Re: BMWSG Sepang Track Day Sat 7 May
1. Lingus / S5 / Newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
2. KWY91/ 335i / Newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
3. Brandon Lee / Golf GTI (Paid - Early Bird)
4. Pin / Subaru / (Paid - Early Bird)
5. Karam / Evo X / (Paid - Early Bird)
6. Nickster / 318is (Paid - Early Bird)
7. Andyxgy (Paid - Early Bird)
8. ac323 / Z4 / No newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
9. Eunice / 135i / no newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
10. Ryan / Z4 / (Paid - Early Bird)
11. Kuvesh / evo x / no (Paid - Early Bird)
12. Jwwu / evo x / no (Paid - Early Bird)
13. godjira1/ 996gt3 / no + Extra driver (Paid - Early Bird)
14. Eric Ong / LP560-4 / Yes
15. Elite / M5 / no + Extra drive (Paid - Early Bird)
16. Shaun / s2k / no (Paid - Early Bird)
17. MockngBrd / 318is / noob (Paid - Early Bird)
18. Gerald81 / Impreza / No (Paid - Early Bird)
19. MachoMan / S2000 / No (Paid - Early Bird)
20. Bacon7 / M3 / Yes (Paid - Early Bird)
21. Amar / M3 / Yes (Paid - Early Bird)
22. Harold996TT/ GTR (hope I make one lap without transmission blowing up)/ No
23. Niva/M3/ no newbie (pending)
24. chongster/M3/newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
25. Dave / - / No (Paid - Early Bird)
26. YZYgold / clk200 / newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
27. RaidenGear / Z4 / newbie + Extra Driver (Paid - Early Bird)
28. TripleM / GT3 / Oldbie
29. cjc81 / A5 / newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
30. Dre / M3 / no (Paid - Early Bird)
31. ChrisJoo / Boxster Spyder / newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
32. Whitenight/E93/Newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
33. Louis / Exige (Paid - Early Bird)
34. stanch / evo9 / No (Paid - Early Bird)
35. shem / mini cooper S / No (Paid - Early Bird)
36.dcs2k / z4 / no
37.mike59 / A5 / Newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
38. Raymond / 335i / Newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
39. Justin / GTI / Newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
40. eggz / E92 M3 - (Paid - Early Bird)
41. linus2608/GTI/newbie ( Paid - Early Bird)
42. Oliver / GTR / no
43. Vincent Toe / M3 / Newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
44. Aloysius Fong / M3 / Newbie (Paid - Early Bird)
45. NTY/GT3/No (Paid - Early Bird)
OFFICIAL BMWSG CONVOY LIST (pls provide me with your contact number for logistics arrangement)
1. Karam
2. RaidenGear
3. Vincent Toe
4. Bacon7
Hi guys, including those "pending" status people (for interbank transfer lag time), we have 40 paid slots all taken up already. The track day registration is now closed. Thanks for the enouraging response. We're full house a full 7 weeks before the event.
Please do not send me anymore money, otherwise I will have to go through an extra step to transfer them back. For those who have signed up but for whatever reasons cannot make it, the slot will be opened up to anyone who is still interested to make it. We can make a refund as long as the club does not run into losses for this event.
For those who are interested in the convoy, closer to the event Karam will contact you guys for the arrangements.
Please check back on this thread regularly for updates. At the very least, I shall have logistical updates posted here in the week before the event. Do remember to check back here and get updated.