
Re: Hola!

Centurion9990;752972 said:
1) Char Kway Teow got hum...

2) Penang Place serves Penang Food Buffet during dinner... Got chilli crabs with man tou also... yum yum :p:p:p

..wah...sounds good ley....:goodup:....next week huh....aft st come back lor...ai mai...:D...hehe...i told him we will wait 4 him ley....
Re: Hola!

Chocs;752976 said:
..wah...sounds good ley....:goodup:....next week huh....aft st come back lor...ai mai...:D...hehe...i told him we will wait 4 him ley....

u and st8800 got 1 hand? or 1 leg :oooops::oooops::oooops:
Re: Hola!

wobbles;752975 said:
.. I oso scared Chocs scratch rims again...

...wobbles say i kayu...:sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:..so sad..

Re: Hola!

Chocs;752976 said:
..wah...sounds good ley....:goodup:....next week huh....aft st come back lor...ai mai...:D...hehe...i told him we will wait 4 him ley....

Ok la... I wanna to grumble to him also... hahaha...
Re: Hola!

S2k;752977 said:
u and st8800 got 1 hand? or 1 leg :oooops::oooops::oooops:

Siao liao... S2k jia chor... Chocs, how u wanna settle??? U spreading honey everywhere...
Re: Hola!

ok if i say don't wait for him later he come back sure kpkb me :lol2:
Re: Hola!

S2k;752977 said:
u and st8800 got 1 hand? or 1 leg :oooops::oooops::oooops:

.......i caring mah.....:whipper::whipper:...

..u jealous huh....hehe...:sneaky::sneaky:
Re: Hola!

wobbles;752984 said:
Next week when?

..after 26th ley...almost take new car liow....when u confirm take car...report here!!!!

..4 you, we wait!! ...hehe....now wobbles stress....:D:D.

Re: Hola!

Chocs;752985 said:
.......i caring mah.....:whipper::whipper:...

..u jealous huh....hehe...:sneaky::sneaky:

can u don't be so open jiak chor also have to keep quiet one :chinese::chinese:
Re: Hola!

S2k;752987 said:
can u don't be so open jiak chor also have to keep quiet one :chinese::chinese:

..u no hap buy me VD flowers...i sad...:whipper::whipper:
Re: Hola!

wobbles;752991 said:
/wobbles sweat drop.... dun gib me pressure leh...

...hahahaha...:lol::lol::lol::lol:...nothing ler...we wait 4 u onli mah...after dat,

..try organizing whole village...wahahahha...:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Re: Hola!

i watsapp ST8800 now tells him chocs waiting for him to come back.....

to eat cha kway teow
Re: Hola!

..btw, salute u guys...how u all tahan w so little :boring::boring::boring:...i see u guys post early as well....

...i can sleep till like..u knw...4ever.....:lol::lol::lol::lol:...still not enuf....:D:D
Re: Hola!

S2k;752997 said:
i watsapp ST8800 now told him chocs waiting for him to come back.....

to eat cha kway teow

...weiwei...(tis 2 words learn from wobbles..:D..hee)...dun give him wrong information huh.....:whipper:...i innocent...
Re: Hola!


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