Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

quiksilver said:
Gisele or Angelina Jolie?

Not comparable lah, bro. Definitely Angelina Jolie.

SL2 said:
Tanned and tattooed women OR silky white and smooth skin women?

Damn. You caught me here. Err...... Okay, silky white and smooth skin women. Can always change at a later stage by getting her to a tan and a visit to Johnny2Thumbs.

Hymics said:
Prefer to see bus tattoo on tanned skin or butt white skin…

Tanned skin, please. Not too well done, medium rare will do.

MW said:
Kids' games? Marbles or flying Kite
Kids' underwear.. Polka dots design or Bugs Bunny design
If the lousy driver jios u down for a you.. get down from the car and fight him or stay in the car and call either the police or your ah beng frens?
Scratch a Boxster S or BMW 330 for fun?

Marbles. That was before puberty. Then again, it will be pocket billiards after puberty.
Polka dots. MW, she told you that she is a kid?
One lousy driver - I will jio him. One driver and at least one passenger, I will TCSS with him, then jio him to Simpang to settle.
Scratch the Boxster S. KNN. Fake MRS pretending to be Boxster.

ah pui said:
which car will get from point A to point B faster? a hyundai getz or a porsche boxter-S?
ice cream at haagen daaz or ice cream at changi v?
Glenda Chong with long hair, or Andrea Chow with hair tied up in a bun?
Work on Holiday and get day off another time, or take normal Holiday like everyone?
Swimming outdoors during a thunderstorm, or trying to fix a faulty live electrical source without rubber gloves?
whats worse, getting paid while participating in grudge matches; or being a graduate but not looking for a job?

As proven, it is not the car. It is the driver that determines the speed of arrival.
Ice cream at Haagen Daaz. Changi Village type too risky. And mind you, it might attract the wrong attention while you are licking the scoop.
Andrea Chow. In fact, any woman with the bun-up hair. Reminds of......
Take normal holiday. Then go Haagen Daaz at Siglap with BMW brothers.
No glove, no love. Would rather swim.
Getting paid while hanging in this forum playing GM is not that bad afterall. What's so bad about this option?

Winston said:
To kill a chicken: Wring his neck and snapped the life out of it or take the head and wacked against the wall till its out cold?
having an ice-cream in Changi with football match going on or go some ice-cream parlour with loud music like the song Superstar blaring in the background?

Read last nite's Wan Bao. One call girl at Geylang was murdered. Her neck was twisted. Err, Winston, what was your question on chicken?
Like the second option better. Can play goalie at the same time, while enjoying the opponent enjoys the ice-cream.

audibum said:
might as well ask, committing suicide, jump down 20 storeys or drown a la britney
kena tu by lousy driver: show middle finger or hold horn down for 10 seconds?

Drown a la britney. Less painful, I'd guess. No source quoted.
Horn that bastard. Then point middle finger.

TripleM said:
A very chio-bu with 6k bixenon but legs are bit short, not proportionate to the body overall or an average girl next dr but nice body kit and rims?
Given the heavy rainy season: U still wash your car on regular basis or FK it....I am not washing it for awhile till dunno...
Given the rainy season again.. Put on mudflap or No?
Holidaying in a miserably cold weather or Holidaying in a sizzling hot weather ?
A chio reporter in turtle neck or an average reporter in lacy top?
Which one is worse: Sea sick or Air sick ?

A chio ride with powerful xenons sounds good. Rear end might drift and fishtail, but better than a weak engine with nice bodykit and rims.
Depends. See what the weather lady says......
Holiday in the cold. Think cottage. Think fireplace. Think wine. Think sizzling......
Average reporter in lacy top. No different from window-shopping. Cannot get either, might as well look at the more seductive piece.
Air sick is worse. No cabin to hide. No mobility.

ah pui said:
err, if you thought i was referring to ladyboys, then No.
those are referred to as Ice Gorliongs, not ice creams.
hear only hor! never actually gorliong!
winston, ice cream anywhere also can, waitress must be pretty!
if i wanted willowy gal with a funny voice, i just go changi to get some ice gorliongs!

Bro, you sure you went home straight after the football game? Hmm.

Romantic comedy:

After the Sunset (Pierce Brosnan & Salma Hayek); or

Bridget Jones : The Edge of Reason (Renee Zellweger & Hugh Grant)?
TripleM said:
" ugly girls who are flirtatious, or pretty gals who are dao "

The 2nd one is more challenging...

Ur elephant ear is wide and clear bro, it's ok need to look over ur shoulder hahaha..

For u too choose:
M3 mirror + UUC ARB
PSS9 ? assuming u hv to do either.....

ah shit... thats a tough one!
as i have made a solemn oath to keep the Big ears,
i will have to choose the PSS9s, bearing in mind that it's never the same without the other.
you are mean jack, very mean....

ok, now a tough one for you, (we're looking at about 1 1/2 years into the future here) a brand spanking new BMW E90 M3, or a very well maintained 2nd hand 997 Porsche-911 Carrera-S. Now get crackin'!
TripleM said:
Spend money on : Cosmetics and bit of performance mods ( such as body kits + tyres n rims ) or Performance mods like ARB, Strutbar + Suspension? given same budget?
For u too choose: M3 mirror + UUC ARB or PSS9 ? assuming u hv to do either.....

Bro, you suan me izzit? My car so "lok" how to do performance mod. Liao lui. Might as well spend some moolah on cosmetic mod, at least buay pai seh can park besides your M3 at Zouk mah.
PSS9. I need that desperately.

ah pui said:
ugly girls who are flirtatious, or pretty gals who are dao?

How dao? What's the probability? Else, stick to the higher probability of landing bird in hand.

A bird in the bush, whether peacock or pedigree breed "cheow", no matter how chio, still not in your hands.

Then you must use your hands. How sad.

Siglap - Coffee Club or Cafe Cartel?
kenntona said:
Romantic comedy:

After the Sunset (Pierce Brosnan & Salma Hayek); or

Bridget Jones : The Edge of Reason (Renee Zellweger & Hugh Grant)?

of course i went straight home lah!
but the ice gorliongs did look kinda sexy leh.

After the Sunset.
Renee Zellweger is starting to look more and more like Jeniffer Tilly leow, turns me off. At least Catherine Zeta Jones has that MILF look.
ah pui said:
now a tough one for you, (we're looking at about 1 1/2 years into the future here) a brand spanking new BMW E90 M3, or a very well maintained 2nd hand 997 Porsche-911 Carrera-S. Now get crackin'!

Take that Porsche. Then chiat Ivan's MRS. Song song go Jurong.


Caught at Changi Village by Newpaper reporters on Ice Gorliong incident; or

Caught on Orchard Road with zip undone throughout the afternoon without you knowing?
prefer to be caught on the fly in orchard.
at least can still run!

Winning a Million Bucks in Toto,
OR, your Share Portfolio has a 95% chance of getting you a profit of 2 million bucks (with a 5% chance it might fall slightly below your initial investments due to unpredicatble circumstances)..
Ah pui,
Good pairing but think my heart will go with E90M3.............again...
Always find it more practical and subtle..

Bridget Jones

Now how bout brake pads:
Great bite, strong fade resistant, squeals thou and super dusty
Decent bite, decent fade resitant, no squeals and super low dust
ah pui said:
Winning a Million Bucks in Toto, or your Share Portfolio has a 95% chance of getting you a profit of 2 million bucks (with a 5% chance it might fall slightly below your initial investments due to unpredicatble circumstances)..

The second option. (1) The existing capital base is already huge. Contented with that. (2) Expected outcome = 95% times 2 million = $1.9 million > $1 million.

Would you rather be a rich man, with:

(1) annual cash income of S$5 million from your chains of nite clubs, KTVs, and la sup bars; or

(2) annual cash income of $1 million from your SESDAQ-listed company?

Tax implications ignored.
TripleM said:
Now how bout brake pads: great bite, strong fade resistant, squeals thou and super dusty or decent bite, decent fade resitant, no squeals and super low dusty.

Low dust if possible. Decent bite, perhaps 70 to 80% of stock's bite. Good enough for me, since my ride is slow.

GM: Have an office with many sexy salesgirls; or
Live in an apartment block with many chio stewardesses?
Ken :
5 million bucks from my chain of niteclubs, etc.
its still a legal biz mah, plus cash is king.

Jack :
Big Bite. More brake dust just makes the car look more garang mah.

Ken :
Live in an apartment with lots of sexy stewardesses.
whats the point of an office with sexy salesgirls if things get complicated.

GM : Dinner with Lee Hsien Loong; or Tennis with Goh Chok Tong?
Is this a question on money regarding whether it's clean or dirty?

Kenntona said:
Would you rather be a rich man, with:

(1) annual cash income of S$5 million from your chains of nite clubs, KTVs, and la sup bars; or

(2) annual cash income of $1 million from your SESDAQ-listed company?
ryan said:
Is this a question on money regarding whether it's clean or dirty?

Your concept of clean and dirty money is not very well defined.

Both are legit cash income. Just that the perception of the source of income in the first case is often scorned upon. I used to have a friend whose father owns a few brothels, and he was ashamed to reveal the fact. Guess its the social taboo thingy.

Now I'd realised that the brothel acts as the exchange - willing buyers and willing sellers. The pimp is the market maker. Whether it is "clean" or "dirty" from the ethical sense, you be the judge.

New PDC venue without the P "Pool"......

Still Marina South; or Simpang Bedok?
ah pui said:
Live in an apartment with lots of sexy stewardesses.
whats the point of an office with sexy salesgirls if things get complicated.

Eh? Things might as well get complicated with many sexy stewardesses in your apartment, tio boh? Afterall, it is akin to "shitting in your own backyard?" No? Kekeke......

ah pui said:
Dinner with Lee Hsien Loong; or Tennis with Goh Chok Tong?

Dinner with Lee Hsien Loong. Can TCSS with him......

GM: Would you rather own a chain of...... S-11; or 7-11?
ey, i wont be notti lah,
but at least when reach home, can sleep well knowing im surrounded by chio stewardesses mah.
and of course the eating and not shitting in ones backyard applies lah!

i would rather own a chain of S-11s,
how many 7-11 franchisees you've met who drive around in luxury cars?
one owner of a few 7-11 stores near my place still takes the bus home if his corrolla is in the garage. (note : i am not looking down on corrollas, but am just comparing a normal car, to a luxury car)

and you know what they say about kopitiam owners, all Bling Bling! and to own a chain of Bling Blings! :drool:

GM : Being able to relive the last 5 years of your life over again (with knowledge of events that are yet to unfold); OR Being brought forward in time to 15 years in the future (with guarantee that you will be a happy family man with ostentatious amounts of money made through your stock investments.. but not being able to recall events in these 15 years missed)?
Still Marina South; or Simpang Bedok?

Simpang, ah ney factor...

Dinner with Lee Hsien Loong. Can TCSS with him......

GM: Would you rather own a chain of...... S-11; or 7-11?

I prefer dinner, he pay....

S-11, then I will open one in Simpang and hire one ah ney to serve the brothers!

Background music: Shutup or Superstars?
ah pui said:
Being able to relive the last 5 years of your life over again (with knowledge of events that are yet to unfold); OR Being brought forward in time to 15 years in the future (with guarantee that you will be a happy family man with ostentatious amounts of money made through your stock investments.. but not being able to recall events in these 15 years missed)?

Life is already short. Why would I fast forward 15 years? Even if I have to suffer through the 15 years, I would.

Winston said:
Background music: Shutup or Superstars?


Bigger bore:

Watching a 3-hour dialect opera with grandma during the lunar 7th month; or

Doing a 3-hour round of sentry duty during your reservist with your buddy?
Heh, i would definately take the one which yields higher income. Of course, which is okay with the law.

However, it's a bit touchy sometimes.

Okay, Question for you.

10 million dollar net/annual from - Nike Factories which employs young kids. (A.k.a sweat shops)


2 Million / year - Brothels ?

kenntona said:
ryan said:
Is this a question on money regarding whether it's clean or dirty?

Your concept of clean and dirty money is not very well defined.

Both are legit cash income. Just that the perception of the source of income in the first case is often scorned upon. I used to have a friend whose father owns a few brothels, and he was ashamed to reveal the fact. Guess its the social taboo thingy.

Now I'd realised that the brothel acts as the exchange - willing buyers and willing sellers. The pimp is the market maker. Whether it is "clean" or "dirty" from the ethical sense, you be the judge.

New PDC venue without the P "Pool"......

Still Marina South; or Simpang Bedok?
Given my profession, I can't cope with many sexy gals in the office or else I end up Buy High Sell Low 7 outta 10 times...
So will prefer to live in an apartment with lots of chio airstewardess...

Also, Simpang is the a better choice...find it more relaxing. Problem is way pass my curfew :(

2 million/yr brothel biz... :thinking: :naughty: .....
Wah man, to answer the heaven judges when die huh?

Simpang Bedok's meals
Mee Goreng
Nasi Goreng ?
ryan said:
10 million dollar net/annual from - Nike Factories which employs young kids. (A.k.a sweat shops) or 2 Million / year - Brothels ?

Treading along the same morality line...... child labour versus prostitution - which is the lesser of the twin evil?

In my view, it will all depend on the context of the business ethics. Take for instance, prostitution. In Thailand, teenagers are forced into prostitution and pornography. That's a clearcut case of immorality, unacceptable by any moral standards anywhere. But if the context were to be swapped to say, the local scene, where gals above 21 are free to work without coercion, all consensual, the situation becomes grey. I am not take a stance on condoning nor condemning the redlight districts here, but two different scenarios will evoke two very different emotional responses as far as morality goes.

Same judgemental extrapolation for the child labour situation. Apply that in Singapore or the U.S. and some activists will be protesting vocally. Yet, in Sri Lanka or India, this trade is virtually their lifelines, without which many could not survive the hardship. Outsiders looking in, it is exploitation of child labour to the brim, on cost minimisation. But insiders tell a different story. These sweat shops are in fact providing employment for them.

Hence I will take the option of operating a sweat shop, not in regard of morality, but solely on monetary payoff.

Which reminds me of an article in Newpaper not too long ago on loan sharks. Some "victims" actually criticised the clamping down of loan sharks. Again, a case of willing lender, willing borrower - fair exchange of trade terms with terms and conditions clearly spelled out. But no legal endorsement - the legal premise is unfair business practice. The "victims" commented this: without these loan sharks, where else could they borrow short term cash in need when their credit standings do not allow banks and finance companies to lend any single cent to them? Quite a different perspective, huh?

TripleM said:
Simpang Bedok's meals Mee Goreng or Nasi Goreng ?

Nasi Goreng Seafood with eggs. Winston, are you looking here?

KFC - Original or Crispy?

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