Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Brother Ken...

As far as the look and photo shot goe...I like your race queens better, but since MW's pix got more race queens then i like his more by small margin. The more queens the merrier... ;) :thumbsup:
Axl - Come & get me, beng.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
TripleM said:
Brother Ken...

As far as the look and photo shot goe...I like your race queens better, but since MW's pix got more race queens then i like his more by small margin. The more queens the merrier...

Professor Jack,

I'd never have doubt your professional judgement, until now. But it appears that your reasoning on the quality of rice queens between the two rice suppliers are flawed:

(1) It is not the quantity of queens that counts. Else you can join Axl with the crew of Lians. Quality speaks.

(2) Even if your basis of valuation is based on quantity, do note that Sean's sig has a headless queen. Hence the mis-representation of products presented.

I strongly urge that you reconsider your verdict. Kopi and pool on you this Friday.
Bro Ken that is precisely my point.
I like the race queens in your photo shot more coz they look clear. But since the quantity or shud we say, size does matter as well,..then MW's got more to offer..hahaha...

Eh, I can't go to PDC this Fri leh...goin to that AC launch thingy..
The week after ok?...Chicken chop on me too lah.
Billabong or QuickSilver?
TripleM said:
Billabong or QuickSilver?

Quiksilver. Billabong too many imitations around. Then again, Quiksilver as well......

Having a......

Baby gal who is showing same symptoms as her mom - shopping; or

Baby boy who is showing same symptoms as his dad - er......?
MRacer77 said:
Love to hate or hate to love?

Love to hate. The unseparable dichotomy of your feelings. One will experience hatred when he went through love.

Make love or make war?
kenntona said:
TripleM said:
Billabong or QuickSilver?

Quiksilver. Billabong too many imitations around. Then again, Quiksilver as well......

Having a......

Baby gal who is showing same symptoms as her mom - shopping; or

Baby boy who is showing same symptoms as his dad - er......?

Baby boy... those symtoms can sympathize and deal with... the other one... eeerrrr...
kenntona said:
MRacer77 said:
Love to hate or hate to love?

Love to hate. The unseparable dichotomy of your feelings. One will experience hatred when he went through love.

Make love or make war?

Make love lah!!! Ah Bah Then... Making war is too much effort for too little returns...

Live to eat or Live to sleep...
Live to eat man...enjoy the world cuisine :thumbsup:

Pang Jio before Pang Sai or Pangsai before Pang Jio?
Pang Jio first then Pang Sai lah, small one than the big finale....

Z4 or Cab 330?

MRacer77 said:
Make love lah!!! Ah Bah Then... Making war is too much effort for too little returns...

I think alike. But how else could you explain all the tensions and conflicts between mankind?

MRacer77 said:
Live to eat or Live to sleep...

Live to enjoy. Should be eat to live, and sleep to live.

Segregation or persecution?
TripleM said:
Pang Jio before Pang Sai or Pangsai before Pang Jio?

What kind of fark-up question is that, Jack? If you need to Pang Sai, then the two acts will go hand-in-hand, will they not? Else it will be a standalone Pang Jio act.

KNN, give you my corny version......

BJ first, or HJ first?
Better to be segregated than accused.... bimmer kana scratched how?

back to my question z4 or cab 330?
Winston said:
Z4 or Cab 330?


One chio bu in your Z4, or 3 chio bu's in your 740?
3 lah of course, especially if the 3 are those like Pit Queens.... keke....

BTW, y z4 over 330? Like to hear your thoughts on this... conceptually they are rather alike....

my question which is worse: getting knocked down by Bimmer or by Audi?
Winston said:
3 lah of course, especially if the 3 are those like Pit Queens....

Depends. Even though it could be buffet style, you can only have an optimal number of chicks. Thereafter, your marginal utility declines...... For me, one would be enough. One Z4, that is. Only one pair of hands to handle her.

My feel is that if I want a topless (car), then I will pick a roadster over a cabrio/convertible. Aesthetically, the Z4 looks a lot more appealing than a cic.

Winston said:
my question which is worse: getting knocked down by Bimmer or by Audi?

Getting knocked down is bad in every case. Guess it could be worse if it is a bimmer, since it could be one of the brothers......

Buy a M3CSL, or buy a Z4 plus a 325CI?
kenntona said:
Winston said:
3 lah of course, especially if the 3 are those like Pit Queens....

Depends. Even though it could be buffet style, you can only have an optimal number of chicks. Thereafter, your marginal utility declines...... For me, one would be enough. One Z4, that is. Only one pair of hands to handle her.

My feel is that if I want a topless (car), then I will pick a roadster over a cabrio/convertible. Aesthetically, the Z4 looks a lot more appealing than a cic.

Winston said:
my question which is worse: getting knocked down by Bimmer or by Audi?

Getting knocked down is bad in every case. Guess it could be worse if it is a bimmer, since it could be one of the brothers......

Buy a M3CSL, or buy a Z4 plus a 325CI?
Buy a Z4 and a 325Ci, u toot... two cars are better than one.

Vietnamese or Thai at Jazzy51?..(i dun expect kenntona to answer this cos he was pathethic...)

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