Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

C3PO, please do not reveal yr defence strategy in public. Like that everyone will use the same defence and nobody will know its was my genius brain which thought of it
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

after robot case is over MW gonna change M5 liao
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

robot is a waterfish

mw say one
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

I want the sunroof version one
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

are u prepared to wait 6 months for the non sunroof version?

wobbles say one
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Robot will bring R2D2 and Princess Leia to testify in court that he is impotent......Last time Princess Leia tried to seduce him, nothing happened, R2D2 makes funny noises and tried sucking also to no avail...I am cautiously confident that he will be found not guilty...dun have to sell his car yet....

But....make sure there is no 13A socket within the vicinity of the defence dock...that will give him away.......
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Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

zorro;804954 said:
Robot will bring R2D2 and Princess Leia to testify in court that he is impotent......Last time Princess Leia tried to seduce him, nothing happened, R2D2 makes funny noises and tried sucking also to no avail...I am cautiously confident that he will be found not guilty...dun have to sell his car yet....

But....make sure there is no 13A socket within the vicinity of the defence dock...that will give him away.......

No wonder robot always says he's not married................. :lol2::lol2::lol2:
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

C3PO's victims will all claim date-rape cause all fainted ........
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

If it happened overseas, he could also claim:

1. Voltage difference
2. Socket difference
3. Did not bring adaptor plug

I am brilliant
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

relaxed;804813 said:
not many guys will tell their wives about the extra marital affairs unless they want a divorce. but fact is, many men still pay for sex for watsoever reasons, but who r we to judge? i agree we should not call her names, coz she is actually smart to take advantage of her youth which command better price. nose big, body so n so, etc, when there r sellers, there will be buyers, only a question of pricing, agree? there r a few freelance fat/ ugly chicks plying this trade, they still get customers. only debatable issue here is probably why she knowingly prostitute herself when she is underaged n whether her customers know her real age then, n there is no law to charge her for not disclosing her real age. IMHO, she has caused many broken families, which is not forgivable even though u mentioned she was young at that moment, as she went into this knowingly n willingly, even to the extend of keeping it from bf....

..Hi relaxed, H r u.
..exactly the point i'm driving, who r we to judge.
If u realized, majority, if not, almost all fingers pointings, r directed @ the many names called on the men? Willing buyers willing sellers indeed, which is why i said both r equally flawed. In a society like ours, guessed it will still take a long way to look at things....Objectively.

...mny families might be boken cos of her u said, hmmm, not totally accuarate, cld be another gal A,B,C. the same trade. Wrong timings, unfortunately.

Totally agreeable she is unforgivable, @ least one bro in here mentioned he depised both, so thus so are the men, unforgivable in the same sense.

Though really.... unforgivable is. ...too harsh. ..For both ends.
Chocs;805211 said:
..Hi relaxed, H r u.
..exactly the point i'm driving, who r we to judge.
If u realized, majority, if not, almost all fingers pointings, r directed @ the many names called on the men? Willing buyers willing sellers indeed, which is why i said both r equally flawed. In a society like ours, guessed it will still take a long way to look at things....Objectively.

...mny families might be boken cos of her u said, hmmm, not totally accuarate, cld be another gal A,B,C. the same trade. Wrong timings, unfortunately.

Totally agreeable she is unforgivable, @ least one bro in here mentioned he depised both, so thus so are the men, unforgivable in the same sense.

Though really.... unforgivable is. ...too harsh. ..For both ends.

Hello cantiksss, jia bah buei???
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

i salute these 80 brave martyrs, they went deep into uncharted waters and all became casualties.because of them we know the law is ruthless and merciless,most importantly they taught us a lesson.i.e always check for ID when call chicken.

they sacrificed themselves so that we can live more wisely.

From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Wah poems....Very learnt man..May the force be with our brains and not our dicks!
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Darth Vader;805259 said:
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,

May I know wat car does he drive? I need it to decide whether he can be my bro or not.

Standard procedure. Sorry for inconvenience
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

chery can?
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

Darth Vader;805259 said:
i salute these 80 brave martyrs, they went deep into uncharted waters and all became casualties.because of them we know the law is ruthless and merciless,most importantly they taught us a lesson.i.e always check for ID when call chicken.

they sacrificed themselves so that we can live more wisely.

From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,

Cum brothers?
Re: Former principal given 9-week jail sentence

actually i think the principle handled the matter quite well.he made the best out of a gone case scenario.imho he did no shame.

man like him are few and far in between.

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