Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

some of my pics


































Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

sherman0888;446348 said:
think i witness him threaten or bother that auntie...keep on asking her.. I VERY HANDSOME HOR HOR... saw that auntie vomit than fainted and after that ambulance arrive...:thinking: :thinking:
the worst part is boobie asking the auntie to name a price!!! wah kaoz! "yew gu beh jiak lao chao, jiak ka lao chao see liao liao"
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

Steady...steady.....hold the line...
(Actually Roasty and Acupunch is part of a stress test. To test how much additional stress babe can tahan. )

Initially I wanted to say that I'm very scared of these 2 gentlemen, they looked very fierce.
Then I realised that one of them got wet t-shirt, the other one got protruding nip. I think they look very sexy....

FP, be careful of the person behind you, I heard he like to grab people from behind! Very dangerous!

Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)


Is that ALL the food that's left?? :errr:
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

It was an eye-opener for me, to see the living conditions of my fellow Singaporeans in Boon Lay. I always have the impressions that Singapore is a developed country - I was so wrong. Of the 5 families that I have visited, 3 are single-parent family with many kids. On their wish list, there is one commonality - no need for furniture, appliances, or even money..... the top of the list is FOOD / GROCERIES !!! This is the very Singapore where I live in, and where some are living in hunger..... unbelievable, but it is a sad truth. Truth not reported in the media. We only see X% GDP growth.........

I am not sure if the relevant parties are running this event for publicity sake (I felt so on the political forces and the media coverage, but that's my personal feel), but I feel that this event could and should be run by us alone or other car clubs without any political forces involved. A purer and less bureaucratic action needed. And a more direct contribution. But that's just me....
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

yes kentonna

just chip in money
buy food stuff and go distribute oursleves
no need so much hoohaa
waste so much fresh food.
canned better.
convert our time n petrol into cash
into true food n groceries
i felt alot of time, man power and cash wasted on other areas too
thanks for speaking out
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

Totally agreed ......every year Chinese new year i have a sml group abt 10 -15 pax and we buy a hundred boxes mandrin oranges and put $2 dollar into a angpao (amt depends on how much funds we raise ourself ) ...we will go to those 1rm flat and old folk home to give oranges and angpao .....sibey shiong day but all worth it .....a big smile on our face after the day hard work ...maybe our bmw forum oso can do sometink like this ourself ....
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

an eye opener for me family i've visited - the old lady of 84 years stay alone..home is nothing than few broken fridge, nothing. One of the students asked, "how if she fell sick or injured herself"??...

i think we should 'adopt' this project....hope we could start something from this...

Cheers!! Hamz
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

i totally agree with ken and marcusrichard.

It was really an eye opener to me. i feel very fortunate to have what i have now. Same situation as me, top of list is daily food. My heart felt when one of them said, we need nothing from you except daily food to survive, at times we only eat simple lunch for a day. i always thought that no matter how poor singaporeans are, they still have a decent meal everyday but i'm TOTALLY WRONG.

Theres this female, jobless since 4 years ago and is suffering from breast cancer. No money for medical bills. She did look for jobs but couldnt get due to her illness. She dont mind part time. She cant even afford own home and now staying with her friend FOC. She was happy to receive those food and goodie bags.
How long can those meals and bags last her??

i did some research and calculation...
For 1 household, we can fork out at least $20 which include rice, flour and cooking oil.
For $100 we can have 5 household.

Anyone with better suggestions, feel free to share.
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

Count me in....will love to help out...
I think 1st of all we need to get the list of people who truly need our help. I heard from the boy frm RJC they got the list frm CDAC then they select those who is on monthly handouts. think it will help to contact some school who have charity club or smthing.they will have those list of needy people liao.
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

kenntona;446470 said:
It was an eye-opener for me, to see the living conditions of my fellow Singaporeans in Boon Lay. I always have the impressions that Singapore is a developed country - I was so wrong. Of the 5 families that I have visited, 3 are single-parent family with many kids. On their wish list, there is one commonality - no need for furniture, appliances, or even money..... the top of the list is FOOD / GROCERIES !!! This is the very Singapore where I live in, and where some are living in hunger..... unbelievable, but it is a sad truth. Truth not reported in the media. We only see X% GDP growth.........

I am not sure if the relevant parties are running this event for publicity sake (I felt so on the political forces and the media coverage, but that's my personal feel), but I feel that this event could and should be run by us alone or other car clubs without any political forces involved. A purer and less bureaucratic action needed. And a more direct contribution. But that's just me....

Glad that you've said what you've said.
Ultimately there're many that have fallen through the cracks, forgotten by the system.

Of course this well intentioned day, should not be looked down upon. Everyone is chipping in. Esp our forumers helping in earnest.
Even if the celebs are using it (like all their live "Charity" TV shows) as a vehicle to further their own objectives
there is perhaps some heart at work .

Though the News coverage is ultimately a message to the general populace that no one is forgotten.
But in the end, there's little that is done to change the day-to-day lives of those with less agency in our society.
Sometimes voluntary, as is the case with disenfranchised families the world over -
as the cycle of poverty-teenage pregnancy-education dropouts - is a vicious one.

There are the ones that have truly been left behind, like the 70-80 year old ladies pushing 20kg carts of cardboard along Chinatown...
Our nation builders of the past, conveniently ignored
In favour of the deluge of NEW Singaporeans coming from the mainland and the subcontinent.

Way to go Singapore...Inc.

Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

For those who are interested in doing more good deeds, you can contribute in Heart to Heart food distribution too. It is held every Sunday of the month.

Can look for Jinteck who is the organiser.
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

i guess no matter what.. be it publicity sake or political reason.. the most impt is we did it becasue we wanted to help the families.. not because of any other reason.. and we really should recognise the artiste effort into this event too..afterall they did put in a lot of time and effort behind the scene that nobody knows.. i am not trying to say good words here.. but i saw it with my own eyes... we just want to help as much as we can.. :)

love u guys.. u guys r the best... :)
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

oh.. RJC students wanted to thank all of you for helping.. they r really grateful and thankful with all the hard works.. thanks guys... :)
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

all the homes i visited were either a $26/mth or $120/mth rented one room flat.

1st family i go - jobless parent - nice house - wish for a job
2nd family i go - jobless couple - wish for a job
3rd family i go - jobless parent - got a 42" LCD TV - kid wants a computer
4th family i go - jobless parent - children don't care - need medical subsides
5th family i go - jobless couple - owns a golden retriever - wish for a job

same as me jobless.... unless work then get paid.
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

BABE starring in Matrix Revolution III ! siam bullet . . . . .


Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

iScoupe;446567 said:
BABE starring in Matrix Revolution III ! siam bullet . . . . .

iScream, why you make the sharp sharp thing & poke there?
Re: Charity Event on 21 Jun 2009 (Sunday)

iScoupe;446567 said:
BABE starring in Matrix Revolution III ! siam bullet . . . . .

iScream, why you make the sharp sharp thing & poke there?

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