Iphone 5

Re: Iphone 5

Meek;892033 said:
thanks. dat has promoted me to the aunty status. yeah. i am buying an iphone 5 because i want a phone that serves me. not to tweak and squeeze the max juice from. actually, dats not such a bad thing. apologies to the more tech savy tai khors and tai jies here who use androids.

As long the phone suits your needs , then all is well.

Btw, currently an android user, I have an iPod touch too.

All I can say is that, with jailbreak , there's so much things you can do,
Else it is pretty much limited with the sucky interface.

But well, as said earlier, can call , can sms , is good enough for normal users :)
Iphone 5

i dun call much (no boil telephone porridge person)... so as long as got camera, whatsapp, facebook... and now, tapatalk! i am happy.
Re: Iphone 5

detach8;892019 said:
It does. In very basic form it still way better than any droid phones out there. Try entering numbers, for example. Or adding a Chinese keyboard. It's a major PITA, and aunties and uncles don't know how to go to Google Store... wait... Google Marketplace.... wrong name? Sorry... Google PLAY? (Sounds like a sex toy :p) to download a keyboard. You think I'm pulling your leg, I'm not. I run a mobile phone shop, and I get stupid shit questions like this all day.

The reason why people start getting used to the droid phones is because their friend is using it, their kids starts using it, everybody tell them to buy one, and then they get word of mouth recommendation of what apps to get, what to download, what to customize, how to use, what to press. But at the end of the day, auntie an uncles don't give a shit if the phone can run torrent downloads or send viruses out in the background because they don't even know WTF "multi-tasking" means, and this ALSO means they will come and ask me why their battery kaput so quickly.

It's like you say why buy a BMW when Audi has Quattro and a much more powerful engine. Why pay for iDrive when VW throws in navigation for free. Navigation, check. Bluetooth, check. Voice commands, check. But if you have never used, you'll never know that iDrive is still superior.

These are all art. Not just science.
The only reason i bought an iphone because i m a Fanboy. Please don't promote me to a unker hor.

For me, it is an all-in-one device & i like the itunes ecosystem despite I m IT savvy.

The only reason i bought BMW because i m a fanboy. I buy the tagline "Ultimate Driving Machine". I m a big fan of IL6 OR V12.
Re: Iphone 5

The iPhone 5 isn't a bad phone. It just didn't blow everyone's mind away the way the iPhone 3G or the iPhone 4 did.

The specs are comparable to the other smart phones in the market already. Plus the other phones don't have a sucky software called iTunes to tie users down. Airplay? AppleTV? iCloud? pfftt.

Sure, it's a matter of time before I can jailbreak the iPhone 5 to have a much better interface with my peripherals...but I rather try my hand at Android or Windows 8
Re: Iphone 5

Here's a question to those who are lamenting at the "disappointing" specs of the iPhone 5. What sort of "specs" were you expecting?
Re: Iphone 5

from me:
4.5" display ... instead of +0.5"
wider too and not just taller ... really making into a sword?


Gone are the days in which phone hardware was what mattered. Today, it’s the software that determines a phone’s value. And the software running on the iPhone, iOS 6, is lagging behind its main competitor, Android.
Apple unveiled not a single killer new feature in iOS 6 today. There will be no Android-style widgets on the iPhone 5–the extra screen resolution will be used for a fifth row of apps. Ho hum. There will be no innovative use of NFC (near field communication) technology, which means that the prediction that we will all soon use our phones as our bank cards and our keys looks to be delayed at least another year.
Apple’s big new feature is a revamped, proprietary version of Google Maps. Seriously. Beyond that, the only new features are inconsequential. You can now share your notifications on Facebook. Have fun with that.
There’s little doubt that the iPhone 5 will sell millions of units. At this point, iPhone (and iPad) owners have bought enough apps that they are locked in to Apple ecosystem. The iPhone 5 just might go down in history as the least impressive device that Apple has produced in the 21st Century, though. Even the semi-disappointing iPhone 4S had one notable new feature, Siri.
What does this phone have going for it? It’s called an iPhone. That’s about it.
And that’s disappointing.

Crufty Dusty;892181 said:
Here's a question to those who are lamenting at the "disappointing" specs of the iPhone 5. What sort of "specs" were you expecting?
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Re: Iphone 5

wt_know;892251 said:
from me:
4.5" display ... instead of +0.5"
wider too and not just taller ... really making into a sword?
It's definitely a compromise, just like with cars. People want their 20-way adjustable seats, 14 speakers, 1000 bhp and wonder why their cars get 3 km/l. With greater screen size, the drawbacks are more weight, and greater drain on battery. They made their choice so it's up to the market to validate the decision.

I know you didn't write the following, so my answers are not directed at you specifically.

Gone are the days in which phone hardware was what mattered. Today, it’s the software that determines a phone’s value. And the software running on the iPhone, iOS 6, is lagging behind its main competitor, Android.
Apple unveiled not a single killer new feature in iOS 6 today. There will be no Android-style widgets on the iPhone 5–the extra screen resolution will be used for a fifth row of apps. Ho hum.
Again, this is something that is subjective. For all the talk of Android being "open" and "tweakable", why does the idea of having a phone without widgets on the home screen so repugnant? It just smacks of hypocrisy. Some people don't need or want widgets on their home screens. Can it be useful? Definitely. There is no "One True Way".

There will be no innovative use of NFC (near field communication) technology, which means that the prediction that we will all soon use our phones as our bank cards and our keys looks to be delayed at least another year.
I had a good laugh! So now Apple is evil because Android which is supposedly having a higher market share is unable to get mass adoption of NFC and has to depend on Apple to drive it. I'll let that sink in for a while.

Apple’s big new feature is a revamped, proprietary version of Google Maps. Seriously. Beyond that, the only new features are inconsequential.
Again, subjective. Simple things like Do Not Disturb/silent hours, shared Photostreams are features I would definitely use, and don't need to go through an App Store or sideload apps. Of course it's true that Android has had features like turn-by-turn navigation for a long time, but then again there is no equivalence of iTunes Store for Android in this part of the world. Let's not forget that so far iOS has a perfect score of malware while Google has had to use the kill switch a couple of times.
Re: Iphone 5


i agree with all your points. personally, i would love to continue to use iPhone
technically i believe iOS and Apple apps are superior

4" display and not wider is the deal breaker for me.
i started to use 3G > 3GS > 4 > waiting for 5 ... and i cannot accept display that is smaller than 4.5"
i don't think iPhone 5s will got bigger screen. i guess i have to wait iPhone 6 or 7 liao ... hopefully it does not comes as iSabre :lol:
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Re: Iphone 5

Crufty Dusty;892181 said:
Here's a question to those who are lamenting at the "disappointing" specs of the iPhone 5. What sort of "specs" were you expecting?
Something that would sway me away from the lumia 920. The iPhone 5 was everything i expected, thus the disappointment, would have liked something special or more innovative from Apple this time. And contrary to popular belief, it's not ALWAYS about specs. It just needed to feel special which to me at least, it doesnt. It doesn't make me go, "OH yes, i wanna go buy one". It was a "Ok... not bad... it'll do..." sort of moment...

And i hate those Apple fanbois who think all those who are disappointed are non-iphone or android users. Come on, i'm still using a 3GS and i was quite eagerly awaiting the 5 before making a decision. I skipped the 4 because i felt the exterior design was flawed. Not liking it does not automatically make me a non-iphone user. It just makes me someone who is looking to buy a new phone within the nex few months someone who doesn't feel the new iPhone 5 is "all that".

Here are my comparisons:
What do i like about the lumia over the i5? I like the wireless charging, i like the multi-colors, i like the OIS, i like the offline maps, i think NFC has alot of possibilities, and i think the new UI might be a refreshing change. I don't like the thickness, and the plastic exterior.

What do i like about the i5? The design and materials used in the build. And it might fit my lv case.

I'm not a fan of the SIII becos i think it's ugly and i prefer iOS over Android.
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Re: Iphone 5

I take offense when people call me a fanboi. I don't think I'm a fanboi. I'm just being very objective with my views.

iPhone 5 is just that. Yes, I'm sad. But that doesn't mean it deserves the trolling or bashing it got. Are the droid phones any better? Really, nothing even comes close. It's just like comparing BMW's iDrive with Merc's COMMAND.

It's a natural product release cycle. Samsung released countless phones. So many I can't even remember what special each one of them is.

Why is nobody talking about the damn annoying nano SIM?

Seriously speaking the design of the iPhone hasn't changed since day one. It still looks the same. So what's the big deal about a larger screen? What if the iPhone 5 didn't even have an upsized screen? Don't you guys own an iPad? (BTW, ridiculous name when it first came out, now look who's laughing?)

You want a big ass screen there's the iPad. Or maybe the smaller iPad due in Oct. Or go grab that Samsung Galaxy S3 you've been comparing the iPhone 5 against. If it really is what you need, you'll love the S3 as many of my friends do.

I don't see the need for a bigger screen on an iPhone. It fits comfortably in my hand, your hand, your wife's, your KID'S hand and pocket. You can operate the keyboard with one thumb and reach across the screen. All these are product design considerations. I don't think the guys at Apple are idiots. To make the screen wider they had to either widen it enough to fit another column of apps (too wide!) or make it marginally wider but still show the same 4 column of apps just because you want to have bigger maps or web page browsing doesn't make product design sense. You must remember than when the screen size (resolution) changes, *all* applications are affected and have to be rebuilt. No horse run.

Seriously when Samsung launched S3 did we see Apple users trolling their launch? No.

But what did Samsung introduce in the S3?

Faster CPU, bigger screen, sharper screen, better camera, voice assistant. Doesn't all these sound so damn familiar? Voice assistant! I wonder where they got the idea from. It's still made out of cheap plastic. Major design change? Where's the wow factor? Trust me no phone manufacturer has the kind of expertise to make the hardware that Apple makes. Aluminum and glass! The only thing close is a Vertu. And that's what makes it still, IMHO, the best phone around.
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Re: Iphone 5

Nokia deserves some points for making a clean break from the iPhone-knockoff designs. However, there is no pricing information, availability information, the Windows 8 Phone SDK is not out officially which means Windows 8-specific apps are going to be delayed. Plus the video and still shots purportedly from the camera were faked. That doesn't inspire confidence but smacks of desperation.
Re: Iphone 5

Crufty Dusty;892420 said:
Nokia deserves some points for making a clean break from the iPhone-knockoff designs. However, there is no pricing information, availability information, the Windows 8 Phone SDK is not out officially which means Windows 8-specific apps are going to be delayed. Plus the video and still shots purportedly from the camera were faked. That doesn't inspire confidence but smacks of desperation.
i agree no price no / release date within the next few days will really kill them at this point.
Re: Iphone 5

happy...just buy the phone.... use it... don't like it... dump it to used phone dealers...

thats how most people do it anyways.... no biggie.

not happy... dun buy the phone... the world isn't gonna end, and apple stock isn't going to tank to USD 90 / share....
Re: Iphone 5

btw, singtel/m1/starhub lte plan ready liao?
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