Grudge Match - The Saga Continues......

Racebred said:
What's the point of double de-clutching on upshifts?

Dunno. Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) said that to Vince (Matt Schulze).
I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a man who's lining up to be a hot lunch. That's a twenty footer "



memorable quotes:

That's the hardest part. Today everything is different. There's no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food. Right after I got here I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.

Goodfellas or Godfather III
GoodFellas (1990)

Which movie is this from :
"Must go faster"
Gone in 60second
Jurassic Park?
Which movie is this from :
"Must go faster"
Gone in 60second
Jurassic Park?

must go faster....

Quote: Sure, mom, I settle down with a nice girl every night, then I'm free the next morning?

Bugsy or Goodfellas?
TripleM said:
In the movie Fugitive, who says this " Do you want to change your bullshit story, sir? " Harrison Ford or Tommy Lee Jones?

Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones)

TripleM said:
" I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a man who's lining up to be a hot lunch. That's a twenty footer " Anaconda or Jaws?


Winston said:
"Tommy: But, I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? I'm here to fuckin' amuse you?"

Goodfellas . Said to Tommy De Vito.

In which movie was this said......

“I've been chasing this guy ever since I joined the force. He has no conscience and he shows no remorse. He's a mastermind behind numerous bombings and political assassinations. He has a felony list a mile wide, murder, arson, kidnapping, terrorism, you name it. He's the most dangerous and brilliant criminal I've ever known. For years I've been studying his every move, his ever mannerism, his every facial tick gesture. I know him better than he knows himself. And now after all this time I've finally figured out a way to trap him."

The Jackal, or Face-Off?
Face off,
Sean Archer said bout Castor Troy

" I hear you lost your swing. I guess we got to go find it."
Who said this?
Will Smith or Matt Damon in Legend of Beggar Vance?
I hear you lost your swing. I guess we got to go find it."
Who said this?
Will Smith or Matt Damon in Legend of Beggar Vance?

will smith..

whats my favorite movie? goodfellas or Godfather?
whats my favorite movie? goodfellas or Godfather?

Must be Goodfellas since some of the GM answers relate to that one...prove me right...
Btw, what kind of question is that?

Now how bout , what is my favourite rims?
From movie to marketing brand...
Which is more recognized:
Coca Cola ?
TripleM said:
Btw, what kind of question is that? Now how bout , what is my favourite rims?

Open-ended question. What kind of GM question is that? It has to be binary, remember?

One kopi on you.

"......looking back, we did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves. The enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days....... There are times since, I've felt like a child, born of those two fathers. But be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again. To teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life."

From which movie: Platoon, or Hamburger Hill?
Btw, what kind of question is that?

Now how bout , what is my favourite rims?

you still must pose it as a binary lah....

Coca Cola ?

McDonald in terms of the branding... marketing junk food is not quite as easy as we like to believe...

Which is more recognized? ACS or Haman?
TripleM said:
From movie to marketing brand... Which is more recognized: McDonald or Coca Cola ?

Quite inclined to say McDonald's for its golden arches, but think Coca Cola is really global.

Famous movie quote - "I come in peace." Who starred in that movie?

Michael Biehn or Dolph Lundgren?
At first I saw Winston's question without binary comparison so that's why but then he probably edited it one loti prata on you..

Coca cola is the world's most recongnized brand and also the most expensive brand as a non-tangible asset.

Back to GM

ACS hence the zillions of replicas around.

RS6 or E60 M5, I m confused here...kekeke....
Winston said:
Which is more recognized? ACS or Haman?

AC Schnitzer. Can even get the emblem in J.B.

Which of the movies star Michael Biehn?

White Men Can't Jump; or Dead Men Can't Dance?
TripleM said:
Now... RS6 or E60 M5, I m confused here...

E60 M5.

In a hostage crisis, which elite forces will the Singapore government deploy?

Police's Special Tactical & Rescue Unit (STAR), or
Commando's Special Operations Force (SOF)?
At first I saw Winston's question without binary comparison so that's why but then he probably edited it one loti prata on you..

wah! kam sai leh... I didn't know I can hack into the forum... hmmm must try.... oops.. thinking too loudly...

Coca cola is the world's most recongnized brand and also the most expensive brand as a non-tangible asset.

that I know, but its just so much harder to sell junk food, don't you think?

RS6 or E60 M5, I m confused here...kekeke....


AC Schnitzer. Can even get the emblem in J.B.

also can get emblem of Harman in JB what....
I was reading one of the Malaysian/JB car magazine... everything also got, mayebe one of these days we go down sentosa area to check it out?

Which of the movies star Michael Biehn?

White Men Can't Jump; or Dead Men Can't Dance?

Dead men... actually both type of men can't jump....

In a hostage crisis, which elite forces will the Singapore government deploy?

Police's Special Tactical & Rescue Unit (STAR), or
Commando's Special Operations Force (SOF)?

er... Commando? NS man salary lower, so easier to expense off?

more disgusting movie in a good sort of way cos they're both good: sleepers starring robert de niro or baksetball diaries starring leonardo de caprio
Damn...need me to resume the we go good fellas...

RDN in the Sleepers...

Now, this movie quote :" Sombody, stop me! "
Who says it?
Will Smith in Ali
Jim Carrey in Mask ?
Winston said:
more disgusting movie in a good sort of way cos they're both good: sleepers starring robert de niro or baksetball diaries starring leonardo de caprio


TripleM said:
Now, this movie quote :" Sombody, stop me! "
Who says it? Will Smith in Ali or Jim Carrey in Mask ?

Sounds like Jim Carrey in The Mask.

Hangout hip places of the past......

Octagon (Stadium) or Mamota Disco?

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