Re: Khang Auto
TripleM said:
Well, you can do your homework...isn't that what some people are good at, especially you?
For the same insurance package that is quoted at half the premium vs the others and god knows maybe no health declarations are required etc....
Doesn't this worth raise some questions?
Ok, It's a lot of hindsight talking but it has relevance for future prevention or at least, it gives us a second thought before taking up something similar again.
Now good luck to all those affected, more voices are more powerful to seek recourse.
Homework requires symmetrical information, comparison requires some benchmark - both were impossible in the extended warranty scenario.
kenntona said:
The issue with Khang/TWM is that it was a monopoly of sorts. No one was in the same space to provide for such warranties, both PI new cars and extended warranties for all cars. We will never know the models Khang had used in the TWM policies pricing.
(1) For new car warranties, how do you price the warranties? The answer lies in the margin of the selling price. New car warranties are assumed by AD or PI. For ADs, they have their internal workshops to undertake the repairs. For PIs, they work with their affliliated workshops, example MBM or Boss. The warranty "premium" was priced into the selling price - no way you could compare against. At best, it reverts back to a PI vs AD comparison. But implied in the selling price is a warranty undertaken by the car dealer, not TWM. PIs, in turn, MIGHT (not in every case) hedge that warranty out on a back-to-back basis with TWN, the extended warranty platform of Khang. If your agreement is "2 years warranty against dealer", then what happened to Khang has no impact.
(2) For extended warranty, there was NO competitor to TWN. Against which benchmark could you compare? It raised some eyebrows, sure, but the sheer size of TWM and its distribution network answered some of your queries, no? Some of the workshops listed here were authorised workshops of TWM, and were the distributors of TWM warranty packages. If so many of the workshops are snooked, how could the car owners know how TWM prices its option premiums?
There is NO complete information, since most if not all extended warranties are purchased through the "agents" rather than Khang direct.
There is NO benchmark of comparison, since TWM was the ONLY extended warranty provider. PIs do provide small extended warranty on the used cars they sold, but only on a short timespan. Example 6 mths from point of sale.
TripleM said:
Anything pass warranty period, either live without it or if you want extended at least from the shop that has given you or covered your warranty and the claims before
Assuming I wanted extended warranty, which workshop would I be buying from providing extended warranty, other than Khang via TWM?
Example - PML car, after 3 years, where can the car get extended warranty? Boss? BVO? J4C?
You sure there was an alternative to TWM?
Back to the case of monopoly scenario. After Lehman, we know of this term, counterparty risk. If only Khang is rated by rating agencies.