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    Very Fierce Z4 MILF Driver....................

    Re: Very Fierce Z4 MILF Driver.................... nice legs and butt....where is this place...the civic driver really sia sway
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    Taiwan playboy Justin Lee sentenced to 22 years for non-consensual sex and privacy vi

    Re: Taiwan playboy Justin Lee sentenced to 22 years for non-consensual sex and privac heard he can pay a fine for fillming the girls instead of jail term as it is civil, the rape part cannot, I am glad I deleted my hotels made videos!
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    Health spa

    Re: Health spa Nutti special can eat the whole day there lor, miss the old leisure spa at Bukit Timah, got pool got sauna got many pretty girls
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    Health spa

    Re: Health spa G spa and hot spa for men in the east, damage about 80. Dirty ones please PM me
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    Justin's girls

    Re: Justin's girls Thank you, lub you deep deep, can put name???
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    Taiwan playboy Justin Lee sentenced to 22 years for non-consensual sex and privacy vi

    Re: Taiwan playboy Justin Lee sentenced to 22 years for non-consensual sex and privac I prefer kimberly to maggie wu.....
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    Let's talk stocks & IPO

    Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO I speculating on yhm now....hmmm
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    Taiwan playboy Justin Lee sentenced to 22 years for non-consensual sex and privacy vi

    Re: Taiwan playboy Justin Lee sentenced to 22 years for non-consensual sex and privac Can find on the net, I watch until sianz leow.
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    Taiwan playboy Justin Lee sentenced to 22 years for non-consensual sex and privacy vi

    Re: Taiwan playboy Justin Lee sentenced to 22 years for non-consensual sex and privac This guy power la, btw he wears a panerai.
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    Serious help needed

    Re: Serious help needed Jetta also got GLI la, it's like a GTI on rails...I meant with backside....
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    Serious help needed

    Re: Serious help needed I try to set up an account but scare kena ban at inception.....(:::
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    Serious help needed

    Re: Serious help needed Just checked bro, CC r line is 2.0T not sure if it's on wet wet or dry dsg though
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    Serious help needed

    Re: Serious help needed Guniang looking car IMHO but sometimes on steroids
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    Serious help needed

    Re: Serious help needed Ya vw is not cheap but if it's like a handbag it will be a Gucci, whereas BMW will be like a Hermes, someone in vagsg says he drives BMW and have many birkins lol so the association
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    Serious help needed

    Re: Serious help needed No worries la, now vag do total recall on dsg and give GAO GAO warranty just hope they don't crash the car though....
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    Serious help needed

    Re: Serious help needed Should drive a cheap car like my Volkswagen quite fuel efficient, can pump v power and out run Z8s so they won't bump my backside
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    Let's talk stocks & IPO

    Re: Let's talk stocks & IPO I don't drive a bull but like you I am always long buying 2k of mutual funds every month till I reach 50, do you advocate going into stocks directly or selecting a few good funds and dollar cost average for the long term say 10 years?
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    New Twmm

    Re: New Twmm Who are your customers ?:shoot:
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    New Twmm

    Re: New Twmm I think Howard Shaw drives one something to do with his green movement
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    New Twmm

    Re: New Twmm But still very fappable! thanks!
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