Why Am I Feeling This Way?


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
"No Dogs and Chinese Allowed" now feels like "No Dogs and Singaporeans Allowed"

Any other nationality, privileged.

Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

do you remember the incident where a mother was explaining to her daughter why she could not say the word 'bomb' and was reprimanded and couselled?

to me, the PRC woman was threatening to blow up the fucking plane. she should've been cuffed to her seat immediatel, and banned from flying for a period of time.

another case of double standards?
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Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

what i feel,

a simple analogy, your own son misbehave in your house, you can choose to punish him heavily. However, if a boy comes to your house and misbehaves, you cannot punish him like how you would punish your own son. No matter what, the boy is not your son, whatever you want to do to him you need to answer to his parents.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

come on, plasti-cuffs are just extra-large cable ties.

so the lives of passengers taking budget airlines are worth less than those taking non-budget airlines?

try doing the same thing in the States and see what happens...
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

Talking abt airlines....

How many of you noticed that cabin crew seldom enforce the No Mobile phones rule?

Everytime I take plane, I can see many people still using their phones yakking away even though the safety video has been shown.

Although I think it endangers my life, I never confront them as I am an internet hero and will come here to rant only
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

then kindly explain to me why we went on the cane michael fay despite a presidential plea from the most powerful man in the world?

Ahwing;829853 said:
what i feel,

a simple analogy, your own son misbehave in your house, you can choose to punish him heavily. However, if your a boy comes to your house and misbehaves, you cannot punish him like how you would punish your own son. No matter what, the boy is not your son, whatever you want to do to him you need to answer to his parents.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

hehe... try taking any flight to or from india.

phones ringing during take off and landing.

MW;829856 said:
Talking abt airlines....

How many of you noticed that cabin crew seldom enforce the No Mobile phones rule?

Everytime I take plane, I can see many people still using their phones yakking away even though the safety video has been shown.

Although I think it endangers my life, I never confront them as I am an internet hero and will come here to rant only
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

not the forum, the sad state of affairs in this country is...

DrK;829859 said:
Sad. This forum is depressing me.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829857 said:
then kindly explain to me why we went on the cane michael fay despite a presidential plea from the most powerful man in the world?

Quite simple bro.

In 90s, we haven't thought of open-door policy. So we just f whoever we like especially when old man was in charge. Every neighbour in SE Asia hated us because we are richer than them.

In 2000s, his son realised that population growth is undermining economic growth. Went berserk and implemented a no-hold barred immigration policy which include sucking, licking, cajoling, kum-ming all FTs.

Times had changed. Because we were once part of a country with only 3m people, we have to go with the wind to progress. But alas, kns this degrading of locals nowadays is seriously too much to bear. Being rich without pride is equivalent to being limp. Imagine one has a big d**k but can't stand. Or one is very rich but impotent. What is the point really?

It used to be very balanced and I prefer it that way.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

Ahwing;829853 said:
what i feel,

a simple analogy, your own son misbehave in your house, you can choose to punish him heavily. However, if a boy comes to your house and misbehaves, you cannot punish him like how you would punish your own son. No matter what, the boy is not your son, whatever you want to do to him you need to answer to his parents.

analogy flawed, i can give said misbehavior a 'light push' out of the house and ban him/her from returning.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

Romanian killed 1 injured 2, still not convicted yet. He is subjected to trial in Romania cause he "left" Singapore. If a Singaporean kill a Romanian diplomat on the road, I think he will be locked up first.

Suntec brawl, Australian left behind and sentenced to 3 weeks jail. NZ and Brit jumped bail. If a Singaporean whacks an ang mor, he will be labelled as a hooligan.

China woman threatened to make the plane disappear but kenna warning only. If a Singaporean says that, someone will cite ISA.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

my question has always been - why do i religiously pay taxes, spend 2.5 years of my youth in NS (and 10+ years as reservist), lend the government my hard-earned pay with almost no interest, have to fight to get my kids enrolled in school because of the limited number of places, put up with the high inflation rate because the kind of FTs we welcome have more spending power, put up with their insolence and intolerence of local culture (e.g. the curry saga), etc... the list goes on...

so that i get screwed eventually?

the first 25 years of nation building wasgoing in the right direction. thereafter, everything went bloody haywire...
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

I think in part because gahmen realised that Singaporeans are well travelled and have multiple properties everywhere and in the event of war, we can just hop on the next plane and leave..... so no point nation building, just need to have more people of other nationalities here, especially the "super" powers so that in the event of war, these "super" powers will come help us...
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

pls lor, superpowers also have vested interests.

case in point - US 7th fleet allowed access to singapore.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829873 said:
pls lor, superpowers also have vested interests.

case in point - US 7th fleet allowed access to singapore.

yah so its a win-win for Sg gahmen.

Its no surprise to all tat Sg is run not like a country but more like a Mega company so as companies go, employees come and go. Not happy, "resign" lor, tats the attitude of gahmen now I think cos they can always "employ" more FTs to replace us, which they have done so in the recent years quietly until you suddenly become a minority in your own country..

Same as my company, I go to my cafeteria and I thought I am in India. I go to the roof-top for a smoke and think I am in Philipines. Walk pass the manufacturing plant and you will swear you are in China
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

say what you like about the old man, but the guy has balls.

i remember the reason he gave for going ahead to cane Michael Fay was something to the effect of "if foreigners think they can come here and do whatever they want, they are sadly mistaken. we have our laws and they have to bear the same consequences if found guilty."

sadly, the younger generation of leaders are gut-less diplomats, afraid of offending foreigners and taking it out on the locals.

but we also have a part to play in this since we elected these bunch of scholars into office?
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

jinooi;829869 said:
my question has always been - why do i religiously pay taxes, spend 2.5 years of my youth in NS (and 10+ years as reservist), lend the government my hard-earned pay with almost no interest, have to fight to get my kids enrolled in school because of the limited number of places, put up with the high inflation rate because the kind of FTs we welcome have more spending power, put up with their insolence and intolerence of local culture (e.g. the curry saga), etc... the list goes on...

so that i get screwed eventually?

the first 25 years of nation building wasgoing in the right direction. thereafter, everything went bloody haywire...

Cos someone die die make his son successor. Rubbish in rubbish out.
Re: Why Am I Feeling This Way?

Please, please, please remember all of this when you step up to the polling booth. Please

Don't let whatever GST rebate, CPF top up, Growth Bonus buy your amnesia...

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