
Re: Hihi

fasterthanferrari;322987 said:
Welcome emma,

and you know what guys say about nice looking gals when looking from the back....can always PM if you're shy...

what do guys say about nice looking gals when looking from the back? :p
Re: Hihi

they look even better from the front...

my friends are like that when they go chic hunting (no pun intended)...as they come around a gal, they would usually go...chio leh....damn chio leh....wala sibei chio!!! all done with funny hand signals and eye movements...of cos the gal would never notice cos we are like a mile away...you could laugh all day at that.
Re: Hihi

hahaha.. your friends must all be marksmen.. can spot a "chio chick" a mile away.. army trained our boys well.. haha..
Re: Hihi

so why is your nick "fasterthanferrari"? you ferrari fan? i'm a ferrari fan too.. :p my favourite ferrari driver is still schumi though..
Re: Hihi

Welcome to the forum :) hope you'll join us at the monthly meetup this Sunday.

*looks like there's gonna be an initiation ceremony*
Re: Hihi

support BMW Sauber. favourite F1 team. hahaha
Re: Hihi

benji ben;323035 said:
support BMW Sauber. favourite F1 team. hahaha

haha.. BMW Sauber is looking good this year.. well, as long as it's not a team Alonso is in, i don't really mind any team winning.
Re: Hihi

benji ben;322780 said:
a sexy avatar? look at iScoupe, got tons of sexy avatar but nobody gives a damn about it. hahaha

nabe my avatar for horsin viewing only la...

hi welcome to forum emma. I am gay so dun worry, i not a horsin. careful those name with ben...
Re: Hihi

emma;322962 said:
who shy? me ah? post avatar already.. but a bit shy lah so only back view.. :p

emma.. what a coincidence.. u shy, i also shy.. :oops:
Re: Hihi

Welcome emma. Your back is very nice, I like :)

emma;323016 said:
i'm a ferrari fan too.. :p my favourite ferrari driver is still schumi though..
Me too, Ferrari. And Schumi too, he's one cool driver. So damn rich also....

emma;323122 said:
haha.. BMW Sauber is looking good this year.. well, as long as it's not a team Alonso is in, i don't really mind any team winning.
Alonso's attitude s**ks too. Hmmm....seems like we share the same view about F1.

Roasty;323131 said:
emma.. what a coincidence.. u shy, i also shy.. :oops:
Almost throw out my breakfast :furious:

gracieg;322991 said:
and you always happen to be the first bro.
Re: Hihi

Roasty;323131 said:
emma.. what a coincidence.. u shy, i also shy.. :oops:

shy + shy = waste of time

chinnie...ops..i mean emma....i not shy.

very aggressive. like ferrari.
dun believe u ask kenn.
Re: Hihi

emma;322962 said:
who shy? me ah? post avatar already.. but a bit shy lah so only back view.. :p
if you not shy, post a large pic than your avatar. ei sai bo? :lol2:

Herman;322989 said:
:shock: That's it.

Lady + Avatar.

This thread is going to be flooded with horsins.
Within hours it will spread like a virus that is deadlier den any other virus.

Just wait and see.............................. :shock:
gracieg;322991 said:
and you always happen to be the first bro.
+1well said gracieg. :lol2:

emma;322993 said:
what do guys say about nice looking gals when looking from the back? :p
Behtohfeng or Beethoven :laughlik:

emma;323122 said:
haha.. BMW Sauber is looking good this year.. well, as long as it's not a team Alonso is in, i don't really mind any team winning.
+1 that A LONG SOH put McLaren to shame. pui. :furious:
Re: Hihi

Waste of bandwidth !!! Flies !!!

Hi welcome to the forum, Emma.

3 times absence from the meetup and you will be booted out !!!

Must come hor............
Re: Hihi

welcum emma..

Honest opinion, dun say i rude hor.. from ur avatar , back view of u (if its really u), i give 4.5/10.......... wait, 5.5/10, extra 1 cos u drive a 325. c u this sunday at meetup?
Re: Hihi

hi there and welcome to bmw.sg

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