ECU remapping...

Re: ECU remapping...

jeremiah;450146 said:
Hi, have tried Tune Kit on my 523i 2006 model. It worked fine and significant torque noted for first 2 weeks. Therafter, increased torque was inconsistent but most times flat and seems non existent. Subsequently decided to remove it altogether after noticing warning flashed on dashboard on engine loss of power. This despite having changed the Tune Kit 3 times over as initially thought to be manufacturer's fault. Having checked with manufacturer, it was claimed that 600 units worldwide rolling out of BMW factory were fitted with a different software from other 523s and mine was one of them. It rendered the Tune Kit incompatible with my car but it worked fine with most other 523s.

Was told remapping and changing of chip would be necessary for my case. Would like to hear opinion from the floor.

Would be nice for Snowdog to email me price for the above for my consideration too. - [email protected]


You got email... :thumbsup:
Re: ECU remapping...

Hi Snow Dog. I am new to this forum but would like to get the answers to the questions below.
(1) What is the gain in bhp?
(2) Will ecu remapping reduce the car torque?
(3) Is it reversible?
(4) Will it cause damage to the engine over the long-run?
(5) Will it affect fuel efficiency?
(6) Will it void the PML warranty??
(7) Price?
Re: ECU remapping...

Soonster;450224 said:
Hi Snow Dog. I am new to this forum but would like to get the answers to the questions below.
(1) What is the gain in bhp?
(2) Will ecu remapping reduce the car torque?
(3) Is it reversible?
(4) Will it cause damage to the engine over the long-run?
(5) Will it affect fuel efficiency?
(6) Will it void the PML warranty??
(7) Price?

PMed you... :thumbsup:
Re: ECU remapping...

Ecu tuning is done thru OBD port. For Naturally Aspirated (NA) cars the typical gains are 20hp and 30 torque. Gear ratio is changed to change auto gears faster hence saving petrol; it also delimits top speed, RPM rev is delimited, throttle ratio/response is altered to give much faster start off! It is reversible to original any time! PML wont be able to detect that the program is changed. Due to optimisation, fuel economy should improve. Cost s $900. for more info visit:
Re: ECU remapping...

OBD-Tuning;450734 said:
Ecu tuning is done thru OBD port. For Naturally Aspirated (NA) cars the typical gains are 20hp and 30 torque. Gear ratio is changed to change auto gears faster hence saving petrol; it also delimits top speed, RPM rev is delimited, throttle ratio/response is altered to give much faster start off! It is reversible to original any time! PML wont be able to detect that the program is changed. Due to optimisation, fuel economy should improve. Cost s $900. for more info visit:

If you're advertising commercially.
Best do have a chat w/ the mods.

To be fair to the other paid sponsors :D
Re: ECU remapping...

OBD-Tuning;450734 said:
Ecu tuning is done thru OBD port. For Naturally Aspirated (NA) cars the typical gains are 20hp and 30 torque. Gear ratio is changed to change auto gears faster hence saving petrol; it also delimits top speed, RPM rev is delimited, throttle ratio/response is altered to give much faster start off! It is reversible to original any time! PML wont be able to detect that the program is changed. Due to optimisation, fuel economy should improve. Cost s $900. for more info visit:

Are you sure it is not detectable by PML? What's the cost of reverting back to standard map?
Re: ECU remapping...

niteblu;450865 said:
If you're advertising commercially.
Best do have a chat w/ the mods.

To be fair to the other paid sponsors :D

I agree... :D
Re: ECU remapping...

So, have any drivers with N52 engines (125i, 323i, 325i 523i or 525i) had their ECU's re-mapped by Wetterauer or OBD Tuning yet?

The gains are tempting, although ECU re-mapping seems a bit like brain surgery to me.
Re: îáñëóæèâàíèå ñèãíàëèçàöèè

diabrace;452780 said:
Ñèñòåìû êîíòðîëÿ è óïðàâëåíèÿ äîñòóïîì (ÑÊÓÄ) êàê ëþáàÿ ÷àñòü ñèñòåìû áåçîïàñíîñòè íóæäàåòñÿ â ñâîåâðåìåííîì îáñëóæèâàíèå è ðåìîíòå. Ñëîæíîñòü çàêëþ÷àåòñÿ â òîì, ÷òî îáû÷íî ÑÊÓÄ àêòèâíî ýêñïëóàòèðóþòñÿ è ïðîèçâåñòè ðåãëàìåíòíîå îáñëóæèâàíèå èëè ðåìîíò ñèñòåìû ìîæíî òîëüêî âî âíå ðàáî÷åå âðåìÿ. Òåõíè÷åñêîå îáñëóæèâàíèå ñèñòåì êîíòðîëÿ è óïðàâëåíÿ äîñòóïîì äîëæíî ïðîâîäèòüñÿ ðåãóëÿðíî äëÿ ïîääåðæàíèÿ å¸ â ðàáîòîñïîñîáíîì ñîñòîÿíèè. Îñíîâíûå ýëåìåíòû ïîäâåðæåííûå èçíîñó ýòî ìåõàíè÷åñêèå èñïîëíèòåëüíûå óñòðîéñòâà è ïðîãðàììíî-àïïàðàòíûå êîìïëåêñû.
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We prefer english please!

Hokkien also accepted!!

'The Great White'
Re: ECU remapping...

Originally Posted by Soonster
Hi Snow Dog. I am new to this forum but would like to get the answers to the questions below.
(1) What is the gain in bhp?
(2) Will ecu remapping reduce the car torque?
(3) Is it reversible?
(4) Will it cause damage to the engine over the long-run?
(5) Will it affect fuel efficiency?
(6) Will it void the PML warranty??
(7) Price?

Hi Snowdog

Would like to know the above for my 523i manufactured in 2007.

Re: ECU remapping...

hkhdbst;453123 said:
Originally Posted by Soonster
Hi Snow Dog. I am new to this forum but would like to get the answers to the questions below.
(1) What is the gain in bhp?
(2) Will ecu remapping reduce the car torque?
(3) Is it reversible?
(4) Will it cause damage to the engine over the long-run?
(5) Will it affect fuel efficiency?
(6) Will it void the PML warranty??
(7) Price?

Hi Snowdog

Would like to know the above for my 523i manufactured in 2007.


You got PM... :dance:
Re: ECU remapping...

Hello See Toh,

Please pardon my ignorance. Could I ask if the Wetterauer ECU tuning takes into account local factors like fuel quality and range of air temperature? Or are standard maps applied worldwide?

In the unlikely event that the remap is problematic, does Wetterauer offer any guarantee?

Have any local 325i's (or cars with N52 engines) done the Wetterauer Re-map yet? Would be nice to know how it turned out.

Re: ECU remapping...

don't think that every map is customised.
otherwise, it will be plenty of maps

1. ron95 vs ron98 vs vpower
2. normal engine oil vs better engine oil vs super expensive racing oil
3. stock air filter vs drop in vs full performance air filter
4. normal plugs vs better plugs vs tok kong racing plugs
5. list goes on ....

i presume standard maps -> based on j4c best-of-knowledge to optimise the engine

dsdfan;453181 said:
Hello See Toh,

Please pardon my ignorance. Could I ask if the Wetterauer ECU tuning takes into account local factors like fuel quality and range of air temperature? Or are standard maps applied worldwide?

In the unlikely event that the remap is problematic, does Wetterauer offer any guarantee?

Have any local 325i's (or cars with N52 engines) done the Wetterauer Re-map yet? Would be nice to know how it turned out.

Re: ECU remapping...

dsdfan;453181 said:
Hello See Toh,

Please pardon my ignorance. Could I ask if the Wetterauer ECU tuning takes into account local factors like fuel quality and range of air temperature? Or are standard maps applied worldwide?

In the unlikely event that the remap is problematic, does Wetterauer offer any guarantee?

Have any local 325i's (or cars with N52 engines) done the Wetterauer Re-map yet? Would be nice to know how it turned out.


No worries. The Wetterauer maps are built to suit local factors, so as to say they are not standard maps.

Hear what Wetterauer has got to say... ;)

"Each manufacturer is liable for his products. Therefore the manufacturer's warranty stays in place if a problem is not associated with the remap. Some manufacturers will put the blame of damages to the engine due to the remap, so it is advisable to obtain our special Wetterauer warranty. We offer five years warranty on our Wetterauer Software. Or you can get Wetterauer warranty which protects you against motor, gearbox and actuation."

Oh yes, we have done Wetterauer on N52s already. :woottt:
Re: ECU remapping...

pardon my ignorance. hope this is not a silly question

specs on paper
a. E90 320 (pre-facelift) = 150bhp & 200Nm torque
b. E90 320 (LCI) = 156bhp & 200Nm torque

323 was also improved from 170bhp to 190bhp right
But, 323 use 325 engine but detuned. I guess they just have to open the tap bigger to release more power

For E90 320, both pre-facelift and LCI are using N46B20 engine right.
So, how did BMW gain the extra 6bhp without making any changes to the engine ?

Does that mean E90 LCI just use a different ECU map on the same engine to produce more bhp ?
So, we can improve the ECU map further to produce 163 bhp & 210Nm torque (5% gain) ?

I'm getting more excited for 8% gain

I know snowdog has PMed manys liao for the % gain :D
Re: ECU remapping...

Thanks for the info, See Toh.
I meant to ask: if after the re-map, there is no power increase, or the car starts to malfunction after a few days, will Wetterauer re-flash the original ECU map and refund the payment?

A 7 day warranty is offered by few tuning companies. Thanks.

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