Hi to all

Re: Hi to all

Dark blue.
Re: Hi to all

MaviaLim;720475 said:
go where dating

Shhhhhhhh.............. later mw wants to tag along... :lol2:

MW;720487 said:
mavia, with milk around, nothing will follow cos he is already the ugliest. Sherman say one

lucky i not gaylord like you..... :nehnehhh:
Re: Hi to all

Milk's S15's colour is Bedok Red. Huan tio.
Re: Hi to all

Oh... preese........... It's reservoir RED hor............ mai play play.........
Re: Hi to all

I heard someone wanna change name to Labia to match Mavia. Lomantic.
Re: Hi to all

No, your name is alright. Not like some funny ones like Milk or Brobot.
Re: Hi to all

Yes, where got man named himself MILK one? Got gal named Sugar. Honey also have. All working in KTV according to Botay.
Re: Hi to all

Worst name is Hitmee..

Ppl hoot others, this one is ask ppl to hoot him.
Re: Hi to all

I wan change name to mafia.. match mavia

my log change lame to maria..
Re: Hi to all

Human should change name to Cavier to match Mavia. Exotic.
Re: Hi to all

Human should just rename himself Hum...

So instead of ppl calling CB face, just call Hum face,, more polite

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