Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

The man from Pei Chun was itchy,
And the nubile lass was sweet honey,
They did the wild thing,
He forgot to do the checking,
And now things really got very messy.

Oh my, she was sixteen he didn't know
Failed to think straight, went straight for the hole
The vice ring was busted,
He got all flustered,
And the media circus was just about to blow

I'll plead guilty, that's the only plan,
I'll do my time, I'll take it like a man,
9-week sentence, that's just ugly,
Oh honey wifey, I'm just so sorry,
Because of one chick, I now die ¢0£kstand
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Wah knn.... Bro Wobbles.... I take my hat of for u. Sibeh tokong!

****clap clap clap****
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Thank you thank you, but I do feel a little sorry for the poor man...
Ok la... at least wife standing by him. Problem is how to face in-laws and friends.
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

real friends will stand by him those that gossip about him can hong kan lo easiest
Too bad he not from BMWSG. If not, we sure standby him! Wobbles wrote poem for him... tmr I think will go viral liao!
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

S2k;805615 said:
real friends will stand by him those that gossip about him can hong kan lo easiest

Ya.... We'll stand by robot........ :lol2::lol2::lol2:
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

robot now gonna climax liao la tomorrow thursday liao u bro with him got go molest his 335?
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

S2k;805647 said:
robot now gonna climax liao la tomorrow thursday liao u bro with him got go molest his 335?

I no bro enough..... He nvr jio me........ :(:(
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Wow. Brobot go collect new car today!? Never jio? Congrats in advance, and may your headlights be scuba bathtub free!
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

S2k;805615 said:
real friends will stand by him those that gossip about him can hong kan lo easiest

Wahahahahahaha, you summed it all up in one sentence
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

I worship and totally respect those wives that stand by their men although being betrayed.....As for the young slut....I believe some porn movie director will be knocking on her door soon...
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

zorro;805855 said:
I worship and totally respect those wives that stand by their men although being betrayed.....As for the young slut....I believe some porn movie director will be knocking on her door soon...

Robot just received a call from jack neo last nite......
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

kenntona;804866 said:
To the ladies - on your husbands, is patronising an FL like this a bigger sin, or having an affair (no physical involvement, pure love) a bigger sin?

i think it'll be a sin if husbands go piak their boyfriends or vice versa.....:lol:
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Jack teach him to call a Press conference and ask his wife to do the talking and fainted half way and also have Ah Nan lookalike to threaten the journalist....

milk15;805867 said:
Robot just received a call from jack neo last nite......
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Chocs;805211 said:
..Hi relaxed, H r u.
..exactly the point i'm driving, who r we to judge.
If u realized, majority, if not, almost all fingers pointings, r directed @ the many names called on the men? Willing buyers willing sellers indeed, which is why i said both r equally flawed. In a society like ours, guessed it will still take a long way to look at things....Objectively.

...mny families might be boken cos of her u said, hmmm, not totally accuarate, cld be another gal A,B,C. the same trade. Wrong timings, unfortunately.

Totally agreeable she is unforgivable, @ least one bro in here mentioned he depised both, so thus so are the men, unforgivable in the same sense.

Though really.... unforgivable is. ...too harsh. ..For both ends.

if gal a, b or c is of legal age, no one will be charged, except for the pimp, then no story liao....
not fair mah, the men r shamed publicly n charged (most likely will do time) n the gal dun even have to attend court, can't even have her details/ photos up...... not say the men dun deserve it, but just that she deserves more coz she did it so many times, whereas most of the men did only once n only a handful rtf.....
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Use a cottonbud to dig your ear.... which one more shiok?

..............Ear or cottonbud ?
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

U misquote..

It should be "If you use your finger to dig you nose...which one more shiok?"

........Finger or Nose???

btw..this is my patented phrase...

ipoh-horfun;806028 said:
Use a cottonbud to dig your ear.... which one more shiok?

..............Ear or cottonbud ?
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

If nose bleeds, will you still poke? I zen.
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

If nose bleed..u dig ears...

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