Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Fierce video man..where on earth u got that from? Some www? Haha

Ur version of US map is more hilarious but surely sounds more offensive thou...

Nissan Path Finder 3L
Subaru Forester Turbo?
TripleM said:
Kenn, Fierce video man..where on earth u got that from? Some www?

I was filming when they...... never mind.

TripleM said:
Nissan Path Finder 3L or Subaru Forester Turbo?

Subaru Forester Turbo. Drove both, but prefer the feel of the Forester more. But my allegiance will always be with the Pathfinder.

While overseas, met wifey's colleagues / housemate who is a flirtatious chio bu. Do you:

...... flirt with her in a subtle manner; or
...... stay away from her?
While overseas, met wifey's colleagues / housemate who is a flirtatious chio bu. Do you:

...... flirt with her in a subtle manner; or
...... stay away from her?

Aiyo, this one is a no brainer man..of cos flirt with her lah 8) but must tell her to keep it under wraps!

Say you have two gf. If both wants a piece of you in the same day, do u:

Keep both entertained in the same day albeit different time


Just hang out with one
Bro Kenn,
Are you in dilemma btwen the above choices? :errr:
I thought u are supposed to be doing the housework and washing her car? :laughlik:

Don't listen to SL2 or u will end up having to fork out not just $$$ for PathFinder but a Hummer in the end hahahaha...

One at a time bro..slow but sure :) Damn, I sound so evil :evil:

PS2 for ur new shoes?
TripleM wrote:
Nissan Path Finder 3L or Subaru Forester Turbo?

Subaru Forester Turbo. Drove both, but prefer the feel of the Forester more. But my allegiance will always be with the Pathfinder.

While overseas, met wifey's colleagues / housemate who is a flirtatious chio bu. Do you:

...... flirt with her in a subtle manner; or
...... stay away from her?

Jack you getting the SUV for new addition to the family? Really should consider the Cayenne...

Filrting with roomate of wifey is suicidal almost like a kamikaze mission... you know the saying, stay away from her and don't shit where you eat...

Say you have two gf. If both wants a piece of you in the same day, do u:

Keep both entertained in the same day albeit different time


Just hang out with one

just hang out with one.... not getting younger lah.... hahahah

PS2 for ur new shoes?

PS2 no doubt... i like to buy tires and get free bibendum!

mod your car with one brand name or heck! you don't get sponsored by them, so mix and match your mods with different brands?
Winston said:
TripleM wrote:
Nissan Path Finder 3L or Subaru Forester Turbo?

Subaru Forester Turbo. Drove both, but prefer the feel of the Forester more. But my allegiance will always be with the Pathfinder.

While overseas, met wifey's colleagues / housemate who is a flirtatious chio bu. Do you:

...... flirt with her in a subtle manner; or
...... stay away from her?

Jack you getting the SUV for new addition to the family? Really should consider the Cayenne...

Filrting with roomate of wifey is suicidal almost like a kamikaze mission... you know the saying, stay away from her and don't shit where you eat...

Say you have two gf. If both wants a piece of you in the same day, do u:

Keep both entertained in the same day albeit different time


Just hang out with one

just hang out with one.... not getting younger lah.... hahahah

PS2 for ur new shoes?

PS2 no doubt... i like to buy tires and get free bibendum!

mod your car with one brand name or heck! you don't get sponsored by them, so mix and match your mods with different brands?
Of coz mod one theme with sponsorship lah...toot

Roof top or toilet?
SL2 said:
Aiyo, this one is a no brainer man..of cos flirt with her lah but must tell her to keep it under wraps!
TripleM said:
Don't listen to SL2 or u will end up having to fork out not just $$$ for PathFinder but a Hummer in the end hahahaha...
Winston said:
Filrting with roomate of wifey is suicidal almost like a kamikaze mission... you know the saying, stay away from her and don't shit where you eat...

Different risk profiles here, from risk-taking to conservative. On one hand, the thrill of reaching out to the forbidden fruit without being caught is overwhelming. On the other hand, the risk and downside of getting caught is high. At least, now I know who are the risk-takers, and who are the safer players.

Winston said:
mod your car with one brand name or heck! you don't get sponsored by them, so mix and match your mods with different brands?

You might as well have a PGII 18" 8.5 front and ACS Type IV Racing 19" 9.5 rear setup...... mix and match mah.

SL2 said:
Say you have two gf. If both wants a piece of you in the same day, do u: keep both entertained in the same day albeit different time or just hang out with one

Time management, bro. Time management. Follow your instinct. But would prefer quality time over half-past-six jobs. Remember: intensity over extensivity.

MW said:
Roof top or toilet?

Since you jio me one-to-one, rooftop lah. Can see the stars somemore.

Wifey's housemate sat in the hall watching TV with a provocative pose. Wifey's taking a shower. Do you:

...... make a sub-4-second move and take a quick punt; or
...... bait her and assure her that there will be an opening soon?
"Wifey's housemate sat in the hall watching TV with a provocative pose. Wifey's taking a shower. Do you:

...... make a sub-4-second move and take a quick punt; or
...... bait her and assure her that there will be an opening soon? "

Damn damn....ur evil thots are all over the places but keep em coming nonetheless... :whattheh:

How to make sub 4 secs moves?....Need alot of practice lah or else u fall into the wrong moves and u end up embarrasing urself.... :hmmidont: :naughty:

Now,....u n the house mate are home, wifey at work..
Which one more embarrasing...
U are in boxer short, u drop something on the floor, squat down to pick it up and when doin so, she sees your hairy balls
U r in boxer short, just woke up, bit blurred...u need to go to toilet and run into her when just bout to enter and u didnt realize ur thing is standing up and she sees it?
Hold that thought and wait for me... me coming to Perth now.... me going to bunk in with your wife's roommate................

I need a return ticket too..., tomolo goin to buy AUD...

"Jack you getting the SUV for new addition to the family? Really should consider the Cayenne "..

Yeah, I m thinking of getting one but will be in the class of small SUV like Colt or Jazz ....... :thinking:
If get Cayenne then I must sell my current ride,...sayang ah... :hmmidont:
Don't listen to SL2 or u will end up having to fork out not just $$$ for PathFinder but a Hummer in the end hahahaha...

:furious: :furious: :furious:

CSC2 or PS2 for ur new shoes?

Hmm..that's a tough one to call. :thinking: Easier deciding between which girl to bed. Since I'm already on Conti tyres, might want to give PS2 a try now.

mod your car with one brand name or heck! you don't get sponsored by them, so mix and match your mods with different brands?

I like combo meals, bro! Mixture would be good! :thumbsup:

Wifey's housemate sat in the hall watching TV with a provocative pose. Wifey's taking a shower. Do you:

...... make a sub-4-second move and take a quick punt; or
...... bait her and assure her that there will be an opening soon?

Depends on whether the wife just started her shower or already ending soon. If just started, can have a quickie! :twisted:
Now,....u n the house mate are home, wifey at work..
Which one more embarrasing...
U are in boxer short, u drop something on the floor, squat down to pick it up and when doin so, she sees your hairy balls
U r in boxer short, just woke up, bit blurred...u need to go to toilet and run into her when just bout to enter and u didnt realize ur thing is standing up and she sees it?

Bro, this one's got to be the latter. Imagine having a short flag pole and she sees it.. :oops:

Now, which is more embarrassing:

Having a really short flag pole


Premature coming before even starting?

Of cos being premature is more embarassing...
After all, it's performance and probably endurance that count haha..

Which burp more disgusting...
Durian smell
Stinking beans smell ?
audibum wrote:
wtf is stinking beans....
Confirm Jack must have smelled them before..

why would anyone want to eat stinking beans?
audibum said:
wtf is stinking beans....

Stinking beans are Petai,...very malay vegetables
Taste good but bad breath and urine smell...

So u opt for durian yeah?
audibum said:
TripleM said:
audibum said:
wtf is stinking beans....

Stinking beans are Petai,...very malay vegetables
Taste good but bad breath and urine smell...

So u opt for durian yeah?

which smell more tahanable?
fart or burp after eating durian?

Of course fart....confirm fart smell wont be affected by durian consumption...

Which one more embarrasing:
A chiobu caught you squeezing ur pimple when she walks into the elevator
A chiobu caught you digging your nose when you are sitting in a coffee shop reading newspaper?
Which one more embarrasing:
A chiobu caught you squeezing ur pimple when she walks into the elevator
A chiobu caught you digging your nose when you are sitting in a coffee shop reading newspaper?

pimple, cos you really don't want to spray at everyone when the thing burst. as for digging nose, hey who says chio bus don't dig nose? else how do they really clean their nose?

flick your nose shit or wipe it under the chair?
"flick your nose shit or wipe it under the chair?"....

Think flicking it is more fun and best result is when you see it moves in a parabolic fashion :laughlik:

A chiobu whom u just met once is asking you out tonight but sadly, your nose has got one bloody huge pimple ..what do u do?
Fk it,..i m just gonna burst it and apply some color matching powder to cover it
Find excuse to postpone it to another time ?

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