go?....thanks
Re: where to do alignment?


Anyone has done it at PML? Any difference compared to do it outside? They claim that the equipment and software they have are more advanced. Any advice?
Re: where to do alignment?

I m not surprised that they are ( PML ) more advanced in their equipment but you don't have much chance to interact with their mechanic on technical stuff. Basically, it's gonna be like, ok here u go, allignment is done and here is the report and pls pay at the counter...Definiltey not for me when it comes to this sort of work.
Re: where to do alignment?

my car has active steering and i got it done at kian teong.

the car rides fine to me. no pulling either side.

although the mechanic took me for a test drive to show me the stability and that was quite scary.

but no fear, he's a good driver. hahahah
Re: where to do alignment?

Do you need to book appointments at Kian Teong or can you just drive in? Anyone have their addy?
Re: where to do alignment?

just drive in.....normally they are quite flexible......quite nice guys too....

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