
Re: Hihi

jawzsg;323873 said:
Allo... anyhow postz up me photo no askz permission... you owe me one kopi...:furious:
sorry la chairman. can't resist le. bo jio. ai liang teh mai :lol2:
Re: Hihi

nYteMarE;323876 said:
where the horsins are the camel goes.... or issit the other way around...

Camel your kuniang 4L bottle fort road face...^$%$$$#^^%...:furious: :furious: :furious:
Re: Hihi

acupunch;323944 said:
sorry la chairman. can't resist le. bo jio. ai liang teh mai :lol2:

kekkeek...kopi o better lah.. wait hand shaky cannot take peekture...:yummie: me only stand-in photographer nia.. cannot jio lor.
Re: Hihi

nYteMarE;323801 said:
emma, be careful of silver. he's known to be violent. especially with straws. pm me if you want to know more. also beware of roasty aka gayvin. (fetish for taking people's photos without their permission)

What straws u talking?.....for you to drink liang teh?
I can kill you with a thought! do i need a straw?

Psssst... Silver not only violent with straws.... he's damnz violent over Yakult... you know why his avatar got wear helmet? to hide his face.. he lookz like rotten Yakult... Breyton told me one.. he saw it before.[/QUOTE]

I can kill you with a thought...
I can't remove my helmet, if I do so I am afraid too many chicks will call me...I am already busy enough as it is...
Re: Hihi

pui pui pui pui... ewww.... you meant the grown up version of chicks???
Re: Hihi

SILVER;324074 said:
I can kill you with a thought...
I can't remove my helmet, if I do so I am afraid too many chicks will call me...I am already busy enough as it is...

chicks... with dicks?
Re: Hihi

lai lai. we go nurburgring settle. ;)
Re: Hihi

jawzsg;323873 said:
Don't have to worry about Ben coz he's known to have intense fetish over nervous aunty who sells chicken rice... Cabdriver say one

wah like that i also kenna. it's actually cabdriver who have intense fetish for the nervous chicken rice aunty. he told me personally. hahaha we should give him our support! yeahhhh:nehnehhh: :nehnehhh:

erm try to keep it a secret. he told me not to tell anyone too. haha
Re: Hihi

Hi there! Welcome to the forum! Ladies usually start really long intro threads, you no exception. Enjoy!
Re: Hihi

SILVER;323627 said:
Hi emma...welcome to the forum. Don't be afraid of the Horsins here...I usually don't partake in these horsin thread, BUT I just can't resist this time.

I think you have a nice sexy back. Do join us for our meet up this weekend. They all know I chop ppl's hands if they don't behave...just stay with me you are safe.

Ai Mod Mai?....

wah.. you're so fierce ah.. ok, you're my new best friend.. :laughlik:
mod mai - so you bring me shopping too ah?
Re: Hihi

jawzsg;323874 said:
Oh, the back view from your avatar lookz vaguely familiar... do you hang out with Sandy often ?... great shape btw

who's sandy?
Re: Hihi

benji ben;324111 said:
wah like that i also kenna. it's actually cabdriver who have intense fetish for the nervous chicken rice aunty. he told me personally. hahaha we should give him our support! yeahhhh:nehnehhh: :nehnehhh:

erm try to keep it a secret. he told me not to tell anyone too. haha

is the nervous chicken rice aunty a real person? does she serve good chicken? i liked roasted ones.. :p
Re: Hihi

fiercepink;324086 said:
pui pui pui pui... ewww.... you meant the grown up version of chicks???

grown up versions?...those are for Jawsg hahahahahaha...:lol2: nytemare say one.

Roasty;324098 said:
chicks... with dicks?

Please don't use me as a distraction for your fetish. so no one will notice your love for chicks with dicks hahahaha...

nYteMarE;324107 said:
lai lai. we go nurburgring settle. ;)
Simi new ring? ...I drive safe...I don't race...I drive slow..

emma;324119 said:
wah.. you're so fierce ah.. ok, you're my new best friend.. :laughlik:
mod mai - so you bring me shopping too ah?

OKOK go shopping! hahaha
Re: Hihi

emma;324121 said:
who's sandy?

We have to sit you down for a introduction chat!
Re: Hihi

como;324269 said:
fiercepink is sandy...hahaha

don't anyhow say... sandy legs very sexy and slim, i can't hold a candle...
Re: Hihi

emma;324122 said:
is the nervous chicken rice aunty a real person? does she serve good chicken? i liked roasted ones.. :p

hahaha it's a real person. hmm about the chicken rice, that i'm not too sure. i haven't try it before. ask cabdriver to bring you there and taste. he will gladly do so. hahaha

just remember to tell me how it taste like after that. haha
i'm sure it sucks big time. :lol2: :lol2:
Re: Hihi

emma;324122 said:
is the nervous chicken rice aunty a real person? does she serve good chicken? i liked roasted ones.. :p

hi hi.. my name is Roasty.. ;)

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