BMW.SG Topless Club Inauguration Meet

You all are probably impressed with our coordination for the "arrow-head" pics, aren't you? Wanna know the secret?

We were very fortunate to have some professional guidance given by Geoff Ang, a nice guy whoisa professional photographer - see his website at I undertand that the latest edition of the Torque magazine featured some pics of a Maserati taken by Geoff.
Head of Topless club,

Nice individual portrait shots of the members. Where do you want to post the lorry mug shot? In the member's only forum?

Thanks for the headsup on the tyres. You were right on them being flat. I trusted the tyre shop to do according as I instructed to pump all tyres to 220 Kpa but they did not. I was exiting AYE at NUH and understeered the car for the first time so I went to have the pressure checked out when they cooled down. Turns out that 3 tyres were at 197 kpa and one at 217 kpa! :shoot: Hate those people! I was wondering why the ride was so comfy.

No prob bro! Good to have your tyres sorted out!
The Mixmaster said:

DJ, wah lau.. my front wheels look sooooo teeny mini!!! Aiyoh....
That lorry is the largest cabriolet in the club.
It also has the most HP and torque. Does a reasonable century sprint under 30 seconds. The hood is a little fiddly and takes about 15 minutes to pack. It's stowed above the cabin roof with rusty chains and padlock.
Hahahahahaha :laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik:
Wow u all very fast leg fast hand huh!!!! Pro is a Pro, his camera really makes alot of different!!! Came home n review the pics were only soso... Many of the pics were small n if i zoom in, some of the cars were out of the pic. Luckily tis Pro cameraman n his camera are able to put all the cars in 1 pic! It was FUN. Thanx to DJ :thumbsup:
Excellent shot guys...real good! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

So..who's steveco? Think he's the coolest among all. 8)
Maybe we could do some similar shots for this month end's meet up? Only thing now is hopefully our ace photographer shows up as well... :thumbsup:
rodders said:
Maybe we could do some similar shots for this month end's meet up? Only thing now is hopefully our ace photographer shows up as well... :thumbsup:

Sounds like a good idea bro since you mentioned that you are comin in your newly acquired convertible a.k.a pick-up lorry :laughlik:
The lorry that was used for this weekend's shoot was my new "cab". Notice that the rear was able to accomadate everyone. Too bad it was too big to fit into the group shot.

PS. You better bring a can opener along cos I'm gonna park real close to your M3.....kekeke
Heres my photo... realised that I was using the wrong lens, I had to stand so far backwards to capture all cars, hence I have took a few shots and joined them together.. Great meet up! Thanks to Mixmaster organizing such a fun event! Nice meeting you Alvin, Geoff, Ivan, SM etc
Great pics guys! :thumbsup:
Had church to attend early morning so couldn't make it.... anyway, my car will look out of place amongst the chio chio bimmer cabs/roadsters... and of course the lao da "MRS".... ;)
Halo Lionel,

no excuses la; my MRS can somehow fit in, yr yellow banana sure fit in one la; some more got pro guidance......

next time better turn up; but by then maybe u changed car liao....haha
hi guys,
had a really fun time... much thanks to mixmaster for puttin it together...
nice to have met everyone and for extending a warm welcome to a newbie like myself!!!
can't wait for the next one...
next time i bring my gear, and we go someplace with a better backdrop... like tuas?
also maybe we shoot like... closer to evening... better light and not so darn hot!!! :oops:


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