Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

rodders said:
So do you think he's a troll now? Can you see his agenda now?
There are no secret agendas. Everything is public.
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

michaeltan said:
I would today qualify the Carma statements to include a class of `pretty much brand agnostic people' after being in BMW-SG for a couple of months. However, the general thrust of the statement made is still generally true for many posters in BMW-SG. But yet, that statement was an unqualified generalization. It was made a month ago though, and in that time, some seeds were planted in my mind to actually grow to real respect for some posters.

Seriously if i were you, i wouldnt try denying nor justifying what i did. if its just for the sake of saying, dun bother. more than 75% of them here knows whats really in your thoughts and ur agenda. I enjoyed deabting in carma untill a point i realised that its a waste fo time when you cant appreciate the things money cant buy. Simply, u try to attach a value to it and degrade it. I may not be in a position to say this but i sure as hell know the thought and idelogies behind.
Guess psychology in Australia taught me some useful things though i changed course.
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

michaeltan said:
There are no secret agendas. Everything is public.
You're just a bloody shit stirrer who's good in giving lame excuses and explaining your way out of sticky situations.
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

michaeltan said:
Drink Driving is not fundamentally illegal, but if you can incure personal liability when driving intoxicated without the capacity to handle safe fast driving sounds good. And it is the way it should be.
That being the case, why are both treated with moral variances as far as your "basis of objective morality" concept is concerned? You detested drink driving, remember, while not doing so for speeding. Conceptually, it is so ironically. Even if I read the entire thread as a whole, and took into account your advocacy of objective morality, you could not provide the very foundation of making two distinguished judgement on same flout of grey morality. And yes, about accountability, it is often taken and assumed. Until something happened. Those who speed on highways (not tracks) assumed they can handle the car, and that they are accountable to their life. Until something happens to themselves or, worse, others. That word alone, is a punchline.

michaeltan said:
The poseur test for BMW owners was clearly described. I thought that the willingness to redline the machine at least in low gears in safe circumstances would be a good and clear test for one who craves driver enjoyment, at even a slight lapse of legal obedience. You have a better test to find the poseurs from the real drivers?
There will be POSEURs for every "performance" marque, is it not?
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

rodders said:
You're just a bloody shit stirrer who's good in giving lame excuses and explaining your way out of sticky situations.

hes been banned. anyway tonight SUPPER all come ok?! i will look out for pedestrians when coming in. If scared, stick diapers on front bumper ok? i will keep to speed limit. and when cross road opposite shell, i look left and right 5 times b4 crossing ok? All those parking pls follow instructions. NCAP has made this a laW!

yeah rite....
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

elmariachi said:
hes been banned. anyway tonight SUPPER all come ok?! i will look out for pedestrians when coming in. If scared, stick diapers on front bumper ok? i will keep to speed limit. and when cross road opposite shell, i look left and right 5 times b4 crossing ok? All those parking pls follow instructions. NCAP has made this a laW!
Ok. Will try to make it tonite. I'll get the Ah Nehs to be the parking wardens to guide pedestrians.
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

Good call Barry. Can't stand anyone stirring shit in a good community like ours..
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

rodders said:
Ok. Will try to make it tonite. I'll get the Ah Nehs to be the parking wardens to guide pedestrians.

Ai mai..
i will be zoom zoom..hey where the hell is ah bang driver? never see him in person till now..
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

rex7_vtec said:
Ok I guess you guys can save your breath for now already......
Now he'll go back into his forum and cry father cry mother about the grest injustice done to him at bmw-sg.
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

elmariachi said:
Ai mai..
i will be zoom zoom..hey where the hell is ah bang driver? never see him in person till now..
Think he's grounded for now cos his car got into an accident.
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

rodders said:
Now he'll go back into his forum and cry father cry mother about the grest injustice done to him at bmw-sg.

carma alot of ppl dont really post tor they dun really understand english taht well. with his lingo, who wud contest his views? then one day ElMaRiachi came to life in the forums and ruined things for the 'hero'. CAn someone congratulate me?

Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

rodders said:
Think he's grounded for now cos his car got into an accident.

hope he did not injure any pedestrians. :D
guess the speed limit of 150 didnt work for him did it?
and DAMN! i hit 300 post!. How come so many?
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

rodders said:
Now he'll go back into his forum and cry father cry mother about the grest injustice done to him at bmw-sg.
Had a quick discussion with Ryan regarding this matter and thus the decision to ban.

Anyway we feel that its perfectly fine for anyone to post their comments, thoughts, advise and whatever ding dongs be it good or bad.

However should the particular person provoke the integrity of our members here and proven guilty, the Admin Team will of course proceed with the necessary course of action to defend ourselves. (Wah sound like Braveheart siah)

Anyway no harm done so lets just move on ya!! Ladies night liao.... LIM AH!!!! Kekekeke
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

>"If there is any love I have, it's for Honda and Mercedes. I am not doing this to slight BMW in >favour of other car brands."

Why are you here?

> I am doing this because these questions have to be asked, and answered or addressed in >some way. I am doing this because it SHOULD BE DONE."

Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

haha.....just re-learnt how to post attachment and was going to share this with MT; admins feel free to delete :)
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

m3magic said:
haha.....just re-learnt how to post attachment and was going to share this with MT; admins feel free to delete :)

m3magic, u got too mcuh time on ur hands. But u were late. MT has been sent back to carma(Banned).
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

Maybe someone can recommend another hobby for him, or buy him a new keyboard. It must have been worn smooth by now. I must say that I admire his undying fire to argue all the way though.
Re: Another BMW marketing-engineering-legislation quandary - Pedestrian Protection

elmariachi said:
m3magic, u got too mcuh time on ur hands. But u were late. MT has been sent back to carma(Banned).

ya, i know he's been ban..... as for free time, i think MT still wins the 1st price;

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