Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

kenntona;1032549 said:
It looks to me they are forcing CAT B higher. But that does not necessarily solve any problem.

Bingo! Progressive taxation! That was the intention right from day 1.

What I cannot fathom is that why link it to capacity and hp when the OMV is staring at you right in the face as the COST of the car which is the best indicator whether it's mass market or premium!
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Aiya in the end people will still rush to buy in time for Xmas/CNY.

Then come to forum to ask how to save fuel.
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

wt_know;1032541 said:
the tweak of coe system is not to solve congestion
it is to make allocation "fairer" wor - so to speak

CAT A - bread and butter ... white bread + butter (not imported type ... ntuc home brand type)

CAT B - all other car is considered premium
That's nonsense lah. Last time, there is cat 1, which is THE true blue B&B car.
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

It may work out to our favour. Less Demand, same supply = ?
Hmmm.... (Did i fail mental sums?)
Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

kenntona;1032531 said:
Sorry, but how does tagging COE to higher engine power solve car congestion problems?

Anyone with a reasonable IQ will know that it doesn't!

This move is likely another knee-jerk reaction to stupify... I mean pacify.... the masses who kpkb they cannot buy a car. Now, let's all take a step back and ask, what was the real problem that caused all the congestion issues that we have today? Wasn't it the over-release of the COE quotas between 2004-09 because everyone was crying out to the government for cheaper car ownership (maybe someone can pull out that national day speech somewhere)? And what caused the sharp increase in COE prices after that? Claw back of over-released supply, amongst others, but certainly not a "booming economy and COE prices being driven by the market" - many people were struggling in that period just after GFC. Now, this.....

To those cbk MCFers who are wishing COEs can drop to 2004-09 levels so they can buy their first Soozooki swifts for $45k and fetch their cais and hueys around (and clog up the roads in the meantime), please keep quiet! Want to drive? Pay like a man!!!
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Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

chicane said:
What I cannot fathom is that why link it to capacity and hp when the OMV is staring at you right in the face as the COST of the car which is the best indicator whether it's mass market or premium!

OMV will swing wild to EUR-SGD or XXX-SGD fluctuations.
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

kenntona;1032558 said:
OMV will swing wild to EUR-SGD or XXX-SGD fluctuations.

Can use 6 month averages to even out the fluctuations. Just need a bit more work to monitor...
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Why don't they just categorise cars by colour? It's just as ineffective in managing the car population but it's less gloomy to be stuck in a colourful traffic jam than whites and greys and blacks.

They can add a surcharge on white Audis too, since there are too many of those :lol2: Lui - please thank me.
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

I said it before and I'll say it again: "I'll drive it till the fcuking wheels fall off!"
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

130hp is for kids......
Next time paper or fb will post driver bored to dead while driving extremely powerful 131bhp car from point A to point B. . .
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

They should also categorise cars by moddability since 70-80% of drivers will mod least rims...

BMW-Sg, matured forum VAGSG, SgMerc, all Jap and Korean car forums etc will close down or have one only folder .. "DISCUSS YOUR FC HERE"
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

1 serious question, if i buy Tesla Model X, which Cat COE should i apply?
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Maybe should just categorise by FC :sleepy:
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Best? Ditch COE, and reduce fiscal spending.

Oilman;1032575 said:
Maybe should just categorise by FC :sleepy:
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Vansoh;1032477 said:
These farking idoits should be reminded whats the objective of the bloody COE. Will these measure better control the car population?

actually you look at it from another angle it controls the car population.. eg, 50 people want to buy a car currently in cat a which is gonna be moved to cat b.. but once moved to cat b, its gonna be more expensive and if they can't afford it, then 50 less cars on the road..
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Blame BMW for producing small CC cars with turbos......

Now gahmen's strategy is not to reduce the quantity of cars on the road. It is to pack more puny cars on to the same road.

This would demonstrate better use of the infrastructure.

Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

Red_Bean_Bun;1032586 said:
Blame BMW for producing small CC cars with turbos......

Now gahmen's strategy is not to reduce the quantity of cars on the road. It is to pack more puny cars on to the same road.

This would demonstrate better use of the infrastructure.


Blame on VW first, they create idiotic TSI 1.4 for some sport car wannabe low baller
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

With this new policy, F20 114d is my choice. Group buy?
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

davidtch;1032590 said:
With this new policy, F20 114d is my choice. Group buy?

Mine will be Lotus Elise 120bhp version. Instead of celica engine maybe they use gen2.
Re: Changes to COE: Government includes car engine power to categorisation

seanskye;1032592 said:
Mine will be Lotus Elise 120bhp version. Instead of celica engine maybe they use gen2.

Anyone want 7series with QQ engine?

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