Inccident i account in Holland village

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Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

his skin is thick mah
One thing i realised in china, you must be more 'bah'.. I learnt this when keep kana cut queue at taxi stand and even mcdonald.. In shanghai la.. But i must say shanghai babies are chio.. Sorry for OT..
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

I have been driving in developed countries for many years. Sporean drivers are still one of the lousiest. Here's why.

Slow, road-hogging in right lanes, all slow down to peek at accidents when it is none of their biz (causing tails of traffic jam), poor driving skills, nonchalent of traffic behind, tail-gating, speedo kids trying to zhio you on SLE, bad parking skills, crazy taxis coming to your rear and flashing headlights at you, haolian drivers, don't have the give-way spirit, drivers with no patience, road bullies etc. I can go on.

Sure now we have FT drivers who hog condo entrances thinking they are big shots just doesn't alleviate the problem.
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

zorro;783012 said:
You should have seen how the imported Indians drive here....I almost hit my car at 60km/hr at the right side of a damm fcking Indian who just shot out to make a right turn from a slip road crossing the East Coast main road. If not for my alertness (thank god no PRC mm toying with my handbrake at that time) and my F1 trained driving skills, i swerve right and then left passing the &%&^&** SOB and jammed brake and park at the side and come out from the car shouting vulgarities and raising my fist to signal him to stop (by that time he already turned right and moving in opposite direction.

Funny thing is that he stop his car about 10m away and I cross the road and gave him a lecture that will equip him with the full spectrum of local vulgarities..

Racist as that comment is, I will let that bit slide by.

But this same comment can be levelled at a vast majority of Singaporeans. As a nation, we are in a minority when it comes to sane driving.

My favourite questions to a LOT of drivers on my rather short drive to work and home is: what the fuck do you think the white lines in the road are for? Decoration?

And that's not to mention the unique trait in Singapore of having indicators as an optional accessory. Dont know why more of us dont tick the box when it comes to buying cars?

I am not condoning the behaviour of either the PRC or the "imported" Indians as you call them (fuck that's a stupidly racist way of putting things), just pointing out that as a nation we need to upgrade our driving skills en-masse before pointing fingers.

And this is not even starting off on lane hogging, cutting into lanes and THEN signalling, stopping suddenly on the side of the road, and the worst of all - speeding up to block someone who has been patiently signalling to change lanes.
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

zorro;783012 said:
You should have seen how the imported Indians drive here....I almost hit my car at 60km/hr at the right side of a damm fcking Indian who just shot out to make a right turn from a slip road crossing the East Coast main road. If not for my alertness (thank god no PRC mm toying with my handbrake at that time) and my F1 trained driving skills, i swerve right and then left passing the &%&^&** SOB and jammed brake and park at the side and come out from the car shouting vulgarities and raising my fist to signal him to stop (by that time he already turned right and moving in opposite direction.

Funny thing is that he stop his car about 10m away and I cross the road and gave him a lecture that will equip him with the full spectrum of local vulgarities..

By and large, I find that post very incinuating and racist. I suggest you re-word your lingo if you are meaning it towards FT.
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

C3P0;783028 said:
Ya I will sit in my car. But recently I have the urge to step out. Must have been inspired by the Ferrari driver. If something happen to me one day pls visit me ya.

What colour Ferrari you like??? I'll burn give u.............. :nehnehhh:

MW;783127 said:
his skin is thick mah

hitmee say...............
"U wanna shoot be prepared to be shot If cannot tahan shoot don't even start."

Steady poon pee pee............. 8)
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

milk15;783148 said:
hitmee say...............
"U wanna shoot be prepared to be shot If cannot tahan shoot don't even start."

Steady poon pee pee............. 8)

his skin is thick mah
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

i dun discriminate against drivers of foreign origins.
some of them are good drivers too.
it can be a prc, india indian or even an ang mor or a local, the problems lies with that person, not his nationality.
yes, where they come from might play a part in their behaviour but how many of u kena those local irritating auntie drivers, i think i kena more lousy local drivers than foreigners
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

Besides, if we go by the political shpeil we are fed usually - we are a developed nation. We need to give our brethren humans from the developing nations like India and China a little bit of leeway as they havent really mastered the finer arts - driving being one of them. However, when the driving standard of a developed nation like ours are so lousy - do we really have a leg to stand on when pointing fingers?

What is most irritating following the line of thought above is the ang-mos. Especially the women. Where they come from, they will religiously stick to lanes, indicate, look when moving out etc. However, come to Singapore and they see the lousy driving standards and lose every bit of sense. They overtake recklessly, drive recklessly and are a general nuisance. And they do this with arrogance.

At least the Indians and PRCs (for the majority I think) are humble and would likely apologise if you honk at them or shout. The ang-mors - never ever I think.
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

Actually I have seen Singaporeans drive overseas b4.. all very law abiding and meek...

Come back Sg, all become F1 drivers.

Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

timechaser;783155 said:
Besides, if we go by the political shpeil we are fed usually - we are a developed nation. We need to give our brethren humans from the developing nations like India and China a little bit of leeway as they havent really mastered the finer arts - driving being one of them. However, when the driving standard of a developed nation like ours are so lousy - do we really have a leg to stand on when pointing fingers?

What is most irritating following the line of thought above is the ang-mos. Especially the women. Where they come from, they will religiously stick to lanes, indicate, look when moving out etc. However, come to Singapore and they see the lousy driving standards and lose every bit of sense. They overtake recklessly, drive recklessly and are a general nuisance. And they do this with arrogance.

At least the Indians and PRCs (for the majority I think) are humble and would likely apologise if you honk at them or shout. The ang-mors - never ever I think.

Good Point. But I think Ang Mo cyclists are the worst of all. I almost got into a fist fight with one of them near my house. I was keeping a safe distance of about a metre away from him and he suddenly just flanked out almost hitting my car. He still had the audacity to show the middle finger. I really lost it at that point...
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

Maybe when you experienced the close shave I am in together with my family in the car, and if you still react the same way then I salute you. If I didnt execute the damm dangerous maneuver I probably killed that Indian National driver and probably injured myself and my familiy in the process.

I make fun of all people regardless its PRC, Indian, Malay and what have you. I termed them imported Indian to distinguish them as non local Indian because I have experienced in few occasions that they drive cars without looking at oncoming cars and East coast is now a favourite place for them to stay..I am not sure if they have converted their India's driving license or taken a complete driving test to obtain the Spore Driving License.

Did I conclude that Singaporean are better drivers??? I still insist that that I can determine the gender of the driver by tailing the car correctly 70% of the time by their braking behaviour and their ability to stay in line..Call me a farking sexist if u want.....I am no saint either...

timechaser;783132 said:
Racist as that comment is, I will let that bit slide by.

But this same comment can be levelled at a vast majority of Singaporeans. As a nation, we are in a minority when it comes to sane driving.

My favourite questions to a LOT of drivers on my rather short drive to work and home is: what the fuck do you think the white lines in the road are for? Decoration?

And that's not to mention the unique trait in Singapore of having indicators as an optional accessory. Dont know why more of us dont tick the box when it comes to buying cars?

I am not condoning the behaviour of either the PRC or the "imported" Indians as you call them (fuck that's a stupidly racist way of putting things), just pointing out that as a nation we need to upgrade our driving skills en-masse before pointing fingers.

And this is not even starting off on lane hogging, cutting into lanes and THEN signalling, stopping suddenly on the side of the road, and the worst of all - speeding up to block someone who has been patiently signalling to change lanes.
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Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

zorro;783162 said:
Maybe when you experienced the close shave I am in together with my family in the car, and if you still react the same way then I salute you. If I didnt execute the damm dangerous maneuver I probably killed that Indian National driver and probably injured myself and my familiy in the process.

I make fun of all people regardless its PRC, Indian, Malay and what have you. I termed them imported Indian to distinguish them as non local Indian because I have experienced in few occasions that they drive cars without looking at incoming cars and East coast is now a favourite place for them to stay..I am not sure if they have converted their India's driving license or taken a complete driving test to obtain the Spore Driving License.

Did I concluded that Singaporean are better drivers??? I still insist that that I can determine the gender of the driver by tailing the car correctly 70% of the time by their braking behaviour and their ability to stay in line..Call me a farking sexist if u want.....I am no saint either...

Err. Read dude.

My gripe was NOT with your comment. I agree that the Indians working and living here by and large are lousy drivers. What I was commenting on was your insinuation that if it is an Imported Indian as you term it, he or she will be a lousy driver.
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

i dedicate this song to all drivers out there of all nationalities.
drive safe, dun be a road hazard

[ame=]We are the World - Michael Jackson, Ray Charles, Diana Ross, Bob Dylan, Bette Midler, Stevie Wonder - YouTube[/ame]
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

There are 2 groups of FT drivers whom I can condone and cannot condone.

Group 1: FT is a truck driver from PRC or India. He used to live in a country full of inconsiderate and reckless drivers (look at china and india traffic). He is probably not educated much. He hasn't been in Spore very long. Based on all these differences, I think we can be more forgiving if they lack the ethics. Moving from a 3rd world traffic country to a developed world is a huge jump in civilization. I don't expect an immediate improvement in driving ethics and habits.

Group 2: The upper-class FT indians and ang mohs who in some cases can drive like they own the road because they think they do. Fast, exotic and expensive cars nevertheless but you are not above the traffic rules. I know many think that sporean drivers are wimpy and slow compared to drivers back in their own country but that doesn't mean they can also drive like hooligans here. All said, I think some still drive with a taint of arrogance because they are rich expats.

Last group: The very own Singaporean drivers. What can I say. We all know many of us suck at driving, ethics and habits. If you do not drive well, why would the FTs drive in a considerate manner too? We can't just impose our idealist standards on some of these unawaring FTs when many of us are guilty of lousy driving habits. Just go to Stomp and look at the news. How many stupid drivers can't park properly? How many stupid drivers road hog or speed and causing accidents? Want good driving pattern from the visitors? Then we have to start from within first.
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

Hey Dude,

I have 6 Indian National Engineers working for me and host of PRC engineers and local engineers working for me and am I a racist? I actually discussed the incident with my Indian engineers and they told me in many Indian States the driving behaviour is quite bad...and I am not saying they are lousy drivers but they way they drive without looking at oncoming traffic is putting a lot of people's lives in danger.

timechaser;783167 said:
Err. Read dude.

My gripe was NOT with your comment. I agree that the Indians working and living here by and large are lousy drivers. What I was commenting on was your insinuation that if it is an Imported Indian as you term it, he or she will be a lousy driver.
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

timechaser;783132 said:
My favourite questions to a LOT of drivers on my rather short drive to work and home is: what the fuck do you think the white lines in the road are for? Decoration?

And that's not to mention the unique trait in Singapore of having indicators as an optional accessory. Dont know why more of us dont tick the box when it comes to buying cars?

I am not condoning the behaviour of either the PRC or the "imported" Indians as you call them (fuck that's a stupidly racist way of putting things), just pointing out that as a nation we need to upgrade our driving skills en-masse before pointing fingers.

And this is not even starting off on lane hogging, cutting into lanes and THEN signalling, stopping suddenly on the side of the road, and the worst of all - speeding up to block someone who has been patiently signalling to change lanes.
The not being able to drive in your own lane issue has me baffled really but it just seems to echo the general mentality on the road, cut corners to be first. It is amazing that there are not more accidents because of this because virtually everybody has this problem. I was taught to drive pretending that the white lane markings contained nails or bombs so if you dont keep to your lane, you get blown up. That actually puts me in danger, because by sticking to my lane, I am presuming that both lanes to the left and right of me (assuming I am in the middle lane) will stick to their lanes too - and invariably they don't.

All the poor driving habits we have are because of poor, really poor driving schools / instructors.

As for PRC's, they feel they have the right to bully in any situation. They believe that raising the voice the highest is king, pushing their way to the front of queues is natural - first come first serve and survival of the fittest. That culture is being imported here and it will take time for that to change. Somehow, I think we are stuck with it in our lifetime.
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

zorro;783177 said:
Hey Dude,

I have 6 Indian National Engineers working for me and host of PRC engineers and local engineers working for me and am I a racist? I actually discussed the incident with my Indian engineers and they told me in many Indian States the driving behaviour is quite bad...and I am not saying they are lousy drivers but they way they drive without looking at oncoming traffic is putting a lot of people's lives in danger.

Since I AM obviously an Indian (if my posts didnt hint towards it ;-)).

Here's a comparison of driving standards I have learnt after living all over the world.

Three countries - UK, Singapore and India. Driving rules are identical as they are based on the old british laws.

UK - you follow every damned rule down to the letter. Otherwise you lose your license very fast.

India - you dont follow any of the rules if you want to reach home, preferably in one piece. Swerving, honking, shouting, speeding are a way of life

Singapore - follow such rules as might not inconvenience you, personally, at the choice of time and place independent of traffic conditions
Re: Inccident i account in Holland village

We are all racists in different degrees. Whether it is directed or implied. Whether it is in your thoughts or in your actions. Whether you are the accused or the receiver. Racism is such an old topic that often cause so much pain to relationships and countries. Users of the term pls just back up a little. Receivers just ease up abit. It will all work out in harmony lah..

Chill guys.

Let's talk about religions ai mai? More sensitive than racism.
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