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wts air con compressor


Well-Known Member
i have some new air con compressor for BMW e81/82/e90/e92/e60 for sales.

Best Regards,
Robin Duan

Propel Auto Parts Pte Ltd
28,kranji Road, Singapore 739467
Sales: (65) 63681686 , 63670886
DID : (65) 62690215
FAX : (65) 63632803
Website: www.propel-auto.com
Email : [email protected]
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Re: wts air con compressor

Hi, I am driving a 2006 e60. Lately, my aircon feels warm during daytime, not sure if it's compressor problem. Can give me an estimate of ur charge?
Re: wts air con compressor

my house one got problem. daiklin inverter. u hv?
Re: wts air con compressor

Denis Propel;620343 said:
i have some new air con compressor for BMW e81/82/e90/e92/e60 for sales. if you have problem with your air con compressor you can message me 81395935 for more detail and pricing,

Hi Denis,

mind to pm me the price for e60 aircon comlressor? used n new please.


Re: wts air con compressor

Hi Denis. Can Pm me the price for used & new compressor for E90 Pre fl. Thanks
Re: wts air con compressor

Denis Propel;620343 said:
i have some new air con compressor for BMW e81/82/e90/e92/e60 for sales. if you have problem with your air con compressor you can message me 81395935 for more detail and pricing,

Bro my air-con sometime seem to be not cold, but the monment i turn it off and on again,
the air-con start to turn cold again.
Could it be due to the compressor problem?
Currently my ride is E92. (07)
Pls advise the price to change the compressor plus labour. Thank u

Pls sms me 90666016.
Re: wts air con compressor

Hi Dennis,

Driving E60 2006, PM me the price for compressor , and also Fan Blower Motor for the front centre blower ( There is intermitent motor noise)

u can also sms me @ 82887171
Re: wts air con compressor

Pls advice if my compressor is up the lorry or not.

Turn on but doesn't seem to have much air blowing out. Last servicing got the mechanic to clean up my air con filters Liao. Day time Jiat lat man.. Need to go at least the 4-5 before I can feel it cooling. If stationery after starting car not cold at all. Once move on starts to get cooler. Recently, my cooking system also got problem.. Check light keeps coming on.. Coolant seems to be empty.. After top up then two days later check light on again and needs to top up liao. My windscreen water also pretty fast man... Haiz... :(
Re: wts air con compressor

Morning, I'm driving a 2006 e60. my aircon feels warm(sometime) during, not sure if it's compressor issue. Kindly do pm me yr price. Thank you.

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