Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Gotta be crispy....original can go to River Valley Nasi Padang or can try my home minster's recipe..hehehe

In a miserablly cold winter country, u shower:
Once a day
Not every day but 3-4 times a week?
Nasi Goreng Seafood with eggs. Winston, are you looking here?

too much egg no good for you lah bro... cholestrol issues...

Gotta be crispy....original can go to River Valley Nasi Padang or can try my home minster's recipe..hehehe

In a miserablly cold winter country, u shower:
Once a day
Not every day but 3-4 times a week?

thats an open invitation... I consider myself invited ;)

Anywhere in the world, I shower at least twice a day. Don't be like the french using perfume to cover up the bad smell...

big turbo engine or cars with big CC (road tax issues aside)
"thats an open invitation... I consider myself invited "
Dont ya worry will happen :)

Big CC car mate, anytime...
Problem is however, weight :(

Assuming u r heavy smoker..
U are bout to start a relationship with a chio-bu but she wants u quit totally
U are bout to start a relationship with a decent gal (not so chio) but u can keep ur smoking habit?
TripleM said:
Gotta be crispy....original can go to River Valley Nasi Padang or can try my home minster's recipe..hehehe

Your Home Minister? Your Minister of Finance and Minister of Home Affairs as well. But I'll bet you are the Minister of Defense when she queried you on the CSL rims......

TripleM said:
In a miserablly cold winter country, u shower: once a day
or not every day but 3-4 times a week?

Everyday. But with hot water and heaters running wild......

Incidentally, I used to have housemates who had resorted to powder bath - using baby powder or antiseptic powder to rub off those dead skin cells......

Bigger regret......

A usual big punter dreamt of a 4D number, did not buy, but number ended up as a top prize pick; or

A playboy dumped his girlfriend for another one, only ended up to meet her again few years later to realise that she had inherited many millions from her dad?
Winston said:
big turbo engine or cars with big CC (road tax issues aside)

Displacement for sure. But will not give my reasoning anymore, for obvious reason. I just like big displacement. Is that a problem?

TripleM said:
Assuming u r heavy smoker.. U are bout to start a relationship with a chio-bu but she wants u quit totally or U are bout to start a relationship with a decent gal (not so chio) but u can keep ur smoking habit?

Will quit for love.

How chio is she?

Your girlfriend behaves suspiciously. Would you rather find out that:

......she is a professional assassin; or

......she is a gang leader?
Assuming u r heavy smoker..
U are bout to start a relationship with a chio-bu but she wants u quit totally
U are bout to start a relationship with a decent gal (not so chio) but u can keep ur smoking habit?

quit smoking... save money, can do more mods....

Bigger regret......

A usual big punter dreamt of a 4D number, did not buy, but number ended up as a top prize pick; or

A playboy dumped his girlfriend for another one, only ended up to meet her again few years later to realise that she had inherited many millions from her dad?

big punter's regret, but he is not a big punter as a big punter will not forget to buy every no there is available

Your girlfriend behaves suspiciously. Would you rather find out that:

......she is a professional assassin; or

......she is a gang leader?

assassin.... hoping that maybe she got a damn cool ride hidden in some garage?

bigger joy? wife came home tell you she bought you a Modena or wife come home tell you she strike toto $1m?
" Your Home Minister? Your Minister of Finance and Minister of Home Affairs as well. But I'll bet you are the Minister of Defense when she queried you on the CSL rims...... "

This one, fortunately, I had special approval after some lengthy and persuasive mini cabinet meeting held recently... :dance:
Coz the rims are so obvious, can't hide bro..

Of course the 4D number mate
The 2nd option,...let say she ends up marrying the guy, then she will get the guy to sign pre-nupt...also no real use..
The good upside is, the guy had ridden her :silenced:
" bigger joy? wife came home tell you she bought you a Modena or wife come home tell you she strike toto $1m?"

For my case, strike toto is a bigger joy....
After all, dont feel like owning the prancing horse..might as well use the doh to buy one used M3, keep the rest of the funds for investment..( assuming we split 50:50) hehehe...

Indonesian restaurants here:
Tambuah Mas?
"Maison De Fontaine or Vis-A-Vis"

Pai seh.. never tried both...

Had a sword fight with forum member... saw the bastard at one of the meetup..

walk slowly to his ride and scratch it
confront him and give him the KNN
Had a sword fight with forum member... saw the bastard at one of the meetup..

walk slowly to his ride and scratch it
confront him and give him the KNN

scratching ride is a no no... you can confront him then only in this situation... but if you talk about dekit... yes yes... Ken you listening?

buy 0313 50 big 50 small or give it a miss?
I was hoping that the earlier conflict would have died down by now. But right now, hymics' latest post has me wondering whether i should lock this thread temporarily.

I hate to see the thread going like this and it's really disturbing.

An issue should be sorted out and should not resort to ways of threats of any nature or kind.

Please, mind your words because the repercussions can be very severe.

Thanks for the reminder...

To be nt so disturbing, I will ban myself from the forum for a awhile..... Dun close this thread for even one minute... Cheers!!
Winston said:
bigger joy? wife came home tell you she bought you a Modena or wife come home tell you she strike toto $1m?
buy 0313 50 big 50 small or give it a miss?

How much does a Modena cost? You do the sum and tell me if this is a stupid question......
To buy 4D or not to be. Are you inspired? Say, dreamt of the number? if so, whack with full force......

TripleM said:
Indonesian restaurants here: Sanur or Tambuah Mas?

Not a fan of Indo food. Only tried Sanur; thus will stick to it.

latte said:
French restaurants: Maison De Fontaine or Vis-A-Vis

Maison De Fontaine sounds good.

Current release: Saw, or Shutter?
Winston wrote:
bigger joy? wife came home tell you she bought you a Modena or wife come home tell you she strike toto $1m?
buy 0313 50 big 50 small or give it a miss?

How much does a Modena cost? You do the sum and tell me if this is a stupid question......
To buy 4D or not to be. Are you inspired? Say, dreamt of the number? if so, whack with full force......

Bro, there is a lot of difference between getting the keys to the car versus $1m in the bank account.... one does not necessarily equate to the others :fineprin:

Current release: Saw, or Shutter?

Shutter... looks good

go perth for a 2 weeks holiday or stay in singapore and party for 2 weeks?
Winston said:
go perth for a 2 weeks holiday or stay in singapore and party for 2 weeks?

Hello? Not like I have a choice. It is official visit, as demanded by my Minister of Home Affairs.

Go down Simpang and watch 2 gals fight it out over a brother; or

Stay at home and watch Singapore Idol?
Go down Simpang and watch 2 gals fight it out over a brother; or

Stay at home and watch Singapore Idol?

watching mud fight more shiok than those idiots er... idols who can't sing...

which one is more siong? 2 chicks fighting or chicken and chick fight?
Winston said:
which one is more siong? 2 chicks fighting or chicken and chick fight?

Xiong for who? The fighters, or the referee? If you are refering to 2 chicks, then it will be quite entertaining. If a chick and a chicken, then jialat.

Check this out......

Lunch time.

Beach Road Roast Duck Rice, or Pasir Panjang Soya-Sauced Duck Rice?

Think it will look as nice if the background is in Simpang and illuminated by Shop and Save's neon lighting?

Beach Road Roast Duck Rice, or Pasir Panjang Soya-Sauced Duck Rice?

Beach road... cheaper and parking easier, have you seen the valet at Pasir Panjang? Go up kerb one okay mai siao siao...

Do you know that one of the meaning of Burke is to suppress or extinguish quietly, to execute by suffocation so as to leave the body intact and suitable for dissection?

No wonder everytime after coffee at burkes I feel a little choked up....

Nasi padang at Zion road or the one in SMU?
Winston said:
Do you know that one of the meaning of Burke is to suppress or extinguish quietly, to execute by suffocation so as to leave the body intact and suitable for dissection?

Please quote sources.

Winston said:
Nasi padang at Zion road or the one in SMU?

The one at Zion Road. Shiok.

GM: Your "United States of Texas" map; or the "Dumbfuckistan" version?

P/S: No offense to the usage of vulgarity or to our friends in South Asia. Just a cynical view on the U.S. elections.

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