Whose Fault?


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Watch 0:35 onwards.....

Re: Whose Fault?

@ 0:49 the Benz change lane Abruptly, he/she should stay in the left lane.

IMO the Benz is wrong.
Re: Whose Fault?

both driver also wrong. merc anyhow change lane, no signal. driver with onboard cam blur cock, no anticipate traffic condition.
Re: Whose Fault?

not merc driver's fault.

shooter is in the wrong lane.
Re: Whose Fault?

Merc wrong because anyhow change lane.

Shooter wrong because lack of defensive driving.

LTA wrong because both section of the road is disjoint.
Re: Whose Fault?

Driving school's fault - let stupid driver pass his basic theory...
Re: Whose Fault?

Can somewhat understand how the driver feels though he's also somewhat of an idiot.

I drive that route every morning and encounter drivers such as the merc on daily basis.

Sometimes you even get morons on lane 1 who wants to cut the queue to turn left into Claymore Hill but because no one was dumb enough to let the A-Hole cut in, the fella comes to a complete STOP on lane 1 with left signal.
Re: Whose Fault?

Durian trees everywhere.
Re: Whose Fault?

Is Merc driver chio?
Re: Whose Fault?

Both. Merc no wrong but didnt signal, and first party stay too close.
Re: Whose Fault?

Yes, my fault for losing 58secs of my life which i will never get back, watching a clip with no Chio bu or serina.
Re: Whose Fault?

If Merc driver is a lady driver with perky ass like the Z4, it's the on board camera driver's fault
Re: Whose Fault?

My take - both at fault, though initially, it looked very skewed against the Merc.

(1) Both obtained their driving licences elsewhere, where amber means DRIVE FASTER. Solid highway code.
(2) The road is messy, 2 lanes into 3. But because of the road chevron, the left two lanes should be treated as the continuity.
(3) The Merc did not keep to its lane. Had the lights been green, the camera car would have nowhere to go. Left lane should keep left.
(4) Camera car has better vantage point of sight, but he drove based on his rights, not based on safety.

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