Galaxy carz

Re: Galaxy carz's called "Luring the tiger out of the mountain"

ok, irrelevant
Re: Galaxy carz

Hi heartkorr,

Please PM me with as much information as you can about the transaction and what exactly happened, and please provide your car plate number and contact number too.

Re: Galaxy carz

hi! a little off topic but i feel it is still related. When I was stationed overseas I bought used cars directly from owners and the prices is usually cheaper than from a dealer. My experience is that you have to weight the cons of it, such as what happens when there is a problem with the car. A dealer is suppose to take care of it but usually its a hassle unless you are buying from a approved BMW the BMW takes care of it (however there is a premium price to this). On the other hand if when you buy cheaper direct from owner if anything goes wrong you bear the cost. Give and take the few thousand you spend should cover any costs.

As I understand it the mark-up in Singapore for a used car is about $10K (sorry if I am wrong), but assume it is $10k then the question to ask is with the $10k difference what can I cover in terms of repair, if anything goes wrong.

Another minor point is that if you pay $10k less and also means you need to borrow less loan amount, thereby paying less interest.

Either way it is buyer beware.

So fingers crossed.

my humble opionion
Re: Galaxy carz

Randomguy, who r u and what are your intentions?
Re: Galaxy carz

Solar79, u mean the company completely closed down?

Randomguy, I am also new so cant PM but what do u know? Why u need our info?
Re: Galaxy carz

MW;968128 said:
Randomguy, who r u and what are your intentions?

I think his nickname says it all.
Re: Galaxy carz

I just realized actually less than 10 posts also can PM.

We are also victims but in a different way.

Don't PM me if you feel uncomfortable, you'll find out sooner or later..
Re: Galaxy carz

Just say it out since people already run road already you all still give so much face for what. As long as you are telling the truth, you scared simi? kena sue for defamation? still need to arrange private meetup to talk? ai mi book a room in hotel?

Sometimes all these things must deal in the beng seng way. These beng seng guys reading the forum probably laughing their asses off.
Re: Galaxy carz

Feel so bad for all those affected.

May all of u have your issues resolved asap.
Re: Galaxy carz

Went down, shop is closed. Bizfile records company is still live.

Their neighbour said gone for 2-3 weeks, quite a number of victims. Can help post the dealer's IC here? Going to make police report later.
Re: Galaxy carz

Please PM me with car number and contact number only if you have received car but car is still not transferred to your name.. Not trying to be mysterious here but while investigations are still going on let's not 打草惊蛇..
Re: Galaxy carz

Really silly. People already run road, if you still don't sexpose them now then want to wait until when? Until your money all spent and until people fly far far to thailand? Really dont understand.
Re: Galaxy carz

heartkorr;968245 said:
Went down, shop is closed. Bizfile records company is still live.

Their neighbour said gone for 2-3 weeks, quite a number of victims. Can help post the dealer's IC here? Going to make police report later.

I had made a report to LTA and also to the police already. Seem that i am not the only one and from the case officer from LTA it seem that i am not the only one. Anyway you better go and report to have both vehicle tagged.

I.e you can try calling this number, it belong to Mark chong. seem like the director of the company 9396-3383.
Keep it discrete and dont say i give you one hor :)
Re: Galaxy carz

Having vehicle tagged will not help in any case because the vehicles are not in your names in the first place.

And Mark Chong is not the real director of the company.

If doubting we have inside knowledge, just PM me your car model and I can immediately tell you your carplate number.
Re: Galaxy carz

MW;968128 said:
Randomguy, who r u and what are your intentions?

We are a third party and my intention is to verify some details with the victims and let them know what happened.

Not here to create drama so I'm not going to post any details in public.
Re: Galaxy carz

$5 biz file search you will get all the details of the directors. Then another $5 you can search the directors and reveal all other business the have.
Re: Galaxy carz

randomguy, u are a victim or a business/company trying to offer services to those affected?

You keep saying u are a Third Party. I am curious wat tat means. Victim is victim, Third Party is Third Party.
Re: Galaxy carz

I wish there was a number for victims to call...
Re: Galaxy carz

hi to all involve. i have a solution cos i was a victim. essentially this is the only number u need. dont pm me or ask me. call the galazy guy direct. pls call 82019994

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