Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Le kong si mi? I don't have a clue what you are talking about. Please respect others, if not yourself. Else I will report you to the BAR, you Vietnamese toad.
kenntona said:
Le kong si mi? I don't have a clue what you are talking about. Please respect others, if not yourself. Else I will report you to the BAR, you Vietnamese toad.
u can go for counselling by Dr Estii, I believe her nurse is called Yvonne, call to make an appointment..if need be, I will follow u there to give u moral support....
Getting OT now. Please get back to Grudge Match.

Gin with boots, or Veron in Man Utd jersey?
kenntona said:
Getting OT now. Please get back to Grudge Match.

Gin with boots, or Veron in Man Utd jersey?
Veron in Man Utd jersey, cos its loose... :drool:

Jazzy51 or Egos?
What talking you? One bottle on you.
kenntona said:
What talking you? One bottle on you.
Answer the grudge match question and then post another, u toot.. :angry:
But could not understand what you were asking - si mi Jazz & Ego? How the fark could I answer you? Go and ask Gin, you Simpang toad.
Don't laugh..but i designed that pub.. Jazzy51 hahahahaahahahahahah

okay, logo lah but still. :p

MW said:
kenntona said:
Getting OT now. Please get back to Grudge Match.

Gin with boots, or Veron in Man Utd jersey?
Veron in Man Utd jersey, cos its loose... :drool:

Jazzy51 or Egos?
You kiddin'?

And you did not see Sean's traits in the original name Sleazy51?

Maybe you should answer the Simpang Toad's GM question......

:screwedu: :screwedu: :screwedu:
Democracy bro...
Nepotism is the backbone of all social and economic jealousy. Perfect eg...Indonesia.

Parliamentary or Presidential System?
MRacer77 said:
Democracy or Nepotism??

Democracy, if available in the ideal form. Not exactly two ends of the spectrum in reality. There is a demonstrated model of nepotic democracy with success. Look around.

Autarky, or Socialism?
TripleM said:
Parliamentary or Presidential System?

Parliamentary system. In reality, a pure Presidential system will not work, given the lack of a congress or a parliament for major policy support. The figurehead will be less than convicted in policy initiatives and management to maintain popularity votes.

Republic, or Kingdom?
Kingdom of course, heard of banana republic? nuff said... But lets not get too political here...

Another car question, M-Tac kit or AC kit? (I'm trying to decide which kit to save for lah... need some fresh opinion)

For those of you who don't know my last message about what a banana republic is...

Banana republic (or Bananaland) is a pejorative term for describing a country which has a government imposed upon it by foreign power in a cynical, non-democratic way, and which serves as a form of colony providing some sort of raw natural resources (for example, bananas) in exchange for military support.

Winston said:
......heard of banana republic?

I have few Banana Republic T-shirts bought from Bangkok. Does that count? Kekeke......

Winston said:
M-Tec kit or AC kit?

What about Hamann kit? The M-Tec kit will be fiercer, IMO. But a combo might be better - M-Tec II front, Hamann sideskirts, and AC rear on PGII. Whaddya think?

Which ride more chio - the blue coupe, or the yellow sedan?
Triple M:
Nepotism is good man... things get done faster if and when you know the right people... heheh

The blue one man... the yellow car's front just looks too CHUNKY...

Which of these senses could you live without?
Sight or Touch?
MRacer77 said:
Nepotism is good man... things get done faster if and when you know the right people... heheh

Perspective from the politically influential group. They will benefit in any system, more so if the backdrop is nepotic and cronyic. :whattheh:

MRacer77 said:
Which of these senses could you live without? Sight or Touch?

Tough one. But living without sight will be too dreadful - one could not even see his love ones. Not to mention driving...... :(

Around the world in 80 days...... train; or sail?
By sail bro...
Train doesnt make you sea sick but then you dont get to enjoy the view as in sailing...hehehe...

French fries or Potato Wedges?
TripleM said:
French fries or Potato Wedges?

Potato Wedges. Love that coatings.

Which of my penpals more chio - left or right?

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